Have you watched the popular female group drama "If Running Is My Life" recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of children who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband is cheating on her husband, and a mother who tr

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Have you watched the popular female group drama "If Running Is My Life" that was recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of sons and a daughter who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband cheated on her, and a mother who tricked her daughter into having a hymen repair surgery. Hot searches come one after another. People who don’t follow the drama are also frequently mentioned on the Internet, such as "Lao Xiaosan", "You're really hungry" and other frequently searched words refreshed the outlook and shocked the eyes.

Have you watched the popular female group drama 'If Running Is My Life' recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of children who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband is cheating on her husband, and a mother who tr - Lujuba

Have you watched the popular female group drama 'If Running Is My Life' recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of children who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband is cheating on her husband, and a mother who tr - Lujuba

Although the plot of this drama is sometimes outrageous, overall, it is a good drama that reflects reality. The actors perform well, and the plot also reflects many heart-wrenching truths about family, marriage, love, and life.

"If Running Is My Life" takes two pairs of mothers and daughters as the protagonists. Moreover, these two mothers are also biological sisters. Therefore, the relationship between these two pairs of mothers and daughters forms a set that is both completely different and contrasting with each other. Sharp contrast picture.

Have you watched the popular female group drama 'If Running Is My Life' recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of children who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband is cheating on her husband, and a mother who tr - Lujuba

The two pairs of mothers and daughters are Zhao Xiufang and An Anxin, and Zhao Xiuli and Ruohua. Zhao Xiufang and Zhao Xiuli are sisters, with Zhao Xiufang as the eldest sister.

Let’s take a look at An Xin and her daughter first.

Have you watched the popular female group drama 'If Running Is My Life' recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of children who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband is cheating on her husband, and a mother who tr - Lujuba

I believe that the viewers who follow this drama feel the same as Lulu. They are more willing to watch the scenes between An Xin and her daughter, but are a little repelled by the scenes between Ruohua and her daughter.

It’s not that Ruohua and her daughter performed poorly. On the contrary, this time, Yang, who played Ruohua, surpassed . Finally, everyone no longer has to frown at her “glaring acting skills.” Although her performance is not outstanding, but The acting is at least more natural, and the veteran actor Chen Xiaoyi brings this typical Chinese mother who is extremely controlling to life.

Have you watched the popular female group drama 'If Running Is My Life' recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of children who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband is cheating on her husband, and a mother who tr - Lujuba

But it is precisely because Chen Xiaoyi's performance is so good and the details are so perfect that everyone feels "suffocated" even more.

Many young people, many children, especially daughters, have said that they found the shadow of their mother in Zhao Xiuli in the TV series. Some netizens even said, "This is my mother."

Have you watched the popular female group drama 'If Running Is My Life' recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of children who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband is cheating on her husband, and a mother who tr - Lujuba

Zhao Xiufang and An An’s mother and daughter, the original painting style is like this: the daughter An An is beautiful, has a first-class figure, dances well, has a successful career, marriage and family, and the mother Zhao Xiufang is frugal and accommodating to her daughter, but is also good at "fishing" , in short, this is a mother-daughter relationship model where the daughter has the final say and the mother is very accommodating.

Have you watched the popular female group drama 'If Running Is My Life' recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of children who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband is cheating on her husband, and a mother who tr - Lujuba

But unexpectedly, after her mother's 60th birthday party, Anxin was driving home and got into a serious car accident. Anxin was seriously injured and had to amputate both legs. However, Zhao Xiufang's nephew Ruoxuan was not rescued and lost his life. .

A car accident plunged two families into sadness and pain at the same time.

An Xin, not only can’t dance anymore, but even taking care of himself has become a problem. As an excellent girl, she naturally couldn't bear such a tragic blow, and fell into the abyss of sadness, self-pity, and self-abasement. At the same time, she also felt guilty for Ruoxuan and her aunt Zhao Xiuli.

Have you watched the popular female group drama 'If Running Is My Life' recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of children who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband is cheating on her husband, and a mother who tr - Lujuba

Zhao Xiufang saw her daughter depressed and giving up. She was anxious in her eyes and hurt in her heart. She made a bet with her daughter: "As long as I lose 100 kilograms, you have to stand up for me!"

weighs a full 200 kilograms. Zhao Xiufang, a big fat girl, was asked by her daughter to lose weight before, but she "cheated" and "lied" all day long, like an old child. Now, for the sake of her daughter, Zhao Xiufang really made up her mind and began to work hard to lose weight!

