The Spring Festival Gala, the stage that makes us laugh and move us to tears every year, staged an unprecedented "wild drama" this year. Just when everyone was looking forward to the next exciting program, an artist openly challenged the bottom line of the Spring Festival Gala an

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Spring Festival Gala, the stage that makes us laugh and move us to tears every year, has staged an unprecedented "wild drama" this year. Just when everyone was looking forward to the next exciting program, an artist openly challenged the bottom line of the Spring Festival Gala and sang a strictly prohibited song!

Can you imagine that scene? It was like a pot of boiling water was suddenly thrown into a piece of ice. The audience was dumbfounded for an instant, and then there was overwhelming discussion. Did this artist drink fake wine? Or is he trying to take this opportunity to become famous?

The Spring Festival Gala, the stage that makes us laugh and move us to tears every year, staged an unprecedented 'wild drama' this year. Just when everyone was looking forward to the next exciting program, an artist openly challenged the bottom line of the Spring Festival Gala an - Lujuba

What’s even more shocking is that the artist even cursed the audience during the performance! This simply added fuel to the fire, and the scene instantly fell into chaos. The security guards rushed to the stage and tried to control the situation, but it was too late. The entire atmosphere of the Spring Festival Gala was disrupted by this "wild artist".

What on earth is going on? Is it a deliberate hype stunt arranged by the Spring Festival Gala program team? Or has this artist really lost control? For a time, various speculations and doubts arose one after another.

The "crazy" decision behind the Spring Festival Gala: a live broadcast legend born unexpectedly

The Spring Festival Gala, the grand stage that we look forward to and laugh at every year, who would have thought that its birth was due to a "crazy" decision?

The Spring Festival Gala, the stage that makes us laugh and move us to tears every year, staged an unprecedented 'wild drama' this year. Just when everyone was looking forward to the next exciting program, an artist openly challenged the bottom line of the Spring Festival Gala an - Lujuba

In November 1982, the cold wind was biting, but the CCTV building was in full swing. The director of CCTV at that time, in an accidental flash of inspiration, decided to hold an unprecedented literary evening for the Spring Festival next year. He found Huang Yihe from the Literature and Art Department and gave him this important task.

Huang Yihe, a creative and passionate director, did not prepare for the party step by step after receiving the assignment. He felt that this party should be a revolutionary innovation and an attempt to subvert tradition. So, he gathered a group of like-minded friends and started a "brainstorming".

The Spring Festival Gala, the stage that makes us laugh and move us to tears every year, staged an unprecedented 'wild drama' this year. Just when everyone was looking forward to the next exciting program, an artist openly challenged the bottom line of the Spring Festival Gala an - Lujuba

They came up with all kinds of novel ideas. Some people suggested adding audience interaction sessions, and some suggested using a new stage design. But in the end, a bold idea stood out: broadcast the show live and let viewers order the show by phone! The idea of ​​

was undoubtedly avant-garde and risky at the time. After all, live broadcast means unforeseen risks and challenges, and telephone on-demand is an unprecedented attempt. But Huang Yihe and his team did not back down. They firmly believed that only innovation can bring real breakthroughs.

When the idea came back to the station, the station director was not as shocked as expected or rejected it outright.

The Spring Festival Gala, the stage that makes us laugh and move us to tears every year, staged an unprecedented 'wild drama' this year. Just when everyone was looking forward to the next exciting program, an artist openly challenged the bottom line of the Spring Festival Gala an - Lujuba

On the contrary, his eyes sparkled with excitement and he gave his support without hesitation. In this way, with the impromptu initiative of the leaders and the joint efforts of a group of "lunatics", the first Spring Festival Gala in 1983 came into being.

That Spring Festival Gala became a milestone event in the history of Chinese television. It breaks the constraints of the traditional party framework and introduces new elements of audience participation and interaction, allowing hundreds of millions of viewers to feel unprecedented joy and passion on New Year's Eve. And all of this stems from that "crazy" decision and a group of people who dare to innovate.

