Chao News client reporter Chen Yuhao, directed by the State Administration of Radio and Television, and exclusively sponsored by China Radio and Television, "Together for the Future-2024 China Online Audiovisual Annual Ceremony" will be held at 19:30 on February 3 (the 24th of th

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Chao News Client Reporter Chen Yuhao

"Together for the Future - 2024 China Online Audiovisual Annual Ceremony" directed by the State Administration of Radio and Television and exclusively titled by China Radio and Television will be held at 19:30 on February 3 (the 24th of the twelfth lunar month). It will be broadcast simultaneously on multiple platforms. Based on the success of the previous two editions, this ceremony continues to mobilize the entire industry to share and create, combining the most influential online audio-visual products of the past year with the most infectious stage formats to create literature and art that belongs to the general public. Night, bringing the audience an audio-visual feast full of the flavor of the times, industry characteristics, technical highlights, and youthful expression. With the theme of "Together for the Future", the

Ceremony continues to follow the layout of "One Prologue, Five Chapters" - one prologue, namely "Together with Praise, a New Chapter of the Era"; five major chapters, namely "Together with the Dream, Live Up to the Time" "Together, long history", "Together, building dreams for the future", "Together, oriental spring tide" and "Together, harmonious development of the world".

Chao News client reporter Chen Yuhao, directed by the State Administration of Radio and Television, and exclusively sponsored by China Radio and Television, 'Together for the Future-2024 China Online Audiovisual Annual Ceremony' will be held at 19:30 on February 3 (the 24th of th - Lujuba

Audio-visual language presents the theme of the times

The past year was the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. This grand ceremony closely followed the main line of the theme, focusing on the new era, new ideas and new journeys, exploring topics, using small incisions and multiple The innovative perspective presents the style and vigorous atmosphere of the times in which the whole country continues to struggle and forge ahead, conveys the deep friendship of the Chinese people who have the same origin and blood, and shows the image of a trustworthy, lovely and respectable China and the demeanor of a great country.

"Happy "Childlike Heart"" incorporates the theme of rural revitalization into warm and childlike songs and paintings, vividly showing the public welfare story of rural teachers taking root in the mountains, enlightening children's minds, imparting knowledge and bringing emotional companionship; the documentary " The collaborative song "Pick Up the Light" of "Road to Zero Carbon" shows the call for a green future in the emotional performance of singer ; the song and dance show "Running to the Future" invites the four gold medal winners of the Winter Olympics to take to the rock stage to perform in Jinge The performance of the hot song recalls the glorious moments when athletes won glory for the country; the situation song "Song of Macau" shows people reliving the excitement and emotion of Macau's return 25 years ago in the songs of the younger generation; the situation song "Sand and Sea" is composed by " Starting from the origin of "a grain of sand" and "a drop of water", the video presents the fruitful results achieved since the launch of the major initiative of "One Belt, One Road"; a song "Fellow Travelers" emotionally performs "One Belt, One Road" to connect countries along the way and bring people all over the world A story in which dream chasers all become fellow travelers. Finally, the symphony chorus "Toward Tomorrow" used passionate and majestic music and magnificent images to show people's passion for uniting and striving for progress on the new journey.

Highlights the People’s Struggle with Intense Colors

Looking back in 2023, the online audio-visual industry focuses on the happy life of the people, paying attention to the ordinary and great stories, happy and precious harvests in the world of fireworks. This grand ceremony has always insisted on pointing the camera and microphone at the people, telling the stories of people from all walks of life and all ethnic groups pursuing, building and realizing their dreams with true and simple emotions, and showing the people's happy mood in a warm and uplifting atmosphere. The beautiful vision of having a brilliant life and making dreams come true gathers confidence and strength for a better life.

's situational sketch "Squad Leader Please Come Out" is based on Bao Xin, the party branch secretary and village committee director of Xiayang Village, Anji, Huzhou, Zhejiang, telling the story of four young people who have entered the workplace and looking for entrepreneurial opportunities at a camping party. Through humor, The performance presents the high-spirited fighting spirit of young strivers; the song medley "Stage" shows the dream-chasing journey of young musicians, inspiring contemporary young people to achieve their dreams in life and work hard to shine on the stage of life; the passionate creative performance show "I" "Can" uses real-life fighting, high-altitude rappelling and other creative performances with a sense of passion and power to show the fighting spirit of breaking through limits and challenging oneself.

