1905 Film Network Special Article This week's best film "The Way They Smiled" is an Italian film. This work won the highest award at the Venice International Film Festival in 1998, the Golden Lion. Memories of Italy on the Screen When you think of Italy, what kind of screen impre

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1905 Film Network Special Article This week's best film 'The Way They Smiled' is an Italian film. This work won the highest award at the Venice International Film Festival in 1998, the Golden Lion. Memories of Italy on the Screen When you think of Italy, what kind of screen impre - Lujuba905 Film Network Special Article This week's best film "The Way They Smiled" is an Italian film. This work won the highest award at the Venice International Film Festival in 1998 - the Golden Lion Award.

1905 Film Network Special Article This week's best film 'The Way They Smiled' is an Italian film. This work won the highest award at the Venice International Film Festival in 1998, the Golden Lion. Memories of Italy on the Screen When you think of Italy, what kind of screen impre - Lujuba

Memories of Italy on the Screen

Speaking of Italy, what kind of screen impression do you think of? Is it the capital city of Rome, a "beautiful city" in the eyes of Italians?

1905 Film Network Special Article This week's best film 'The Way They Smiled' is an Italian film. This work won the highest award at the Venice International Film Festival in 1998, the Golden Lion. Memories of Italy on the Screen When you think of Italy, what kind of screen impre - Lujuba

1905 Film Network Special Article This week's best film 'The Way They Smiled' is an Italian film. This work won the highest award at the Venice International Film Festival in 1998, the Golden Lion. Memories of Italy on the Screen When you think of Italy, what kind of screen impre - Lujuba

Or perhaps it is the story of restarting life in "Under the Tuscan Sun".

1905 Film Network Special Article This week's best film 'The Way They Smiled' is an Italian film. This work won the highest award at the Venice International Film Festival in 1998, the Golden Lion. Memories of Italy on the Screen When you think of Italy, what kind of screen impre - Lujuba

I believe that for movie lovers, Italian movies must be an unavoidable topic.

Classic Italian Movies

Italian movies play a decisive role in the history of world cinema. This land has successively produced Rossellini, Antonioni, Fellini and other filmmakers who have influenced the history of world cinema, as well as many Italian films that are familiar to audiences.

1905 Film Network Special Article This week's best film 'The Way They Smiled' is an Italian film. This work won the highest award at the Venice International Film Festival in 1998, the Golden Lion. Memories of Italy on the Screen When you think of Italy, what kind of screen impre - Lujuba

Fellini (left), Antonioni (middle), Rossellini (right)

Among the classic Italian films that are famous in film history today, there are touching romance films such as "Cinema Paradiso" and "Life is Beautiful", and "Once Upon a Time in the West". "Thrilling westerns such as "The Good and the Bad", as well as neo-realist masterpieces that show the current situation of Italian society such as "The Bicycle Thieves" and "Rome, the Undefended City".

1905 Film Network Special Article This week's best film 'The Way They Smiled' is an Italian film. This work won the highest award at the Venice International Film Festival in 1998, the Golden Lion. Memories of Italy on the Screen When you think of Italy, what kind of screen impre - Lujuba

Posters of "The Bicycle Thieves" (left), "The Good and the Bad" (upper right), and "Life is Beautiful" (lower right)

So what exactly are "Italian neorealist films"?

Italian neorealism film

The Italian neorealism movement was a film movement launched in Italy in the 1940s by Italian filmmakers in order to resist the singing and dancing on the Hollywood screen. It turns the camera towards ordinary people and towards the true feelings of daily life.

1905 Film Network Special Article This week's best film 'The Way They Smiled' is an Italian film. This work won the highest award at the Venice International Film Festival in 1998, the Golden Lion. Memories of Italy on the Screen When you think of Italy, what kind of screen impre - Lujuba

Stills from the Italian neorealist film "The Bicycle Thieves"

Real-life shooting, loose plots, and good use of non-professional actors are the distinctive features of Italian neorealist films. This film creation movement also has two slogans - Give me back my normal people! Take the camera to the street!

