Editor丨Yu Hui According to news from the Supreme People’s Procuratorate on January 26, Du Zhaocai, a former member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the State Sports General Administration, was suspected of accepting bribes. The case was investigated and conclu

entertainment 6634℃

Editor | Yuhui

According to the Supreme People’s Procuratorate’s news on January 26, Du Zhaocai, a former member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the State Sports General Administration, was suspected of accepting bribes. The investigation was concluded by the National Supervisory Commission and was designated by the Supreme People’s Procuratorate in accordance with the law. Review prosecution.

Recently, the Wuhan Municipal People's Procuratorate has filed a public prosecution with the Wuhan Municipal Intermediate People's Court.

Du Zhaocai was born in March 1960. He is a member of the Communist Party of China and has a master's degree from Illinois Institute of Technology.

Editor丨Yu Hui According to news from the Supreme People’s Procuratorate on January 26, Du Zhaocai, a former member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the State Sports General Administration, was suspected of accepting bribes. The case was investigated and conclu - Lujuba

He once worked in the Liaoning Provincial Sports Bureau. In 2006, he joined the State Sports General Administration as the deputy director of the Hockey Baseball and Softball Sports Management Center. In 2009, he was appointed as the director of the Track and Field Sports Management Center of the State Sports General Administration.

In June 2017, Du Zhaocai served as Assistant Director of the State Sports General Administration, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Olympic Committee, and Secretary of the Party Committee of the Chinese Football Association; a year later, he was promoted to Deputy Director of the State Sports General Administration.

In April 2019, he served as a member of the FIFA Council and Secretary of the Party Committee of the Chinese Football Association; and in August of the same year, he served as Vice Chairman of the Chinese Football Association.

In September 2020, Du Zhaocai became the executive chairman of the 2023 AFC Asian Cup China Organizing Committee; he is also the chairman of the East Asian Football Confederation, with a term of office from 2022 to 2026.

On April 1, 2023, Du Zhaocai was dismissed.

In October 2023, Du Zhaocai was double-blocked.

The report mentioned that Du Zhaocai has lost his ideals and beliefs, deviated from his original intention and mission, failed to perform the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, seriously damaged the political ecology of the football field, resisted organizational censorship, and engaged in superstitious activities;

ignored the spirit of the eight central regulations and accepted gifts in violation of regulations. Gift money, accepting banquets from others in violation of regulations;

does not report personal matters as required, and fails to explain problems truthfully when organizing correspondence;

uses public tools for private use, "relies on sports to eat sports" and "relies on football to eat football", not only wants to be an official but also wants to To make a fortune, engage in power-for-money transactions, take advantage of his position to benefit others in business operations, employee recruitment, etc., and illegally receive huge amounts of property.

On January 9, 2024, the fourth episode of the four-part TV special "Continuous Efforts to Promote in Depth" "Promoting the "Three Non-corruptions" in One Body" was broadcast on CCTV.

feature film reveals the details of a series of corruption cases in the football field, with Du Zhaocai appearing.

Editor丨Yu Hui According to news from the Supreme People’s Procuratorate on January 26, Du Zhaocai, a former member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the State Sports General Administration, was suspected of accepting bribes. The case was investigated and conclu - Lujuba

Du Zhaocai said: " itself has not played a good role as a 'goalkeeper' in the anti-corruption fight in Chinese football. In the 'hunting' of the interests of club owners, it is actually subjective reasons and has not been strictly controlled. Some of them have followed the trend of . "

In 2022, there were clues indicating that some matches of the Chinese League One were suspected of match-fixing and gambling. After receiving the relevant clues, the State Sports General Administration asked Du Zhaocai to take the lead in investigating and handling. However, Du Zhaocai secretly changed the concept and used so-called "research" to deal with it.

Cui Haifei, a second-level inspector of the 16th Review and Investigation Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission, said: "The investigation was changed into a research. No problems were found, and no one was dealt with. It was just an investigation report. He should have led The Party Committee of the Chinese Football Association assumes the main responsibility for the comprehensive and strict governance of the party in Chinese football, but it does not dare to catch or manage the party, which to a certain extent has led to serious corruption problems in the Chinese football field and the deterioration of the industry ecology."

Today, Du Zhaocai is public prosecution.

The prosecutor's office charged:

Du Zhaocai used his position as secretary and director of the party committee of the Track and Field Management Center of the State Sports General Administration, vice chairman and secretary-general of the Chinese Athletics Association, member of the party group, assistant director and deputy director of the State Sports General Administration, secretary of the party committee of the Chinese Football Association, Vice Chairman and other officials sought benefits for others and illegally accepted other people's property for the convenience of their positions. The amount was particularly huge, and they should be held criminally responsible for bribery according to law.

Tags: entertainment