Hunan Daily all-media reporters Peng Yahui and Wang Liang (January 19, press conference. Photo by Li Jian) ​​The total economic volume exceeded the 5 trillion yuan mark! This is the economic development report card handed over by Hunan in 2023. On January 19, at the provincial go

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Hunan Daily All-Media Reporters Peng Yahui and Wang Liang

Hunan Daily all-media reporters Peng Yahui and Wang Liang (January 19, press conference. Photo by Li Jian) ​​The total economic volume exceeded the 5 trillion yuan mark! This is the economic development report card handed over by Hunan in 2023. On January 19, at the provincial go - Lujuba

(January 19, press conference. Photo by Li Jian) ​​

The total economic volume exceeded the 5 trillion yuan mark!

This is the economic development report card handed over by Hunan in 2023.

On January 19, at the provincial government press conference, the Provincial Bureau of Statistics and the Hunan Survey Corps of the National Bureau of Statistics jointly released the 2023 Hunan Province’s economic and social development and people’s livelihood survey data. In 2023, Hunan Province's GDP exceeded the 5 trillion yuan mark, reaching 5,001.285 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4.6% at constant prices.

has exceeded 2 trillion yuan in 2012, 3 trillion yuan in 2016, 4 trillion yuan in 2020, and now 5 trillion yuan. Faced with the turbulent international environment and the arduous task of domestic reform, development and stability Despite the heavy burden, Hunan's economic development has achieved steady progress.

Hunan Daily all-media reporters Peng Yahui and Wang Liang (January 19, press conference. Photo by Li Jian) ​​The total economic volume exceeded the 5 trillion yuan mark! This is the economic development report card handed over by Hunan in 2023. On January 19, at the provincial go - Lujuba

(BYD's Changsha base is busy with production in 2023. Photo by Gu Pengbo)

This is a report card of steady progress

"In the past year, our province's economy has been moving forward under pressure amid ups and downs, with some ups and downs. Surprise'." said Xiang Shicong, director of the Provincial Bureau of Statistics.

The "waves" refer to the province's economic slowdown in the first quarter and the bottoming out of GDP growth in the second quarter. On a quarter-by-quarter basis, growth was 4.1% in the first quarter and 3.1% in the second quarter. "Surprise" In the third quarter, the province's economy significantly stabilized and rebounded, with a year-on-year growth of 4.8%; in the fourth quarter, economic development improved month by month, with a year-on-year growth of 6.0%.

The economy must not only look at the situation and trend, but also understand the "general trend" behind it.

In recent years, Hunan has worked hard to improve its industrial capabilities and vigorously develop the real economy. The three world-class industrial clusters of engineering machinery, advanced rail transit equipment, and aviation power have basically taken shape. Equipment manufacturing, materials, and food and light industry have developed into trillion-dollar industries. 20 emerging advantageous industrial chains in industries such as electronic information have grown rapidly, maintaining Hunan's economy. Steady progress has laid a solid foundation.

The strategic adjustment of the province's economic structure has shown results. The manufacturing industry is accelerating towards high-end, intelligent and green. In 2023, the proportion of advanced manufacturing above designated size in the province's manufacturing industry will exceed 50% for the first time. The service industry's contribution to economic growth will reach 54.1%, and industrial investment will account for all investment. The proportion of investment in major construction projects reached 63.5%, a year-on-year increase of 4.6 percentage points, and the investment in major construction projects accounted for 72.8% of the total investment, a year-on-year increase of 5.1 percentage points. The industrial structure tends to be optimized, which means that the resilience to deal with risks and challenges continues to increase.

Looking at the whole year, our province's economic fundamentals are clearly "stable" -

The total grain output has remained above 60 billion jins for four consecutive years, the number of live pigs sold increased by 0.6% compared with the previous year, and the output of pigs, beef, mutton and poultry increased by 0.6% from the previous year. Annual growth of 0.4%.

industry maintains its edge. The added value of advanced manufacturing increased by 6.8% year-on-year, 1.5 percentage points faster than the growth rate of the manufacturing industry, accounting for 51.3% of the manufacturing industry. Among them, electronic information, nonferrous metals, and automobiles increased by 11.8%, 26.1%, and 16.5% respectively year-on-year.

The growth rate of the service industry has accelerated. From January to November, the operating income of service industry enterprises above designated size was 584.501 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.2%, and 29 industries out of 34 major industry categories achieved growth.

Hunan Daily all-media reporters Peng Yahui and Wang Liang (January 19, press conference. Photo by Li Jian) ​​The total economic volume exceeded the 5 trillion yuan mark! This is the economic development report card handed over by Hunan in 2023. On January 19, at the provincial go - Lujuba

(The 3rd China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo will be held in Changsha in 2023. Photo by Li Jian) ​​

This is a report card of stability and improvement

Despite the certain impact of the complexity, severity, and uncertainty of the external environment, we The province unswervingly implements new development concepts and promotes high-quality development, and the "gold content" behind the 2023 economic report card has increased.

