Author|Anli Editor|Xiang Wanwan's first hit film in seven years, "Love Around the Corner" starring the famous actress Jiang Wenli was shocked to receive 1 star from the screen and hit the streets. What shocked the audience was that 56-year-old Jiang Wenli actually had a sweet sis

entertainment 7934℃

author | Anli

editor | Xiang Wanwan

's first release after 7 years, "Love Around the Corner" starring the famous actress Jiang Wenli was shocked to receive full screen 1 star , and it hit the street.

What shocked the audience was that 56-year-old Jiang Wenli actually had a sweet sister-brother relationship with her idol, Mingdao, who was more than ten years apart.

Author|Anli Editor|Xiang Wanwan's first hit film in seven years, 'Love Around the Corner' starring the famous actress Jiang Wenli was shocked to receive 1 star from the screen and hit the streets. What shocked the audience was that 56-year-old Jiang Wenli actually had a sweet sis - Lujuba

For a while, "Aunt Ximen" sparked heated discussion again.

Jiang Wenli has always been courageous in acting and has won numerous awards in her acting career.

But what is more talked about is her "violent" character and her 30-year battle to defend her marriage.

Author|Anli Editor|Xiang Wanwan's first hit film in seven years, 'Love Around the Corner' starring the famous actress Jiang Wenli was shocked to receive 1 star from the screen and hit the streets. What shocked the audience was that 56-year-old Jiang Wenli actually had a sweet sis - Lujuba1

New drama Waterloo: The queen of film and television is so annoying that netizens say she can’t afford to hurt her.

In the film and television industry, some people have acted in their entire lives without winning any awards.

Some people are just happy that God will reward them with food, and winning awards is a common occurrence. Jiang Wenli belongs to the latter group.

In the 34 years since her acting career, Jiang Wenli has appeared in more than 20 films and won 14 film awards.

The best actresses of Huabiao, Golden Rooster and Golden Horse are all in the bag, as well as the best actresses of international film festivals.

Author|Anli Editor|Xiang Wanwan's first hit film in seven years, 'Love Around the Corner' starring the famous actress Jiang Wenli was shocked to receive 1 star from the screen and hit the streets. What shocked the audience was that 56-year-old Jiang Wenli actually had a sweet sis - Lujuba

TV dramas have achieved even greater success, starring in more than 30 TV series and winning 18 TV awards, including Feitian, Golden Eagle and Magnolia.

From her first appearance on the screen in 1989 to the present, Jiang Wenli's acting career has been in full bloom. Every time she appears at major film and television award ceremonies, she is a dazzling presence.

Author|Anli Editor|Xiang Wanwan's first hit film in seven years, 'Love Around the Corner' starring the famous actress Jiang Wenli was shocked to receive 1 star from the screen and hit the streets. What shocked the audience was that 56-year-old Jiang Wenli actually had a sweet sis - Lujuba

After 2019, Jiang Wenli slowed down and gradually faded out of the audience's sight.

Unexpectedly, "Love at the Corner", which will be broadcast in 2023, will once again shock netizens with Jiang Wenli.

This old work, which was filmed 7 years ago, aroused ridicule as soon as it was released.

htmlJiang Wenli, who is nearly 50 years old in 2000, plays the role of the 30-year-old heroine in the drama, who has a close relationship with the idol drama star Ming Dao.

Author|Anli Editor|Xiang Wanwan's first hit film in seven years, 'Love Around the Corner' starring the famous actress Jiang Wenli was shocked to receive 1 star from the screen and hit the streets. What shocked the audience was that 56-year-old Jiang Wenli actually had a sweet sis - Lujuba

In the play, she even called the actor, who was actually only a few years older than her, mother, which made vulnerable netizens say it was too irritating and could not be hurt.

's incredible lineup has inspired netizens' whimsical thoughts, and the various comments are simply more exciting than the plot.

Some netizens jokingly said that the short-haired and muscular Jiang Wenli and Ming Dao are in the same frame. They lack the opposite-sex charm that a sibling relationship should have, and instead look like Haier brothers.

