Dear readers, are you reading "Long Time Love"? This drama has just started airing, but its reputation has been polarized. As the plot was updated, netizens discovered that Sun Li's sister actually appeared in "Long Time Love". Although the resources are really good, netizens fel

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Dear readers, are you watching "Long Time Love"? This drama has just started airing, but its reputation has been polarized. As the plot was updated, netizens discovered that Sun Li 's sister actually appeared in "Long Time Love". Although the resources are really good, netizens felt it was a pity. HH?

Dear readers, are you reading 'Long Time Love'? This drama has just started airing, but its reputation has been polarized. As the plot was updated, netizens discovered that Sun Li's sister actually appeared in 'Long Time Love'. Although the resources are really good, netizens fel - Lujuba

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"Love for a Long Time" is Yang Zi and Fan Chengcheng A youth inspirational drama starring . After the drama was aired, some netizens said: Seeing the interaction between Huang Yingzi, Jiang Yi and others, this is what youth is really like. Another group of netizens said: The plot of this drama is too bland and should be It’s hard to become a hit drama.

Dear readers, are you reading 'Long Time Love'? This drama has just started airing, but its reputation has been polarized. As the plot was updated, netizens discovered that Sun Li's sister actually appeared in 'Long Time Love'. Although the resources are really good, netizens fel - Lujuba

Most of the viewers are following Yang Zi and choose to follow "Long Time Love". Everyone is paying attention to the data of this drama and want to see if Yang Zi can once again be a hit drama after " Sauvignon Blanc ". After seeing the situation of this drama, many netizens said that it is a bit like "Sunshine With Me", which is better than the previous one. Compared with the TV series broadcast at the same time, the data of this drama are very eye-catching, but Compared with the data of TV series starring Yang Zi, it is indeed not ideal.

Dear readers, are you reading 'Long Time Love'? This drama has just started airing, but its reputation has been polarized. As the plot was updated, netizens discovered that Sun Li's sister actually appeared in 'Long Time Love'. Although the resources are really good, netizens fel - Lujuba

In this drama, we can see many familiar actors, but in addition to the familiar actors, there are also some actors who have attracted attention. For example: Netizens discovered that Sun Li’s sister actually appeared in "Long Time Love", Sun Li’s The younger sister's name is Sun Yan. In this drama, she plays the role of "Song Ke".

Dear readers, are you reading 'Long Time Love'? This drama has just started airing, but its reputation has been polarized. As the plot was updated, netizens discovered that Sun Li's sister actually appeared in 'Long Time Love'. Although the resources are really good, netizens fel - Lujuba

Huang Yingzi realized her dream and became a reporter, but she did not become the reporter she imagined because she encountered one thing after another involuntarily at work. When applying for topic selection, Huang Yingzi’s colleague Song Ke Huang Yingzi offered to help her organize the materials. She was very grateful for Song Ke's help. But what she didn't expect was that her topic selection was taken away by Song Ke.

Dear readers, are you reading 'Long Time Love'? This drama has just started airing, but its reputation has been polarized. As the plot was updated, netizens discovered that Sun Li's sister actually appeared in 'Long Time Love'. Although the resources are really good, netizens fel - Lujuba

When the incident happened, Song Kejing brought coffee to Huang Yingzi, and Huang Yingzi directly said: "Through this incident, you got the opportunity to publish, and I also got an unexpected gain, at least it allowed me to understand you better. ."

Seeing that Song Ke took away Huang Yingzi's topic selection, many netizens said: This matter will never end here, because Huang Yingzi will definitely get back a round, which means that the two of them will have rival scenes later.

Dear readers, are you reading 'Long Time Love'? This drama has just started airing, but its reputation has been polarized. As the plot was updated, netizens discovered that Sun Li's sister actually appeared in 'Long Time Love'. Although the resources are really good, netizens fel - Lujuba

When the audience learned that Song Ke was played by Sun Li's sister, some netizens said: She seemed to lack some recognition. Then, netizens took out stills of Sun Li's early years to compare with Sun Yan. When Sun Li was 23 years old When filming " Happiness is Like a Flower ", Sun Yan starred in "Long Time Love" at the age of 22. Judging from her status, the 22-year-old Sun Yan is indeed not as good as Sun Li, but it is undeniable that Sun Yan's resources are really great. It's good because I can get a role in a TV series that has its own popularity.

Dear readers, are you reading 'Long Time Love'? This drama has just started airing, but its reputation has been polarized. As the plot was updated, netizens discovered that Sun Li's sister actually appeared in 'Long Time Love'. Although the resources are really good, netizens fel - Lujuba

Seeing Sun Li's sister starring in "Long Time Love", many viewers also mentioned the children of celebrity families, such as the 2023 hit drama "Crazy". In this drama, Wu Gang's son played the role of "Gao Xiaochen", the son of sister-in-law Chen Shuting. ", but caused heated discussion, because many netizens believed that the sister-in-law's son should not be like this.

Dear readers, are you reading 'Long Time Love'? This drama has just started airing, but its reputation has been polarized. As the plot was updated, netizens discovered that Sun Li's sister actually appeared in 'Long Time Love'. Although the resources are really good, netizens fel - Lujuba

When "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Homes" was aired, the actor who played He Xuxun in the play also attracted attention because she was Zhang Kaili's daughter. He Xuxun relied on her own efforts to become a lawyer, but when she discovered that she could not gain her own rights through hard work alone. When she wanted something, she started to go astray, but fortunately she finally realized her mistake.

Dear readers, are you reading 'Long Time Love'? This drama has just started airing, but its reputation has been polarized. As the plot was updated, netizens discovered that Sun Li's sister actually appeared in 'Long Time Love'. Although the resources are really good, netizens fel - Lujuba

When the children or family members of celebrities appear in a certain TV series, they will gain attention. If they perform well, they will definitely get extra points, but if they perform poorly, they will get more complaints. Dear readers, please follow the TV series. During the process, did you discover that the actress who plays Song Ke is Sun Li’s sister? Do you think her performance was good?

Tags: entertainment