The Spring Festival Gala, the stage that makes us laugh and move us to tears every year, staged an unprecedented 'wild drama' this year. Just when everyone was looking forward to the next exciting program, an artist openly challenged the bottom line of the Spring Festival Gala an - Lujuba

The madness and legend behind the Spring Festival Gala: How did the first gala subvert tradition?

In that turbulent era, an unprecedented entertainment feast was quietly brewing. The format of the party must be innovative, and the name must keep up with the trend. Therefore, ten days before the broadcast, a resounding name "Spring Festival Gala" was born and has been used to this day.

Looking back on the first Spring Festival Gala, it was really a "crazy" and "outrageous" feast! At around seven o'clock that night, just as people were immersed in the serious atmosphere of the news broadcast, Zhao Zhongxiang was temporarily pulled over to record the opening speech. The director gave him a piece of paper. It was just four or five minutes long. Zhao Zhongxiang just read it two or three times and wrote it all down, and then started recording it in one go. This is really a big challenge!

The Spring Festival Gala, the stage that makes us laugh and move us to tears every year, staged an unprecedented 'wild drama' this year. Just when everyone was looking forward to the next exciting program, an artist openly challenged the bottom line of the Spring Festival Gala an - Lujuba

As soon as eight o'clock arrived, with the cool opening of an animation, the first Spring Festival Gala officially kicked off.You may ask, has the Spring Festival Gala director team taken the courage of a bear and a leopard? How dare you use a non-professional hosting team to support the show? That's right, the host of the party was a "mixed team" composed of four actors - crosstalk actors Ma Ji and Jiang Kun, mime actor Wang Jingyu, and the then-famous film and television actress Liu Xiaoqing. This "mixed group" of

is really frustrating! Having to both host and perform, the venue was extremely busy. But let’s not forget that it is the reality and vividness revealed in this busyness and chaos that makes the audience enjoy watching it even more. Everyone was talking: "This is the real Spring Festival Gala! It's interesting, funny, and touching!"

The Spring Festival Gala, the stage that makes us laugh and move us to tears every year, staged an unprecedented 'wild drama' this year. Just when everyone was looking forward to the next exciting program, an artist openly challenged the bottom line of the Spring Festival Gala an - Lujuba

Behind the scenes of the Spring Festival Gala: the host team's "god-level" rescue and unexpected laughs

Do you want to However, on that star-studded Spring Festival Gala stage, the hosts will also encounter embarrassing "Waterloo"? Today, let us lift the veil of mystery together and take a look at the interesting things behind the first Spring Festival Gala.

At that time, Liu Xiaoqing, as one of the hosts, was responsible for announcing the curtain. However, during an audience-on-demand session, she encountered a problem - the handwriting on the note was blurry. At this time, Wang Jingyu stepped forward and took the note confidently. Who would have thought that this mime master would also be defeated and unable to read the contents of the note.

Just when the atmosphere was once awkward, Jiang Kun appeared like a savior. He took the note, twirled it in his hand, and read out the next program easily. This scene not only resolved the awkwardness, but also unexpectedly brought laughter to the audience.

The Spring Festival Gala, the stage that makes us laugh and move us to tears every year, staged an unprecedented 'wild drama' this year. Just when everyone was looking forward to the next exciting program, an artist openly challenged the bottom line of the Spring Festival Gala an - Lujuba

When Wang Jingyu saw this, he pretended to be angry and "angry" at Jiang Kun: "No one writes notes like you!" Jiang Kun answered the question wittily, saying that he was writing around the table and no one else could care about it. His arrogant expression and humorous words made the audience burst into laughter.

Who would have thought that this first Spring Festival Gala, which had no planning and no rehearsals, would produce such classic laughter through the improvisation of the hosts. This "panic" Spring Festival Gala not only allowed the audience to see the real and lovely sides of the stars, but also left countless unforgettable classic scenes.

The Spring Festival Gala, the stage that makes us laugh and move us to tears every year, staged an unprecedented 'wild drama' this year. Just when everyone was looking forward to the next exciting program, an artist openly challenged the bottom line of the Spring Festival Gala an - Lujuba

A diva legend born unexpectedly during the Spring Festival Gala: Li Guyi’s “Infinite Singing” night

Speaking of the Spring Festival Gala, do you still remember those heart-pounding moments? But among all the famous scenes of conferring gods, there is one night that is still talked about by countless audiences - that is the night of "Infinite Singing" by teacher Li Guyi.