Author|Anli Editor|Xiang Wanwan's first hit film in seven years, 'Love Around the Corner' starring the famous actress Jiang Wenli was shocked to receive 1 star from the screen and hit the streets. What shocked the audience was that 56-year-old Jiang Wenli actually had a sweet sis - Lujuba

Moreover, it is the first time I see the male and female protagonists in love with the same hairstyle, which is amazing.

Some netizens were very curious, wondering how Ming Dao could bear to play a couple with Aunt Jiang Wenli.

They began to speculate that they might have mistakenly thought it was Ma Sichun when signing the contract, but it was actually Ma Sichun's aunt Jiang Wenli.

Author|Anli Editor|Xiang Wanwan's first hit film in seven years, 'Love Around the Corner' starring the famous actress Jiang Wenli was shocked to receive 1 star from the screen and hit the streets. What shocked the audience was that 56-year-old Jiang Wenli actually had a sweet sis - Lujuba

Some netizens recalled Chen Daoming, who played husband and wife with Jiang Wenli in "Chinese Divorce". Netizens "kindly" reminded Jiang Wenli that the one who suits her is not Ming Dao, but Dao Ming.

I guess veteran drama star Chen Daoming also didn’t expect that he would actually be on the receiving end of the gun.

Author|Anli Editor|Xiang Wanwan's first hit film in seven years, 'Love Around the Corner' starring the famous actress Jiang Wenli was shocked to receive 1 star from the screen and hit the streets. What shocked the audience was that 56-year-old Jiang Wenli actually had a sweet sis - Lujuba

Although netizens have different opinions and complain about their imagination, Jiang Wenli is very calm.

The reason why she took the role was very simple. This was a role that was a breakthrough for herself, and she wanted to try it.

Some netizens summed up Jiang Wenli in one word: Dare!

However, it is this "dare" spirit that allowed Jiang Wenli to step from a female water factory worker in a small town on the Huaihe River to the best actress podium, and write one gorgeous chapter after another.

Author|Anli Editor|Xiang Wanwan's first hit film in seven years, 'Love Around the Corner' starring the famous actress Jiang Wenli was shocked to receive 1 star from the screen and hit the streets. What shocked the audience was that 56-year-old Jiang Wenli actually had a sweet sis - Lujuba2

Brave pursuit of dreams: From a female waterworks worker to a gorgeous transformation as a movie queen

Jiang Wenli was born in Bengbu, a small town on the Huaihe River. Because she has two older sisters, her grandparents who were eager to have a grandchild had high hopes for her before she was born.

However, her arrival only made the family sigh again.

Author|Anli Editor|Xiang Wanwan's first hit film in seven years, 'Love Around the Corner' starring the famous actress Jiang Wenli was shocked to receive 1 star from the screen and hit the streets. What shocked the audience was that 56-year-old Jiang Wenli actually had a sweet sis - Lujuba

Due to the dislike of her grandparents, and her parents’ inability to take care of several children, Jiang Wenli has lived with her grandfather since she was a child.

When Jiang Wenli was born, her grandfather was already 81 years old.

Contrary to the indifference of grandparents, grandpa loved Jiang Wenli very much, even doting on her, but if Jiang Wenli made a mistake, she would inevitably be punished.

Author|Anli Editor|Xiang Wanwan's first hit film in seven years, 'Love Around the Corner' starring the famous actress Jiang Wenli was shocked to receive 1 star from the screen and hit the streets. What shocked the audience was that 56-year-old Jiang Wenli actually had a sweet sis - Lujuba

Grandpa’s love and lenient and strict education left a deep imprint on Jiang Wenli’s heart during her childhood.

Jiang Wenli once lied to her grandfather. When her grandfather found out, he did not condone it. Instead, he took out a big ruler and punished her severely, making her admit her mistake in tears.

Her elderly grandfather fell ill, and Jiang Wenli was filled with worries, but her grandfather openly told her that she was not afraid of death because, no matter life or death, both sides were relatives.

