As a classic IP in the domestic science fiction animation market, the "Happy Superman League" series is a classic animation work that has accompanied generations of audiences. Since the first big movie was released in 2013, the series of movies has been deeply loved by audiences

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As a classic IP in the domestic science fiction animation market, the "Happy Superman League" series is a classic animation work that has accompanied generations of audiences. Since the first big movie was released in 2013, the series of movies has been deeply loved by audiences of all ages. The animated film "Happy Superman: Spacetime Rescue" is currently being screened in theaters across the country. The film still continues the high-level storyline and animation special effects, and returns to classic two-dimensional production, making fans of the series feel excited and at the same time intimate.

As a classic IP in the domestic science fiction animation market, the 'Happy Superman League' series is a classic animation work that has accompanied generations of audiences. Since the first big movie was released in 2013, the series of movies has been deeply loved by audiences  - Lujuba

The animated movie "Happy Superman: Time and Space Rescue" is currently being screened in theaters across the country.

The evergreen 13-year-old "Happy Superman League" series has been broadcast for 19 seasons (more than 1,300 episodes) of animated series, as well as 3 animated movies. This is also another animation masterpiece by Huang Weiming, the director of "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf". The film It tells the story of Superman, who risked his life to save the "original space-time Garo" whose energy was taken away, and chased the murderous "mysterious Garo" across time and space. He accidentally fell into a parallel world and met the "parallel space-time Garo". A high-octane adventure of rescuing friends and self-redemption. Many of Huang Weiming's works tend to be family-friendly comedies, but this time "Happy Superman: Time and Space Rescue" incorporates sci-fi elements such as parallel universes, giving it a more complete worldview, relatively more depth, and a strong fighting style given by more technological elements. . Regarding these new changes, Huang Weiming told the Beijing News reporter that he was very pleased that the audience could see the changes and innovations in the work, which showed that he was also making continuous progress. "I have always liked science fiction and often wondered whether there would be parallel universes." existence? There have been so many stories about Jialuo, how can we come up with something new? This time we tried to take the adventure of Superman as the main line, incorporating science fiction and ancient elements, hoping to bring a new viewing experience to the audience." Regarding the further development of the "Happy Superman League" IP in the future, Huang Weiming smiled and said that the audience can look forward to it, "We will definitely continue filming. We will first complete the complete world view of the "Happy Superman League" universe, and we will also focus on this IP to give the audience Share more good works so that everyone will not regret chasing this series."


The so-called "children don't care about the plot" is definitely a misunderstanding

Huang Weiming introduced, "Happy Superman: Time and Space Rescue" is used before and after It took more than two years to produce, and the planning stage took a long time. Compared with regular technical updates, the team hopes to create new ideas in content. The protagonists of the previous major movies all revolved around Happy Superman. This time they boldly tried to advance the plot from the perspective of Cautionary Superman and Gallo. Although this series has always focused on science fiction elements, the content and plot are mostly based on real life, integrating emotions from campus, family and other aspects. Director Li Weiwei, who is also the producer of the film, believes that the reason why the "Happy Superman" series is loved by the audience is that these characters are not perfect supermen. Everyone has their own personality and shortcomings: "For example, Happy Superman is naive, Simple but very kind. If someone is stuck on a stool and asks for help, he may directly move the stool with the person and then save the person. It is because they are imperfect that they are cute and can make people resonate. They are just like in life. We are different." Huang Weiming said that this time he went more in-depth in his emotional expression, taking the relationship between father and son as an emotional thinking point, "Many fathers' love is as heavy as a mountain, and fathers will be particularly strict with their children, but even more so under the harsh appearance. There is love in the heart, which is what this animation focuses on, and I hope it can also make adults and children think something about it."

As a classic IP in the domestic science fiction animation market, the 'Happy Superman League' series is a classic animation work that has accompanied generations of audiences. Since the first big movie was released in 2013, the series of movies has been deeply loved by audiences  - Lujuba

Director Huang Weiming interacted with the audience at the premiere of the film.

There is science fiction, life and emotions

I hope everyone of all ages will love to read

Beijing News: The "Happy Superman League" series already has a very mature IP foundation. What new ideas are there in terms of story innovation and continuation of the style of this film?

Huang Weiming : To be attractive and innovative, a movie must have a good story. This time we have returned to the familiar 2D format, and also enhanced the burning and passionate action scenes, but more importantly, in A lot of effort has been put into the plot.In the past, many people thought that cartoons only need to be "made up casually", or that "children don't care about the plot". This is definitely a misunderstanding. I think children care about the plot, so any story must be well written and vivid. Details, only in this way will everyone like to watch it and look forward to the next one.

Beijing News: The emotional core of the film this time is the "father-son relationship" involved in the growth of teenagers. Is this also the emotional narrative style that the "Happy Superman League" series has always adhered to?