The Spring Festival Gala, the stage that makes us laugh and move us to tears every year, staged an unprecedented 'wild drama' this year. Just when everyone was looking forward to the next exciting program, an artist openly challenged the bottom line of the Spring Festival Gala an - Lujuba

That night, when the lights on the stage dimmed, Teacher Li Guyi walked onto the stage dressed in gorgeous clothes. As the melody of "New Year's Greeting Song" played, the entire party seemed to be surrounded by this joyful and peaceful atmosphere. The audience was immersed in this beautiful singing, as if they were in a dreamy fairy tale world.

But what is unexpected is that this is just the beginning of Teacher Li Guyi’s crazy performance that night.

The Spring Festival Gala, the stage that makes us laugh and move us to tears every year, staged an unprecedented 'wild drama' this year. Just when everyone was looking forward to the next exciting program, an artist openly challenged the bottom line of the Spring Festival Gala an - Lujuba

The secret behind the Spring Festival Gala: How can a "forbidden song" surprise everyone?

Imagine that on the stage of the first Spring Festival Gala, the audience was excited and their expectations were high. But behind this, there is a "secret war" going on about a song. This song was "Nostalgic Love", which was regarded as a decadent sound at the time and was relegated to the "outcast".

Li Guyi, the bright star in the music industry, was not originally planning to sing this controversial song on the Spring Festival Gala stage. However, the audience's enthusiasm surged like a tidal wave, and the phones rang one after another, all calling for the performance of "Nostalgia".

The Spring Festival Gala, the stage that makes us laugh and move us to tears every year, staged an unprecedented 'wild drama' this year. Just when everyone was looking forward to the next exciting program, an artist openly challenged the bottom line of the Spring Festival Gala an - Lujuba

Director Huang Yihe, the helmsman of the Spring Festival Gala, frowned as he looked at the piles of notes with "Nostalgia" written on the five plates in his hands. He knew the song was a hot potato, but the enthusiasm of the audience put him in a dilemma. In desperation, he could only ask his superiors for instructions.

The leaders looked at the note in Huang Yihe's hand and thought about the enthusiasm of the audience, and they felt mixed emotions in their hearts. They knew that if the audience's wishes were not met, the Spring Festival Gala would probably end in disappointment.So, after a fierce inner struggle, the leaders finally stamped their feet and made a decision: "Hometown Love" will be on the Spring Festival Gala!

The Spring Festival Gala, the stage that makes us laugh and move us to tears every year, staged an unprecedented 'wild drama' this year. Just when everyone was looking forward to the next exciting program, an artist openly challenged the bottom line of the Spring Festival Gala an - Lujuba

When Li Guyi’s melodious singing voice sounded on the Spring Festival Gala stage, the audience was excited. They seemed to have forgotten all their troubles and sorrows, and were immersed in this song that had been imprisoned for a long time. And this song "Nostalgic Love" became a household classic overnight.

The success of the first Spring Festival Gala was not only because it respected the wishes of the audience, but also because the actors at that time gave the audience the most exciting performances with a sincere heart. Even if there are small mistakes or flaws in the show, the audience will treat it with tolerance and understanding.

The Spring Festival Gala, the stage that makes us laugh and move us to tears every year, staged an unprecedented 'wild drama' this year. Just when everyone was looking forward to the next exciting program, an artist openly challenged the bottom line of the Spring Festival Gala an - Lujuba

Just like the frankness and sincerity of Teacher Siqin Gaowa when she was called by the host to perform a program, she stood on the stage and bluntly said that it was too difficult to put on a program. But fortunately, she had an idea and cooperated with Hu Songhua to bring a wonderful audio-visual feast to the audience. Isn't this kind of sincerity and frankness the best portrayal of the era we miss?