Grandpa's characteristics of clear love and hate and strong personality had a profound impact on Jiang Wenli's character shaping.

Author|Anli Editor|Xiang Wanwan's first hit film in seven years, 'Love Around the Corner' starring the famous actress Jiang Wenli was shocked to receive 1 star from the screen and hit the streets. What shocked the audience was that 56-year-old Jiang Wenli actually had a sweet sis - Lujuba

When she was 12 years old, her grandfather passed away, and Jiang Wenli returned to her parents.

When she was in high school, Jiang Wenli was particularly eager to get out of Bengbu, a small town where she had lived for more than ten years.

She has practiced dance and gymnastics, and has a vague yearning for the future. This is not a place for dreams. She wants to see the outside world.

Author|Anli Editor|Xiang Wanwan's first hit film in seven years, 'Love Around the Corner' starring the famous actress Jiang Wenli was shocked to receive 1 star from the screen and hit the streets. What shocked the audience was that 56-year-old Jiang Wenli actually had a sweet sis - Lujuba

Unfortunately, her college entrance examination results were not ideal, so Jiang Wenli had no choice but to attend a water conservancy school. After graduation, she was assigned to work as a worker in a water plant.

However, dreams will only be suppressed, but never disappear.

In 1988, Jiang Wenli resolutely gave up her stable job, left her hometown, and went to Beijing to pursue her dream of being an actress because of the encouragement from someone else, "Your performance is not bad."

Author|Anli Editor|Xiang Wanwan's first hit film in seven years, 'Love Around the Corner' starring the famous actress Jiang Wenli was shocked to receive 1 star from the screen and hit the streets. What shocked the audience was that 56-year-old Jiang Wenli actually had a sweet sis - Lujuba

Jiang Wenli bravely walked into the examination room of Beijing Film Academy. Her acting talent impressed the examiner, and she finally passed the exam and was admitted to Beijing Film Academy.

In 1989, Jiang Wenli, who had just entered school for one year, won the Feitian Award for Best Supporting Actress nomination for her superb acting skills in her TV debut "Cliff Lily", thus officially launching her brilliant acting career.

Author|Anli Editor|Xiang Wanwan's first hit film in seven years, 'Love Around the Corner' starring the famous actress Jiang Wenli was shocked to receive 1 star from the screen and hit the streets. What shocked the audience was that 56-year-old Jiang Wenli actually had a sweet sis - Lujuba

The characters she portrays are changeable. Whether they are tender women or strong and decisive women, she can control them with ease.

Jiang Wenli played the emotionally out-of-control Lin Xiaofeng in "Chinese Divorce", the emotional Tan Ailin in "I Want to Fall in Love", and the willful Wen Li in "Golden Wedding".

Although her performance is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the paranoid qualities displayed by these characters are not very popular with audiences.

Author|Anli Editor|Xiang Wanwan's first hit film in seven years, 'Love Around the Corner' starring the famous actress Jiang Wenli was shocked to receive 1 star from the screen and hit the streets. What shocked the audience was that 56-year-old Jiang Wenli actually had a sweet sis - Lujuba

But Jiang Wenli deliberately chose this kind of paranoid role to play.

She especially likes characters who are a little extreme, a little bad, a little flawed and flawed, because such roles are more challenging and more enjoyable to play.

Jiang Wenli even dared to "destroy her image" for the role she liked.

Author|Anli Editor|Xiang Wanwan's first hit film in seven years, 'Love Around the Corner' starring the famous actress Jiang Wenli was shocked to receive 1 star from the screen and hit the streets. What shocked the audience was that 56-year-old Jiang Wenli actually had a sweet sis - Lujuba

In 2007, Jiang Wenli played the heroine for the first time in the movie "The Beginning of Spring" directed by Gu Changwei. In the movie, she was bloated, with a face full of freckles and buck teeth.

In order to truly interpret the character, Jiang Wenli resolutely gained 30 pounds, wore braces with buck teeth, and had yellow spots on her face, so much so that she herself was disgusted by the ugly look.