Have you watched the popular female group drama 'If Running Is My Life' recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of children who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband is cheating on her husband, and a mother who tr - Lujuba

Running, dieting, drinking homemade chili water, and wrapping her body in plastic wrap to sweat. Zhao Xiufang tried these routine or bizarre weight loss programs one by one. Fortunately, he met Lin Tianyu and found the correct and effective way to lose weight. With Zhao Xiufang's hard work and hard work, she lost 80 pounds and finally put her daughter at ease. She was shocked and ashamed!

Have you watched the popular female group drama 'If Running Is My Life' recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of children who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband is cheating on her husband, and a mother who tr - Lujuba

Have you watched the popular female group drama 'If Running Is My Life' recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of children who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband is cheating on her husband, and a mother who tr - Lujuba

If my mother can work so hard, how can I sit back and wait for death?From then on, An Xin began to actively rehabilitate. With her mother's thoughtful encouragement and the help of Xiao Qiu and Lin Tianyu, she installed prosthetic limbs and started practicing walking again. She even practiced dancing, bit by bit regaining her strength. I gained the courage to live and regained my hope for the future!

Seeing the smiles return to the faces of An An and her daughter, as an audience, I am really happy for them.

Have you watched the popular female group drama 'If Running Is My Life' recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of children who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband is cheating on her husband, and a mother who tr - Lujuba

An Xin is unfortunate, but she is also lucky. Her greatest luck is that she has such an optimistic and energetic mother as Zhao Xiufang, who is willing to sacrifice everything for her daughter, regardless of efforts and plans.

When An An’s legs were healthy, Zhao Xiufang was not worried about “retiring” while living at her daughter’s house, but secretly opened a small dining table; after An An’s legs became disabled, Zhao Xiufang even opened a fried chicken restaurant, thinking that she could give her daughter a place to “settle down and live in peace”. "The place" allows the daughter to have a retreat at any time and a reliable "takeover".

Have you watched the popular female group drama 'If Running Is My Life' recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of children who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband is cheating on her husband, and a mother who tr - Lujuba

Have you watched the popular female group drama 'If Running Is My Life' recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of children who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband is cheating on her husband, and a mother who tr - Lujuba

Netizens affectionately follow Ruohua and Ruoxuan in the play and call Zhao Xiufang "aunt". After all, who doesn't love this "little sun" who is full of positive energy and can bring happiness and energy to everyone? "Just an ordinary old lady.

Old drama player Xu Di interprets the role of Zhao Xiufang vividly, interestingly and endearingly.

Have you watched the popular female group drama 'If Running Is My Life' recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of children who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband is cheating on her husband, and a mother who tr - Lujuba

The mother-daughter relationship between An Xin and Zhao Xiufang is a warm mother-daughter relationship that comforts, encourages, accompanies and heals each other.

Once the painting style switches to the mother and daughter Ruohua and Zhao Xiuli, it is completely different. It is almost a "dark" painting style.

Have you watched the popular female group drama 'If Running Is My Life' recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of children who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband is cheating on her husband, and a mother who tr - Lujuba

Zhao Xiuli was originally a teacher. She had to quit her job as a teacher because she gave birth to a second child, Ruoxuan. From then on, the identity of "mother" became Zhao Xiuli's only occupation.

What I didn’t expect was that I thought that preference for boys over girls mostly happened in remote rural areas or in the past. I didn’t expect that it still exists in cities today, let alone that Zhao Xiuli, as a teacher and an educated person Women, the patriarchal mentality is still so serious.

Have you watched the popular female group drama 'If Running Is My Life' recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of children who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband is cheating on her husband, and a mother who tr - Lujuba

The preference for sons over daughters is scary enough, but what is even more terrifying is Zhao Xiuli’s desire to control her children.

Due to the preference for sons over daughters, Ruohua spent the first 20 years of his life relatively easily even though he was always ignored by his mother before Ruoxuan died in a car accident.

Because all the energy and eyes of her mother Zhao Xiuli are focused on her precious son Ruoxuan.

Have you watched the popular female group drama 'If Running Is My Life' recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of children who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband is cheating on her husband, and a mother who tr - Lujuba

She devoted all her efforts to cultivate Ruoxuan to become a talented person and was proud of Ruoxuan's excellent grades. Little did she know that depression had quietly sprouted in Ruoxuan. Before his death in a car accident, Ruoxuan had actually made a will and prepared to commit suicide. .

After Ruoxuan's death, Zhao Xiuli's maternal love had nowhere to rest, so she turned her attention to her daughter Ruohua.