The Spring Festival Gala, the stage that makes us laugh and move us to tears every year, staged an unprecedented 'wild drama' this year. Just when everyone was looking forward to the next exciting program, an artist openly challenged the bottom line of the Spring Festival Gala an - Lujuba

Jiang Kun's "stealing of chicken" caused stage farce, and Wang Jingyu's performance without physical objects became a classic

Wang Jingyu, the mime master of the year, once made the audience laugh. During a performance, he was originally going to perform a good show of "Eating Chicken", but who knew that the roasted chicken disappeared. This made Wang Jingyu anxious. You know, the most important thing about pantomime is the coordination of props and movements. Without the roasted chicken, how can this play be performed?

At this moment, Wang Jingyu looked back and almost laughed out loud. It turned out that the missing roast chicken was being held in Jiang Kun's hands and he was devouring it! While Jiang Kun was nibbling on the roast chicken, he handed a piece of chicken to Ma Ji next to him. The two of them ate with gusto, as if they had completely forgotten that they were on stage.

The Spring Festival Gala, the stage that makes us laugh and move us to tears every year, staged an unprecedented 'wild drama' this year. Just when everyone was looking forward to the next exciting program, an artist openly challenged the bottom line of the Spring Festival Gala an - Lujuba

The audience looked at this scene and burst into laughter. Not only were they amused by Jiang Kun's "stealing chicken" behavior, but they were also amused by Wang Jingyu's helpless expression and movements. This sudden stage farce turned out to be even more exciting than the originally planned pantomime!

However, Wang Jingyu was not disrupted by this episode. He had an idea and decided to have a real performance without physical objects. I saw him exaggeratingly imitating the movements and expressions of eating chicken, as if he was really holding a roast chicken in his hands. The audience watched his lively performance and burst into laughter again.

The Spring Festival Gala, the stage that makes us laugh and move us to tears every year, staged an unprecedented 'wild drama' this year. Just when everyone was looking forward to the next exciting program, an artist openly challenged the bottom line of the Spring Festival Gala an - Lujuba

This performance not only demonstrated Wang Jingyu’s ability to improvise and solid acting skills, but also provided a valuable example for future comedians. The next year, Chen Peisi and Zhu Shimao's sketch "Eating Noodles" drew on this method of non-physical performance and also achieved great success.

Pandas took the stage to "show" their unique skills, and the Spring Festival Gala was full of surprises. The imprint of the times was deeply imprinted on

That night, the lights on the stage were shining, but everyone's attention was attracted by a special guest - the national treasure giant panda Weiwei. Under the careful guidance of the trainer, Weiwei walked onto the stage with his cute pigeon-toed steps. Can you imagine? A round, furry giant panda performs difficult acrobatics in front of everyone! It used its seemingly clumsy but actually flexible limbs to lift the ball and ride on a wooden horse, as if to say: "Look, this is a national treasure-level performance!"

The Spring Festival Gala, the stage that makes us laugh and move us to tears every year, staged an unprecedented 'wild drama' this year. Just when everyone was looking forward to the next exciting program, an artist openly challenged the bottom line of the Spring Festival Gala an - Lujuba

The audience was stunned, as if their jaws were about to drop. . They couldn't believe their eyes. This was a scene rarely seen in the zoo! As for Weiwei, he seemed to enjoy the feeling of being the center of attention and performed even more energetically. After the performance of

, Weiwei did not forget to bring everyone a unique "eating broadcast". I saw it picking up various snacks, one bite at a time, and eating them with gusto. The most surprising thing is that it even drank Moutai! Although it was just a symbolic lick, this scene was enough to make the audience exclaim again and again.

The Spring Festival Gala that night became even more exciting because of Weiwei's participation. And all of this was due to the unique creativity and courage of that era.

The Spring Festival Gala, the stage that makes us laugh and move us to tears every year, staged an unprecedented 'wild drama' this year. Just when everyone was looking forward to the next exciting program, an artist openly challenged the bottom line of the Spring Festival Gala an - Lujuba

Looking back on the Spring Festival Gala of that era, although the venue was simple, the equipment was insufficient, and the communication technology was not as developed as it is now, people just missed the simple and pure happiness. The Spring Festival Gala at that time did not have a gorgeous stage, cool lights, or high-tech blessings, but it had the most sincere emotions and the most deeply rooted stories.