The bold Jiang Wenli also appeared half-naked in the film, showing off her plump figure after gaining weight.

Some people said that when she played Wang Cailing in "The Beginning of Spring", she was particularly daring to destroy herself; but she said that for the role she dreamed of, it was nothing to change herself and gain 30 pounds. Looking back at it later, she felt that she had gained less at that time.

Although in "The Beginning of Spring", Wang Cailing's bumpy artistic path is lamentable, but in reality, Jiang Wenli swept the film industry with her superb acting skills in "The Beginning of Spring" and won the Best Actress Award at four heavyweight film festivals. Awards.

’s courageous character gives Jiang Wenli unlimited possibilities.

When she was 44 years old, she once predicted that even when she is 60 years old, she can still act like a 30-year-old and act like the fairy that everyone calls her.

Jiang Wenli did what she said, and she really challenged herself after many years.

Although various complaints became popular after the broadcast of "Love at the Corner", for Jiang Wenli, she no longer needs to prove her acting skills.

can act whatever she wants, no matter what others think, this is her domineering and free spirit.

Jiang Wenli's acting career is exciting, and her love life is equally colorful.

Author|Anli Editor|Xiang Wanwan's first hit film in seven years, 'Love Around the Corner' starring the famous actress Jiang Wenli was shocked to receive 1 star from the screen and hit the streets. What shocked the audience was that 56-year-old Jiang Wenli actually had a sweet sis - Lujuba3

Sticking to love: twists and turns in love, turning into an iron lady after marriage

In 1988, Jiang Wenli was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy, even in Nortel, where there are many beauties.

She was also a "school beauty" and naturally attracted the attention of many boys, including her later first love boyfriend Wang Quanan.

Wang Quanan fell in love with Jiang Wenli at first sight. Although he already had a girlfriend at the time, he decisively broke up with her in order to pursue the goddess in his heart.

Jiang Wenli, who had just entered school, quickly received her first role in her acting career, starring as the girl Shui Xiu in "Li Li Yuan Shang Cao".

After hearing the news, Wang Quanan racked his brains and got himself a role in the play, thus getting close to Jiang Wenli.

Author|Anli Editor|Xiang Wanwan's first hit film in seven years, 'Love Around the Corner' starring the famous actress Jiang Wenli was shocked to receive 1 star from the screen and hit the streets. What shocked the audience was that 56-year-old Jiang Wenli actually had a sweet sis - Lujuba

Wang Quanan was young and handsome at that time, completely different from his current middle-aged and fat image. Under his crazy pursuit, Jiang Wenli was finally "captured" and soon fell in love.

In everyone's eyes, they are the golden boys and girls, and they are the envy of others. The relationship between the two developed rapidly, and Wang Quanan even took Jiang Wenli to meet her parents.

However, this seemingly smooth relationship did not come naturally. Because of the appearance of another man, this relationship was cut off.

This man is the plain-looking Gu Changwei.

Author|Anli Editor|Xiang Wanwan's first hit film in seven years, 'Love Around the Corner' starring the famous actress Jiang Wenli was shocked to receive 1 star from the screen and hit the streets. What shocked the audience was that 56-year-old Jiang Wenli actually had a sweet sis - Lujuba

Gu Changwei, who stands inconspicuously in the crowd, is a dazzling presence in the photography industry.

He is so talented that in 1988 he won the "Golden Rooster Award for Best Cinematography" for his professional photography in Chen Kaige's film "The King of Children" and Zhang Yimou's film "Red Sorghum".

In 1989, Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige organized a birthday party for Gu Changwei at Beijing Film Academy, and Jiang Wenli was among the invitees.

It was this meeting that made Gu Changwei fall in love with Jiang Wenli at first sight. Even though he learned that Jiang Wenli was already married, Gu Changwei still pursued her without hesitation.

Although Jiang Wenli politely rejected Gu Changwei at that time, Wang Quanan's carefully guarded relationship seemed like a cracked eggshell, which often made him upset.

