The modern idol drama "Long Time Love" starring Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng peaked when it first aired, but its ratings have been falling ever since. The ratings of the latest episode of Kuyun dropped directly to 0.18. Fans chose to ignore the statistics and simply kicked off the

entertainment 1630℃

The modern idol drama "Long Time Love" starring Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng hit its peak when it first aired, but its ratings have been falling ever since. The ratings of the latest episode of Kuyun dropped directly to 0.18. Fans chose to ignore the statistics and simply kicked off the platform.

But the problem is that the performance of this drama on other platforms is not very good, and it was expelled from the top 10 dramas in the ratings. The unsatisfactory results severely dampened Yang Zi's fans who had been proud for a long time.

The modern idol drama 'Long Time Love' starring Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng peaked when it first aired, but its ratings have been falling ever since. The ratings of the latest episode of Kuyun dropped directly to 0.18. Fans chose to ignore the statistics and simply kicked off the  - Lujuba

Star dramas hit the streets one after another, and her ability to handle dramas has been questioned

Yang Zi is now a front-line star born in the 90s, and she has a bloody constitution. The slightest disturbance will attract countless people to the end. This time, the new drama hit the streets is bound to be no exception. In this regard, someone discovered that Yang Zi was bloody in every star drama. From "The Psycho", "Agarwood", " Dragon Ball Legend " and "Mowgli Boy" all fell below 0.1 in front of the TV.

Yang Zi, a top female artist who has just won the title of Weibo Queen for the third time, has become the only artist to have won the Weibo Queen three times. Her usual data appeal is one of the best in the entertainment industry, but for some reason, when she met It reached stardom but lacked stamina. As for fans, they usually claim that they are a great heroine and have first-class ability to carry dramas. This time, this ability has to be questioned by everyone.

The modern idol drama 'Long Time Love' starring Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng peaked when it first aired, but its ratings have been falling ever since. The ratings of the latest episode of Kuyun dropped directly to 0.18. Fans chose to ignore the statistics and simply kicked off the  - Lujuba

Moreover, unlike other young artists, Yang Zi has a national level that they would never imagine compared to many people in the entertainment industry. People all over the country have watched her grow up, and it is not an exaggeration to say this about her. However, even under such circumstances, her face still cannot become an invincible weapon in front of the TV, and even her basic base cannot be preserved, which is strange.

Under normal circumstances, in the eyes of everyone, artists with very national status, such as Sun Li, and Jin Dong, their faces are the golden signs of major TV stations. As long as they are photographed, people will buy them. Even though Yang Zi has a fearsome national reputation, she has repeatedly filmed so many star dramas that hit the streets, and it is inevitable that people will question her ability to carry dramas.

The modern idol drama 'Long Time Love' starring Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng peaked when it first aired, but its ratings have been falling ever since. The ratings of the latest episode of Kuyun dropped directly to 0.18. Fans chose to ignore the statistics and simply kicked off the  - Lujuba

Someone even said a metaphysics, saying that Yang Zi can only be prosperous with two characters, but not three characters. In other words, she can be popular with Li Xian, Deng Wei, and Xiao Zhan, but as soon as her co-stars become Jing Boran, Fan Chengcheng, and Ma Tianyu, Yang Zi's physique as a popular actor suddenly stops working. Of course, this metaphysics is just a joke by boring netizens and does not have much reference significance. The actual problem is not who can carry the drama or not. An actor must rely on other factors to support him.

The plot is too flat and difficult to get into the drama. There is no spark in the cp drama.

Speaking of "Long Time Love", the editing and entry points are actually very subtle and creative. The series adopts a dual time and space narrative. The 18-year-old and 30-year-old members of the Space City Six use montage to repeatedly intersperse their narrations. On the one hand, I miss the past and let everyone see the carefree and carefree years of my relaxed youth, while on the other hand, I am suffering from the pressure of being a 30-year-old adult in the city. This is one of the highlights of the entire drama. According to the novel, there is absolutely nothing wrong with filming the drama this way, and it can be seen that the director used his own ingenuity. In addition, paired with Stefanie Sun and BGM, it not only fits the heroine's love for Stefanie Sun in the plot, but also just serves as a foil to the plot. These are all impeccable.

The modern idol drama 'Long Time Love' starring Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng peaked when it first aired, but its ratings have been falling ever since. The ratings of the latest episode of Kuyun dropped directly to 0.18. Fans chose to ignore the statistics and simply kicked off the  - Lujuba

The problem is that the whole plot is too bland and has no twists and turns. This is the real fatal part. In many places, many scenes are not so smooth and natural. It seems that it should be arranged here but deliberately arranged here. The rhythm is too slow. At the same time, it cannot bring anyone any sense of healing. If this were put on an online platform, double speed would be fine for everyone, but obviously it wouldn't be enough if it were placed during prime time when time is at stake.

The modern idol drama 'Long Time Love' starring Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng peaked when it first aired, but its ratings have been falling ever since. The ratings of the latest episode of Kuyun dropped directly to 0.18. Fans chose to ignore the statistics and simply kicked off the  - Lujuba

The plot is too flat, which further leads to the lack of sense of cp between Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng. There is no spark between the two, and the audience cannot capture the feeling that the two are a natural match.

At the same time, the opponents were very strong and now there is a threshold.

At the same time as the drama was aired, CCTV 8 aired the drama "If Running Is My Life". This drama was not to mention a comparison of other dramas. During the siege, even the CCTV broadcast of "The Great Rivers of Time Cantabile" was pinned to the ground and beaten. The Dacheng drama, which combines mistresses, co-wives, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and East Asian mothers and daughters, has always been a prime-time hit, and other dramas certainly cannot match it.

The modern idol drama 'Long Time Love' starring Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng peaked when it first aired, but its ratings have been falling ever since. The ratings of the latest episode of Kuyun dropped directly to 0.18. Fans chose to ignore the statistics and simply kicked off the  - Lujuba

On the other hand, this drama is a current one, so it is already at a disadvantage. Because our country has always seemed to have a shortcoming in modern dramas. In 2023, several modern puppet dramas starring top-class actors were broadcast non-stop, and they all failed. None of Gong Jun, Wang Hedi, and Luo Yunxi made it to the top. In itself, contemporary puppet dramas are difficult to shoot. It is difficult to satisfy the audience's fantasy while being grounded in our real lives. As a result, the threshold is high and it is difficult to produce blockbusters. "Long Time Love", which has a very mediocre plot, has no advantages at all.

Tags: entertainment