The movie "Wumeng Romance" written by Li Run, produced by Laixi, directed by Zhou Dexin, and starring Laixi, Xiong Yuting, You Xianchao, Wu Qing, and Li Jiaming has released its final trailer. The final trailer revolves around an official bank robbery that occurred in Wumeng Moun

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The movie "The Romance of Wumeng" released the ultimate trailer, Laixi travels through time and space to perform evil and does not suppress the good Duration: 01:49 Source: Movie Network

The movie "The Romance of Wumeng" released the ultimate trailer, Laixi Shuttle Time and Space Interpretation of Evil Does Not Suppress Good Close

Duration: 01:49 It is recommended to open it under WIFI

1905 Movie News Written by Li Run, produced by Laixi, directed by Zhou Dexin, starring Laixi, Xiong Yuting, You Xiancao, Wu Qing, Li Jiaming ’s movie "Wumeng Qiyuan" released the final trailer. The final trailer revolves around a robbery of official banknotes in Wumeng Mountain, embedding comedy and time-travel elements into the foggy investigation process. Through the perspective of modern man Meng Yuan, it outlines the story of a small character in ancient political disputes who was forced to get involved in a strong contest between good and evil to save the people and grow up, and explore justice and a pure way of life in the collision of jokes.

The movie 'Wumeng Romance' written by Li Run, produced by Laixi, directed by Zhou Dexin, and starring Laixi, Xiong Yuting, You Xianchao, Wu Qing, and Li Jiaming has released its final trailer. The final trailer revolves around an official bank robbery that occurred in Wumeng Moun - Lujuba

The movie "Wumeng Romance" tells the story of Meng Yuan, a mining worker who accidentally traveled to ancient times and was involved in the robbery of Guan Yin. As a result, he met the brother and sister Li Xiaoyu who escorted Guan Yin. Together, they went through various tests among the people, rivers and lakes, and temples. A tempering story. The final trailer exposed this time turns the focus to the suspenseful nature of the story, using a brisk rhythm to describe the battle between good and evil triggered by the robbery of Guan Yin. The trailer opens with a scene of modern-day Meng Yuan using a flashlight to survey Wumeng Cave. It is known from the lines that he seems to be looking for the secret behind the treasure map. After the strong light passed, a sudden time travel came to Meng Yuan. After time traveling, Meng Yuan was also passive and accidentally became the only witness at the scene of a robbery of official banknotes in Dahan Dynasty. Under the pressure of Li Xiaofeng and Li Xiaoyu, the brothers and sisters responsible for escorting Guan Yin, Meng Yuan finally decided to help them solve the case. As a modern person with a golden finger in the Great Han Dynasty, Meng Yuan always provides clues and directions to his teammates who are deep in mysteries in a timely and direct manner. He also often uses his professional knowledge and skills to turn the situation around. However, what Meng Yuan has to face is not only the few thieves in front of him, but also a larger force behind the thieves. With the intervention of the court, the assistance of experts, and the support of the people at the bottom...can Meng Yuan find the lost official silver? Is the outcome of the case related to the secret behind the treasure map in the opening chapter? In the trailer of

The movie 'Wumeng Romance' written by Li Run, produced by Laixi, directed by Zhou Dexin, and starring Laixi, Xiong Yuting, You Xianchao, Wu Qing, and Li Jiaming has released its final trailer. The final trailer revolves around an official bank robbery that occurred in Wumeng Moun - Lujuba

The movie 'Wumeng Romance' written by Li Run, produced by Laixi, directed by Zhou Dexin, and starring Laixi, Xiong Yuting, You Xianchao, Wu Qing, and Li Jiaming has released its final trailer. The final trailer revolves around an official bank robbery that occurred in Wumeng Moun - Lujuba

, the dialogue between modern and ancient people is full of laughter, with a strong sense of the intersection of ancient and modern cultures. In the process of handling one crisis after another, the audience can discover that there are many righteous people and people with pure hearts from ancient times to the present, such as Meng Yuan, a modern man who helped the ancients develop the economy, and the Li brothers and sisters who came from a famous family and wanted to realize their self-worth. , the minister Sang Yang who lamented the hardships of the people's livelihood, these characters formed the beings that promoted the development of history. As popular culture becomes more and more popular, aesthetic needs are becoming more and more complex. Audiences who go to the cinema are paying more and more attention to new movies that connect stories with personal experiences. They need more and more empathetic emotional experiences and movies that can provide emotions. value. As a costume fantasy comedy movie, the movie "Wumeng Romance" organically combines comedy + suspense + fantasy + costume and other composite genre elements, allowing the audience to explore the truth of the case and enjoy brain surfing in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

The movie 'Wumeng Romance' written by Li Run, produced by Laixi, directed by Zhou Dexin, and starring Laixi, Xiong Yuting, You Xianchao, Wu Qing, and Li Jiaming has released its final trailer. The final trailer revolves around an official bank robbery that occurred in Wumeng Moun - Lujuba

The movie "Wumeng Romance" will be released in theaters nationwide on January 31, 2024.

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