The two also began to quarrel frequently, and they often broke up.

Later, Wang Quanan graduated and returned to his hometown of Xi'an, and his long-distance relationship with Jiang Wenli also became turbulent.

At that time, Gu Changwei identified Jiang Wenli. Not only did he pursue her persistently, but he also became more courageous as he fought. In addition to constantly sending gifts and care, he even used his trump card - sending resources.

In 1992, when Chen Kaige was preparing to shoot the movie "Farewell My Concubine", Gu Changwei, who was in charge of photography, took the opportunity to win a small role for Jiang Wenli.

Of course, Jiang Wenli lived up to the high expectations. She showed no stage fright in a crew that was packed with superstars, and performed the heart-wrenching scene of a brothel girl who had no choice but to ask the troupe to take in her young son with great brilliance.

Author|Anli Editor|Xiang Wanwan's first hit film in seven years, 'Love Around the Corner' starring the famous actress Jiang Wenli was shocked to receive 1 star from the screen and hit the streets. What shocked the audience was that 56-year-old Jiang Wenli actually had a sweet sis - Lujuba

The scene lasted only seven minutes, but the director was full of praise and the audience never forgot it, deeply remembering Jiang Wenli.

Faced with Gu Changwei's passionate pursuit and Wang Quanan's lack of trust in the long-distance relationship, Jiang Wenli clearly chose Gu Changwei, who has both talent and talent.

In early 1993, Jiang Wenli married Gu Changwei shortly after graduating from Beijing Film Academy.

She didn't have a wedding ring, she didn't have time to take wedding photos, and they even lived in a small rental house of 20 square meters. But Jiang Wenli, who longed for a family, felt solid and happy.

In 1994, Gu Changwei decided to develop abroad. Jiang Wenli decisively chose to suspend her acting career, become a married woman, and return to the life of a housewife.

During the years abroad, Gu Changwei's career failed to improve and his life became difficult. Jiang Wenli always accompanied him silently without any regrets. In the end, the two decided to return to China for development.

After returning to China, Jiang Wenli quickly restarted her beloved acting career. In 1997, she ushered in a career turning point and became popular again with the TV series "Hand in Hand". Since then, her acting career has been a success, with constant good dramas.

But at this time, Gu Changwei fell into a long dormant period.

Many years later, Gu Changwei mentioned this period of time and said that for five years he basically had no income and relied on Jiang Wenli for support. But Jiang Wenli didn't care and has been fully supporting Gu Changwei in preparing the movie.

In 2005, Gu Changwei's first film "Peacock" won the Berlin Film Festival Jury Prize.

He finally achieved a successful transformation from "gold medal photographer" to director, opening up a new situation in his career.

In the same year, Gu Changwei and Jiang Wenli spent millions to buy a luxurious villa in Beijing, and their lives finally "changed."

After experiencing ups and downs, Jiang Wenli and Gu Changwei have gone through the troughs of life together and reached the peak of their careers together. However, just when people thought their married life would be calm, new tests came quietly.

Author|Anli Editor|Xiang Wanwan's first hit film in seven years, 'Love Around the Corner' starring the famous actress Jiang Wenli was shocked to receive 1 star from the screen and hit the streets. What shocked the audience was that 56-year-old Jiang Wenli actually had a sweet sis - Lujuba4

Marriage Defense: The Fightback and Persistence of the Vivid Queen

Jiang Wenli chose to marry Gu Changwei at the best age when she was in full bloom.

She and Gu Changwei were one year apart in age, and their appearance did not match. Many people were not optimistic about their union at that time.

In the first ten years of their marriage, the two experienced various challenges and hardships in career and life, but they always supported each other and achieved mutual success, and their respective careers also created new situations.

However, life is like a script, and dark spots and twists and turns will always appear alternately in life.

In 2003, during the filming of "Peacock", there was news that Gu Changwei and the heroine Zhang Jingchu went shopping hand in hand.

At that time, Jiang Wenli was filming "Chinese Divorce". After hearing the rumors, she supported Gu Changwei. When she got home, she immediately took her two-year-old child and went straight to the crew to supervise the work.