——Accelerate the conversion of old and new driving forces, and provide better development momentum. Our province's first-hand excellent stock promotes the "new sprouts" of traditional industries, and its first-hand expansion is to accelerate the "strong branches" of emerging industries. The added value of manufacturing industries above designated size in the province increased by 5.3% year-on-year, 0.2 percentage points faster than all large-scale industries. Among them, the added value of the equipment manufacturing industry increased by 8.9% year-on-year, accounting for 31.5% of large-scale industries.

Innovation drive promotes the formation of new growth poles in mid-to-high-end industries. Investment in high-tech industries increased by 4.0% year-on-year. From January to November, high-tech service industries such as research and experimental development, technology promotion and application services, and software and information technology services were open. Revenue increased by 39.6%, 23.7% and 15.6% respectively year-on-year; smart products took advantage of the momentum, and the output of large-scale industrial optoelectronic devices, integrated circuits and lithium-ion batteries increased by 27.2%, 36.0% and 32.9% respectively year-on-year.

——Domestic demand will further expand and the endogenous driving force for development will be stronger. The Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government took the initiative to implement policies and introduced 20 measures to stabilize growth, 20 measures to promote consumption, 20 measures to revitalize culture and tourism, as well as 18 support measures in the industrial field, 20 measures to prevent risks, and 30 measures to develop the private economy, strengthening confidence. , Promote growth; a series of major economic and trade activities such as the China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo, the Beidou Scale Application International Summit, the 2023 World Computing Conference, and the Provincial Tourism Development Conference run throughout the year, effectively promoting a virtuous cycle of consumption and investment and mutual promotion.

In 2023, the province's total retail sales of consumer goods will exceed 2 trillion yuan, reaching 2020.334 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.1%; investment has gradually improved, with industrial investment increasing by 4.5% year-on-year, of which industrial investment has increased by 8.1% year-on-year, with a total planned investment of 50 million yuan Investment in major construction projects of and above increased by 4.2% year-on-year.

- Reduce costs, reduce burdens and increase efficiency, further stimulating the innovation and entrepreneurship drive of business entities. At the end of 2023, the province had 57,900 "four top" enterprises in the library, a year-on-year increase of 11.8%. This is the first time in the past three years to achieve double-digit growth; transportation and logistics are relatively active, and the province's passenger and freight transportation conversion turnover increased by 15.6% year-on-year. ; Financial credit support is strong. As of the end of last year, the province's financial institutions' deposit balances in local and foreign currencies increased by 10.7% year-on-year, and the loan balance increased by 10.9% year-on-year.

Hunan Daily all-media reporters Peng Yahui and Wang Liang (January 19, press conference. Photo by Li Jian) ​​The total economic volume exceeded the 5 trillion yuan mark! This is the economic development report card handed over by Hunan in 2023. On January 19, at the provincial go - Lujuba

(At the beginning of 2023, Dao County will hold a vocational skills competition for babysitters to promote learning and employment. Photo by correspondent)

This is a warm report card

People's livelihood is greater than the sky. Whether the "report card" has warmth is mainly reflected in the people's sense of gain.

"Looking back on the past year, people's livelihood protection can be said to be 'strong and effective'." Zhu Guoyong, secretary of the party group and captain of the Hunan Survey Corps of the National Bureau of Statistics, said that our province has coordinated efforts to stabilize growth, promote reform, adjust structure, benefit people's livelihood, and prevent Risk and stability work will be carried out to speed up the filling of shortcomings and weaknesses.

In the first three quarters of 2023, the province's general public budget expenditures increased by 6.6% year-on-year, and people's livelihood expenditures accounted for more than 70%, of which housing security, social security and employment expenditures increased by 20.1% and 8.2% respectively.

Resident income growth rate "outperforms" GDP. In 2023, the per capita disposable income of residents in the province will be 35,895 yuan, an increase of 5.5% over the previous year. Among them, the per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents was 49,243 yuan and 20,921 yuan respectively. The income decreased by 0.07 compared with the previous year and became more balanced.

Various key people's livelihood matters are advancing rapidly. The linkage of the "four industries" of employment services, vocational training, entrepreneurship promotion, and unemployment protection has promoted the realization of more sufficient and higher-quality employment. 765,000 new jobs have been created in cities and towns across the province, and the employment situation is generally stable. All 20 key people's livelihood issues have been completed or exceeded the annual target tasks. A total of 2,000 old urban communities have been renovated throughout the year, the construction of 100 county general high schools "Xuteli Project" has been started, and the general outpatient clinics of secondary and above designated medical institutions have been opened in other places. There were 999 direct settlements for medical treatment, and 5,746 new nursing beds in nursing homes.

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