Affectionate praise conveys the Chinese spirit

Based on the previous two editions, this grand ceremony further continues the Chinese spirit, praises heroes, promotes traditional culture in the online audio-visual space, and deeply demonstrates the endless development of Chinese culture and the self-confidence and self-improvement of Chinese people.

Praising heroes and paying tribute to model figures who have made outstanding contributions in different eras and different fields are the outstanding features and highlights of the previous two festivals.In this grand ceremony, the audio-visual performance show "Going Against the Light" was performed by young actors and members of the Beijing Fire Rescue Corps to pay tribute to the fire heroes who "tempered in the fire and stood up in the face of danger"; aerospace-themed music creation and performance The show "Dialogue Across the Galaxy" allows Qu Yuan, who used to "ask the sky" to meet astronauts, and praises the spirit of space through a cross-time and space dialogue about ancient and modern space dreams.

This grand ceremony also conducted a more in-depth exploration of China’s excellent traditional cultural elements from the aspects of detailed display, artistic presentation and innovative transformation. The situational performance "Foreigners, China Festival" uses seven foreign friends of different skin colors and different nationalities to perform traditional Chinese skewers, using "other perspectives" to show the charm of traditional Chinese culture; the musical melodrama "It's time to return when the east wind blows" as The continuation of the popular micro-short drama "Escape from the British Museum" uses the mouths of anthropomorphic cultural relics to express the ardent expectations of Chinese people for the return of overseas cultural relics; the cross talk "Good Luck in the Year of the Dragon" uses "guessing lantern riddles" as a guide to the "dragon". A vivid explanation of the spiritual symbols and cultural symbols of the Chinese nation.

Youthful and high-spirited, highlighting industry characteristics

The ceremony is an important window that brings together the power of the online audiovisual industry and displays the social image and social responsibility of the entire industry. In this grand ceremony, each platform has used its expertise and best resources to help high-quality products shine with new brilliance in innovative expressions. The immersive visual song medley "Good Songs from the Drama" uses the online variety show of the same name as the carrier to reinterpret the OSTs of three popular dramas, "Under the Stranger", "News Queen" and "Legend of Sword and Fairy"; "Looking Back Again" The classic scenes and character emotions of "The Long Season" are restored in the form of "situational interpretation + songs"; the song "The Strong Wind is Coming", the situational song and dance "A Dream of Peace" and the Chinese-style aesthetic show "Unwavering" are respectively A new audio-visual presentation of the music of popular drama series such as " 西出玉门", "Ning'an Like a Dream", and "Changfeng Du" has been performed.

This grand ceremony further integrates technology into artistic expression, uses new technologies to inspire creative inspiration, enrich cultural connotation, express thoughts and emotions, and highlights the sense of the times and technology where network audio-visual technology and art dance together. The visual speech "Chasing Dreams" immerses the athletes' pursuit of dreams from the perspective of Sapiens Yu Fei; the sitcom "Accompanied by AI" explores the relationship between AI and love, expressing the vision of technology empowering a better life; The creative show "Su Shi Circle" explores the emotional role of AI interaction through the dialogue between AI Su Shi and contemporary college students; the digital human charity show "Secrets Hidden in the Stars" uses the singing voice of digital human Lu Xiaoxi to show support for special groups and caring.

In order to further enhance the attraction of the festival to young audiences, the festival also actively incorporates rich elements that young people love to hear and see, and uses youthful expressions to continuously stimulate the emotional resonance and passion of young people. "Half-Life Snow" innovatively processed the track of the same name that once aroused widespread resonance on the short video platform. It uses clear singing, uniform gesture dance and energetic martial arts performances to show the outstanding style of "Chinese teenagers are brave and never retreat"; "Super" "Time and Space Reunion" uses the form of "time-travel melodrama + song" to pay tribute to the border heroes from a youthful perspective; "Young China" introduces Liang Qichao's classic masterpiece and shows the self-improvement and self-improvement of young people in the new era through elements such as recitation, youth chorus, and gesture dance. Dare to take responsibility, optimistic and uplifting spirit; "Songs of Childhood" uses fast-paced fusion and "collage style" visual effects stage to "re-create" classic children's songs, "plucking" the memory strings of teenagers .

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