Huang Weiming: In addition to maintaining the comedy style and fighting scenes of this time, we have strengthened many emotional parts. In fact, in the past, the emotional part of "Happy Superman" was not that deep, but this time it has been upgraded. I always believe that no matter young or old, what everyone is most familiar with must be family affection. Strengthening the emotional interaction of the characters in the story will definitely make the audience feel it. This affection.

Beijing News: What do you think of the proportion of reality and science fiction in the film?

Huang Weiming: We have always been rigorous about the concept of science fiction, and we prefer to make it both science fiction and very down-to-earth. For example, many of the laughs in the movie are very close to life, but maybe it takes place on a planet with relatively advanced technology. This time we used the concept of parallel universes to make everyone curious, whether they are in the real world you are in. Is there another world, and if so, what would it be like? We selected the creative points that people are more curious about and pay attention to, and present a journey through time and space, while not forgetting to use real-life materials to "base" it.

As a classic IP in the domestic science fiction animation market, the 'Happy Superman League' series is a classic animation work that has accompanied generations of audiences. Since the first big movie was released in 2013, the series of movies has been deeply loved by audiences  - Lujuba

"Happy Superman: Time and Space Rescue" tells a magical journey through time and space.

Beijing News: This big movie is rich in elements and has exceeded the scope of ordinary "children's oriented" animation. What is the age of the audience set when creating it?

Huang Weiming: Of course we hope that children of all ages will love to watch it. We will not let it be a simple children's film. We will add many humorous and emotional elements to make the world view of this universe more meaningful and complete, and there will be a lot buried in it. The foreshadowing allows everyone to follow the story with suspense. Of course, we will face many challenges, such as so many story lines, so many plots we want to express, whether we can let the audience receive it, etc. Fortunately, we have done it.

Beijing News: This time the character image is more modern, which is also a highlight of the film, right?

Huang Weiming: For , we will continue to use the classic 2D creation in the past this time, but we will also improve it on the existing basis. The highlight this time must be that our latest character travels into a parallel world. There are also a bunch of supermen in that world. These supermen will have many unique designs. In addition, the concept of traveling into a parallel universe will make everyone both I find it fun and curious.

will go to the theater to peek at the audience's reaction

may launch a live-action series in the future

Beijing News: The IP of "Happy Superman League" has a strong audience base. In your opinion, what is the biggest advantage of this IP? How can we maintain its "everlasting prosperity"?

Huang Weiming: The biggest advantage of is that the audience recognizes this brand. This is also the motivation and pressure to spur our continuous efforts. Because they are familiar with it, they will have high requirements for us. How to make breakthroughs, how to make them continue to love this IP, and how to create more good works are our motivation. After all, only by constantly producing more and better works can we achieve "lasting prosperity."

Beijing News: Animation requires a lot of time and patience. Where does your inspiration come from? You are the chief director of both the "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" series and the "Happy Superman" series. Do you face greater pressure every time a new work is released?

Huang Weiming: Of course, there will be uneasiness and pressure over the years. Now the "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" series has gone through 18 years, and "Happy Superman League" has gone through 13 years. This is not due to me alone, but to many people with ideals and The result of the collaborative efforts of creative colleagues. When we recruit partners, the requirements are that they must be creative and have a persistent passion for animation. This is a must for a good animator.It's normal to feel pressure, because you don't know whether the audience will like it, so you have to break through, make progress, and come up with different ideas to surprise people.

As a classic IP in the domestic science fiction animation market, the 'Happy Superman League' series is a classic animation work that has accompanied generations of audiences. Since the first big movie was released in 2013, the series of movies has been deeply loved by audiences  - Lujuba

What remains unchanged in "Happy Superman: Time and Space Rescue" are the innocent, humorous characters and fun stories when it was born.

Beijing News: You always value the evaluation of the audience. After the movie is released, will you also go online to read their opinions and feedback?

Huang Weiming: I know . When it was screened before, I secretly bought a ticket and went into the theater to see the audience's reaction. I was really touched. I found that everyone can resonate with the laughter and emotion of the design. I secretly glanced at the girl next to me. She was wiping her tears with a tissue. When she cried, I cried too (laughing). When it was over, she clapped her hands gently. These real reactions are very heartwarming. I hope that every new work can be accepted by everyone. As long as we do it well, they can all see it.

Beijing News: After so many years since the IP was born, the audience has grown up, and society is constantly developing. What has remained unchanged in this series, and what does it want to change?

Huang Weiming: What remains unchanged in is the innocent, humorous characters and fun stories when it was born. What will change is that we will try different themes, and may also launch live-action series in the future, with different forms. These are all areas that we will challenge and explore.

Beijing News reporter Zhou Huixiaowan

editor Huang Jialing

proofreader Zhao Lin

Tags: entertainment