A comprehensive inventory of classic Spring Festival Gala moments: Laughing to tears, engraved in the heart

Spring Festival Gala, this grand party that has accompanied us through countless New Year’s Eves, is always full of surprises and laughter. The success of the first Spring Festival Gala laid the foundation for the subsequent feast, and the second Spring Festival Gala pushed the joy to a climax.

Do you still remember the hilarious "Eating Noodles"? The superb performances of Chen Peisi and Zhu Shimao made the audience laugh so hard that it felt like the buttons of their clothes were about to burst. At that moment, the entire studio was immersed in a sea of ​​joy.

The Spring Festival Gala, the stage that makes us laugh and move us to tears every year, staged an unprecedented 'wild drama' this year. Just when everyone was looking forward to the next exciting program, an artist openly challenged the bottom line of the Spring Festival Gala an - Lujuba

And the table tennis match between Li Furong and Zhang Xielin was the first for sports stars to attend the Spring Festival Gala. They sweated on the stage, showed the charm of sports, and made the stage of the Spring Festival Gala more colorful.

Ma Ji's stand-up comedy "Universe Brand Cigarettes" is based on the theme of satirizing the phenomenon of false advertising, making the audience laugh while also thinking about social phenomena. His humor and wit won rounds of applause from the audience.

The Spring Festival Gala, the stage that makes us laugh and move us to tears every year, staged an unprecedented 'wild drama' this year. Just when everyone was looking forward to the next exciting program, an artist openly challenged the bottom line of the Spring Festival Gala an - Lujuba

These classic moments are deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience. They not only brought joy to the audience, but also became an indelible mark in the history of the Spring Festival Gala.

As time goes by, more excellent programs have emerged on the Spring Festival Gala stage. Song Dandan's "Lazy Man Dating" successfully made the audience laugh with the sentence "My name is Wei Shufen, I am 29 years old and I am still unmarried" with nervousness and shyness. Her performance is natural and vivid, making people feel like they are seeing a real scene of a rural blind date.

The Spring Festival Gala, the stage that makes us laugh and move us to tears every year, staged an unprecedented 'wild drama' this year. Just when everyone was looking forward to the next exciting program, an artist openly challenged the bottom line of the Spring Festival Gala an - Lujuba

The moment Zhao Benshan took the stage of the Spring Festival Gala with his sketch "Blind Date", it started his era as the "King of Sketch". His performance was humorous, making the audience laugh while also feeling the true meaning of life. Since then, many people will say that they are waiting to see Zhao Benshan's sketches when watching the Spring Festival Gala.

Sketch actors such as Huang Hong, Guo Da, and Cai Ming in the same period also brought us countless happy moments. Their performances have their own characteristics, but they all make the audience feel the charm of sketch art.

The Spring Festival Gala, the stage that makes us laugh and move us to tears every year, staged an unprecedented 'wild drama' this year. Just when everyone was looking forward to the next exciting program, an artist openly challenged the bottom line of the Spring Festival Gala an - Lujuba

And the crosstalk combination of Feng Gong and Niu Qun has become a beautiful scenery of the Spring Festival Gala. Their cross talk works are full of wisdom and humor, making the audience think about life while laughing.

In addition, Teacher Zhao Lirong's "A Day as a Heroic Mother" is also a classic in the history of the Spring Festival Gala. The phrase "Sima's vat was smashed up" with a Tangshan accent made all the audience laugh like crazy. Her performance is simple and unpretentious, but full of contagion, making the audience feel the greatness and selflessness of maternal love.

The Spring Festival Gala, the stage that makes us laugh and move us to tears every year, staged an unprecedented 'wild drama' this year. Just when everyone was looking forward to the next exciting program, an artist openly challenged the bottom line of the Spring Festival Gala an - Lujuba

These classic moments not only make us feel joy and warmth, but also allow us to see the unique charm of Chinese culture. They have become our common memories and have accompanied us through wonderful New Year's Eves one after another.

Tags: entertainment