The release of the film "Rooftop" in 1956 announced that this film creation movement has basically come to an end.

1905 Film Network Special Article This week's best film 'The Way They Smiled' is an Italian film. This work won the highest award at the Venice International Film Festival in 1998, the Golden Lion. Memories of Italy on the Screen When you think of Italy, what kind of screen impre - Lujuba

broke out and won the Golden Lion Award.

The movie "The Way They Smiled" was evaluated as a loyal successor of Italian neorealism, and also won the Golden Lion Award at the 55th Venice International Film Festival. You must know that this Venice International Film Festival is full of masterpieces.

and "The Way They Smiled" competed for the Golden Lion Award, including "Autumn Story" by French literary master Rohmer.

1905 Film Network Special Article This week's best film 'The Way They Smiled' is an Italian film. This work won the highest award at the Venice International Film Festival in 1998, the Golden Lion. Memories of Italy on the Screen When you think of Italy, what kind of screen impre - Lujuba

"Black Cat White Cat" by Serbian national treasure director Kusturica.

1905 Film Network Special Article This week's best film 'The Way They Smiled' is an Italian film. This work won the highest award at the Venice International Film Festival in 1998, the Golden Lion. Memories of Italy on the Screen When you think of Italy, what kind of screen impre - Lujuba

There is also the film "Run Lola Run" by the new German director Tom Tykwer.

1905 Film Network Special Article This week's best film 'The Way They Smiled' is an Italian film. This work won the highest award at the Venice International Film Festival in 1998, the Golden Lion. Memories of Italy on the Screen When you think of Italy, what kind of screen impre - Lujuba

In the end, "The Way They Smiled" stood out and won the Golden Lion Award. Because the story of this film is the epitome of the people at the bottom of Italian society.

1905 Film Network Special Article This week's best film 'The Way They Smiled' is an Italian film. This work won the highest award at the Venice International Film Festival in 1998, the Golden Lion. Memories of Italy on the Screen When you think of Italy, what kind of screen impre - Lujuba

A touching brotherhood

The story of the movie "The Way They Smiled" took place in Italy from 1958 to 1964. These six years were a decisive period for the country, known as the "economic miracle". During this period, Italy's domestic industrial output growth set a record. The film tells the story of a pair of Italian brothers who traveled north from the impoverished southern island of Sicily to Turin to make their mark in the world.

1905 Film Network Special Article This week's best film 'The Way They Smiled' is an Italian film. This work won the highest award at the Venice International Film Festival in 1998, the Golden Lion. Memories of Italy on the Screen When you think of Italy, what kind of screen impre - Lujuba

For the authenticity of the film, the film's director Gianni Amelio specially found two actors who were born in Sicily, southern Italy, to be the brothers. The actor who plays the brother, Loviso, graduated from the Italian National Film School. The director commented on him: "Whether he is playing a positive character or a negative role, Loviso can accurately grasp the characteristics of the character."

1905 Film Network Special Article This week's best film 'The Way They Smiled' is an Italian film. This work won the highest award at the Venice International Film Festival in 1998, the Golden Lion. Memories of Italy on the Screen When you think of Italy, what kind of screen impre - Lujuba

Enrique Loviso (left), Francesco Giuffreda (right)

Giuffreda, who plays the younger brother, is not a professional actor. He was still in college when he appeared in this film. In high school, he was spotted by director Amelio, which launched his career as a professional actor.

1905 Film Network Special Article This week's best film 'The Way They Smiled' is an Italian film. This work won the highest award at the Venice International Film Festival in 1998, the Golden Lion. Memories of Italy on the Screen When you think of Italy, what kind of screen impre - Lujuba

The story of "The Way They Smiled" is a family relationship between brothers whose blood is thicker than water, and it is also the torrent of the times experienced by millions of ordinary people in a country.

Let's go into this week's best movie - "The Way They Smiled".

cctv-6 movie channel "A date with good movies"

html November 20 Saturday

22:22 Saturday promotion version

22:31 "The way they smile"

html November 21 Sunday

13:50 "The way they smile"

15: 53 Sunday movie review version

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