A literary live broadcast went viral - recently, Shi Zhanjun, editor-in-chief of People's Literature magazine, and writers Liang Xiaosheng and Cai Chongda walked into the live broadcast room to talk about literary love with Dong Yuhui. The two-hour live broadcast attracted more t

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A literary live broadcast went viral - recently, Shi Zhanjun, editor-in-chief of People's Literature magazine, and writers Liang Xiaosheng and Cai Chongda walked into the live broadcast room to talk about literary love with Dong Yuhui. The two-hour live broadcast attracted more t - Lujuba

A literary live broadcast has gone viral - recently, Shi Zhanjun, editor-in-chief of "People's Literature" magazine, and writers Liang Xiaosheng and Cai Chongda walked into the live broadcast room to talk about literary love with Dong Yuhui.

’s two-hour live broadcast attracted more than 8.95 million views. The subscription link for 12 volumes of "People's Literature" for the whole year of 2024 was posted in the live broadcast room. Within 4 hours after the broadcast, more than 80,000 copies of nearly one million copies were sold, with a transaction value of nearly 18 million yuan. In the past two days, there are still users placing orders one after another, with sales approaching 100,000 sets.

This is the first time that "People's Literature" magazine has entered the live broadcast room of a leading anchor. It is almost an "impossible task" to rely on traditional subscriptions. It only took a few hours to overfulfill the quota on the new track. Groups of amazing The industry is excited by the numbers.

However, calm down and think about this iconic event of traditional and long-established literary publications joining forces to live broadcast online - are the people placing orders for the anchor, or for the literature itself? In the new media era, how can literature find more potential readers without forming path dependence?

Old-line magazines “search for relatives” online to reach more potential readers

Currently, all kinds of literary publications are facing the dilemma of “disappearing subscribers”. Literature needs to find “strange relatives who love and know each other” from the vast sea of ​​people. No wonder Shi Zhanjun, the editor-in-chief of "People's Literature", described this live broadcast as a "family search" - "I hope this literary magazine, which has grown up with the Republic, can meet more young people face to face and find more readers and friends."

html The storm of 2075 At the same time, "People's Literature" launched the literary careers of a number of writers and witnessed their highlight moments. In recent years, it has also launched a new column "People's Review" to extract comments from netizens after reading. "Sometimes we feel as if we can no longer find our friends from the past. But readers' reading feedback is an important incentive and guidance for writers and editors behind the scenes." Shi Zhanjun believes that in order for new era literature to actively integrate into the modern communication landscape, " The examination and attention of "marker" means that only by always being with the readers can it have a longer and more vigorous vitality.

A literary live broadcast went viral - recently, Shi Zhanjun, editor-in-chief of People's Literature magazine, and writers Liang Xiaosheng and Cai Chongda walked into the live broadcast room to talk about literary love with Dong Yuhui. The two-hour live broadcast attracted more t - Lujuba

The head live broadcast room is undoubtedly a traffic pool to expand the volume. Many netizens wrote in the comment area: "Old magazines have entered popular live broadcast rooms, and pure literary journals have joined hands with well-known anchors to go both ways!" "Good content is a necessity, but wine is also afraid of deep alleys. I look forward to other literature "Publications are also keeping up"... Some netizens talked about the heartwarming details of the interaction between Liang Xiaosheng and Dong Yuhui. The heat was like ripples of living water, lasting for several days.

A magazine or a good book is not a single product, but contains the value of knowledge and humanistic feelings. "In our youth, we gathered together in the name of literature, laughing and chatting. Later, we all felt the grace of literature, and our lives were illuminated." Dong Yuhui's summary expressed the sentiments of many netizens.

Liang Xiaosheng made an analogy: Writers are like bees or butterflies gathering nectar, spreading the nectar of literature to more people. "This is the endless vitality of literature students."

In recent years, it is no longer new for writers and scholars to enter live broadcast rooms to sell books, and the ecological pattern of literary consumption is being reshaped. New media opens a new window for literary communication, with a more network-like attitude and contagious narration, attracting more people to feel the warmth and depth of the literary world.

Recently, writer Chi Zijian's novel "The Right Bank of the Ergun River" has become popular again, and it is inseparable from the boost of live broadcast to a certain extent. Recommended by the anchor, the book sold a total of 710,000 copies within 4 months, which is equivalent to the total sales of the novel in the 17 years since its first publication in 2005. A few days ago, Chi Zijian's new work "Collection of Northeastern Stories" was launched, with an additional 100,000 copies printed on the first day.

Rebuilding the relationship between literature and public life cannot rely on just one anchor.

Faced with the new method, writers and publishers have mixed emotions. On the one hand, they are happy that the live broadcast room has expanded the literary audience base and made spiritual products more convenient. On the other hand, it will inevitably give rise to "traffic anxiety". Will the "sales carnival" that relies too much on the top live broadcast room be just a flash in the pan of "the first show is the peak"?

Some netizens even sharply pointed out that "Dong Yuhui sold a lot of "People's Literature", which is not a victory for literature."Some people also issued "soul torture" - is this the result of celebrity effect + live broadcast traffic, or is it the charm of literature itself? Many senior editors of

expressed similar views: To rebuild the relationship between literature and public life, we cannot rely solely on one anchor or heavily bind a certain live broadcast room.

Indeed, literature needs to be seen. The greater revelation brought by this live broadcast is that the new era is vast and full of infinite vitality. Literature is not absent, it is still present, it still retains abundant vitality and has a broad audience. In an era of rapid change, traditional journals must adopt the open attitude of "Literature +" to explore more sustainable paths, use Internet thinking to increase exposure, find more golden ideas that turn on users' "emotional switches", and let literature Deeply interact with the public, deeply connect with social life, and resonate with the readers.

According to Zhang Li, a critic and professor at Beijing Normal University, live streaming gives literature greater visibility. "Nowadays, the public's reading tastes are becoming increasingly diverse. Internet technology has given rise to innovations in literary communication mechanisms, but the vitality of literature and art always comes from high-quality, long-lasting content itself. Only when the works can withstand reading can the promotion of anchors become more Credible." Therefore, the breakthrough of this joint venture lies not only in the number of magazines sold and the amount of transactions, but also in the fact that it made more people aware of the existence of "People's Literature" and popularized a literary concept - —Good works need to be savored slowly and are worth waiting for.

High-quality content is always a scarce resource. "In fact, readers of literature have always been there. The key lies in how to find, meet, and reunite." Netizens reached a tacit consensus in their comments - the river of literature flows through all lands and through thousands of people touched by words. A person who touches the heart. If we say that readers are like waves in a river, one wave is always eager to meet another wave. I look forward to writers continuing to work hard in the hot land of life, so that more good works will be on their way.

Author: Xu Yang

Text: Xu Yang Picture: Platform Editor: Jiang Fang Editor: Li Ting

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