Have you watched the popular female group drama 'If Running Is My Life' recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of children who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband is cheating on her husband, and a mother who tr - Lujuba

Before Ruohua fully felt the joy of being valued by her mother, she quickly fell into the circle of "pathological control of maternal love".

Zhao Xiuli is in charge of her daughter's head, school, love, work, social life, and dressing. It can be said that she controls her daughter in an all-round, 360-degree manner, euphemistically calling it "for your own good." .

Have you watched the popular female group drama 'If Running Is My Life' recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of children who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband is cheating on her husband, and a mother who tr - Lujuba

These three words "for your own good" are familiar to both children and adults. They have grown up hearing them from their parents' novels.

But Ruohua's work and relationship were gradually messed up by her mother's "for your own good". Ruohua felt overwhelmed and even found it harder and harder to breathe.

This kind of maternal love that suffocates children is believed to be a common situation in Chinese-style families. How many young people want to escape from this suffocating maternal love again and again, but because the blood of family love is thicker than water and difficult to let go, they give up the struggle and resistance. They can only pray that they will become strong quickly, so strong that their mothers will be ashamed of themselves. For example, voluntarily give up control of children.

Have you watched the popular female group drama 'If Running Is My Life' recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of children who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband is cheating on her husband, and a mother who tr - Lujuba

If the mother-daughter relationship between Zhao Xiufang and An Xin makes everyone feel warm and healing, then the mother-daughter relationship between Zhao Xiuli and Ruohua makes everyone feel suffocated and fearful.

What Zhao Xiufang gave her daughter was full of positive energy, the motivation and courage for her daughter to move forward, and the harbor and escape route after she was backstabbed by her husband and in-laws.

Have you watched the popular female group drama 'If Running Is My Life' recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of children who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband is cheating on her husband, and a mother who tr - Lujuba

What Zhao Xiuli gave her daughter was full of negative energy, constant belittling and blaming, unlimited suppression and control, selfishness and domineering that constantly crossed boundaries and pushed her daughter to a dead end in life. She is strong, but in fact she is extremely empty and weak inside. She needs to be wrapped up and entangled like an octopus that is tightly attached to her daughter and squeezes her sense of dependence.

Have you watched the popular female group drama 'If Running Is My Life' recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of children who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband is cheating on her husband, and a mother who tr - Lujuba

Zhao Xiufang and An Xin, Zhao Xiuli and Ruohua, these two pairs of mother and daughter, represent the two most common states of Chinese mothers and daughters: letting go and letting the daughter fight but I will support you from behind, or she must hold on tightly Live with your daughter and control everything by yourself.

I believe that everyone likes the mother-daughter relationship between Zhao Xiufang and An Xin. Therefore, Zhao Xiufang is called the "dream mother" by everyone, while Zhao Xiuli can only become everyone's "nightmare mother".

In fact, combines the maternal love model of the two sisters Zhao Xiufang and Zhao Xiuli to form a complete Chinese mother-daughter relationship: is both loving and worried, wanting her daughter to become a successful adult but reluctant and not knowing how to let go.

Have you watched the popular female group drama 'If Running Is My Life' recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of children who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband is cheating on her husband, and a mother who tr - Lujuba

A mother's love for her children can be said to be the most selfless love in the world. However, once maternal love goes too far, once it crosses the line, especially for adult children, it will be endless pain and torture.

There are good and bad aspects of the Chinese-style mother-daughter relationship, including warm love and mutual concern, as well as mutual torture, consumption and harm.

Therefore, Zhao Xiufang and Zhao Xiuli represent two sides of the Chinese mother-daughter relationship. Zhao Xiufang is the more ideal and warm side, while Zhao Xiuli represents the more sharp and cruel side.

Have you watched the popular female group drama 'If Running Is My Life' recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of children who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband is cheating on her husband, and a mother who tr - Lujuba

These two sides often coexist in Chinese mothers. It just depends on which side prevails. The cruel reality is that there may be more of Zhao Xiuli in the Chinese mother (including the father).

Have you watched the popular female group drama 'If Running Is My Life' recently aired on CCTV 8? This drama is so dare to be filmed! A pair of children who are driven crazy by their mother, an old and ugly female boss whose husband is cheating on her husband, and a mother who tr - Lujuba

watching dramas and reflecting on life. In "If Running Is My Life", the life stories of two pairs of mother and daughter not only bring everyone the joy of watching the drama, but also prompt the audience to think about how to position themselves in the family, whether as parents or child.

(text/first drop of dew)

Tags: entertainment