This episode did not affect the success of "Peacock". This movie ushered in the spring of Gu Changwei's career, and the heroine Zhang Jingchu also became famous in one fell swoop.

In 2007, Gu Changwei was planning to film "The Beginning of Spring", with Jiang Wenli starring as the heroine. This was the first time the couple collaborated in a film.

didn't arrive, but Gu Changwei didn't shy away from suspicion. He called Zhang Jingchu again and arranged an important scene for her.

Jiang Wenli was so angry that Lei Ting took action and directly deleted Zhang Jingchu's scenes.

If it weren’t for the fleeting credits at the end of the film, leaving every trace of it, it would be as if Zhang Jingchu had never been here.

At the film promotion meeting, reporters pointedly asked why Zhang Jingchu was not in the camera. Gu Changwei hesitated, and Jiang Wenli responded generously: "For the rhythm of the film."

After Jiang Wenli's domineering attack, Zhang Jingchu did not appear on the screen again for several years. superior.

Unexpectedly, the aftermath of this incident is still lingering. In 2009, Gu Changwei’s secret meeting with a mysterious woman in a car for 50 minutes became a hot search again.

But unexpectedly, this time, Jiang Wenli acted indifferently and did not respond.

Just as people were speculating about the direction of their marriage, a piece of news that Jiang Wenli and Huang Xuan were dating shocked everyone.

Jiang Wenli collaborated with Huang Xuan in the TV series "Women's Gang". It is said that she asked for more than 100 love scenes with Huang Xuan during filming.

After the filming, Jiang Wenli immediately asked her agent to sign Huang Xuan.

Some media claimed that they were photographed having dinner together in France, but both of them denied it.

Later, there were rumors about Jiang Wenli's affairs with other actors.

Some netizens also took stock of the young actors Jiang Wenli has worked with in recent years, including Zhang Luyi who is 14 years younger than her, Chen Bolin who is 17 years younger than her, and Zheng Kai who is 20 years younger than her.

Some netizens said eloquently that Jiang Wenli has a "godson", but Jiang Wenli did not respond to various rumors.

Previously, Gu Changwei cheated on her, and everyone was still complaining about the silent Jiang Wenli. However, after Jiang Wenli's reverse operation, everyone found that this woman is really not simple.

Since the incident of dating a woman in the car, Gu Changwei has kept a much lower profile and has not revealed anything ridiculous again.

In 2013, during an exclusive interview, Jiang Wenli was asked about her views on the scandal and how to get along with Gu Changwei as a couple.

She said that she would not be affected by gossip news. "Family and family ties are always the most important. I live according to my own ideas and choose what I believe in."

Despite constant speculation and rumors from the outside world, Jiang Wenli has always insisted on Faith maintains family harmony. The relationship between her and Gu Changwei also settled over time and became an indispensable presence in each other's lives.

In 2018, Gu Changwei's new film "It's Nice to Meet You" was released, and Jiang Wenli once again starred in a small character "without full name".

At the press conference, Gu Changwei hugged Jiang Wenli affectionately, thanked her for supporting him with the most practical actions every time, and emotionally expressed to Jiang Wenli: "It's great to meet you."

Jiang Wenli once commented that her mental age is stuck in childhood, This kind of mental age gives her the courage of "the ignorant are fearless".

Her continuous breakthroughs in her acting career, her persistence and perseverance in love and marriage, all bring with her the courage to move forward.

Today, Jiang Wenli has been married for 30 years.

I wonder if she will miss the willful Wen Li she played in the TV series "Golden Wedding" and the life they spent together.

It is said that 30 years of marriage is a pearl wedding. Indeed, marriage is like a pearl. It needs to go through the painful running-in and stumbling over time. Only by perseverance can the beautiful brilliance of life finally shine out.

Jiang Wenli once said frankly that she could not guarantee that her marriage would be a golden wedding, but she still yearned for a life of growing old together.

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Tags: entertainment