Screenshot of a report on the website of the American media "Salt Lake City Weekly" China Daily Network, January 18 (Dang Chaofeng) On the 17th local time, the website of the American media "Salt Lake City Weekly" published an article by columnist Michael S. Robinson Sr. saying,

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Screenshot of a report on the website of the American media 'Salt Lake City Weekly' China Daily Network, January 18 (Dang Chaofeng) On the 17th local time, the website of the American media 'Salt Lake City Weekly' published an article by columnist Michael S. Robinson Sr. saying,  - Lujuba

Screenshot of a report on the website of the American media "Salt Lake City Weekly"

China Daily Network, January 18 (Dang Chaofeng) On the 17th local time, the website of the American media "Salt Lake City Weekly" published an article by columnist Michael S. Robinson Sr. Said that white supremacy still exists in the United States, and civil rights leader Martin Luther King’s dream of racial equality is far from being realized.

Michael S. Robinson Sr. said that January 15th is Martin Luther King Day. This day reminds all Americans that black people have suffered terrible inequality for many years. There is no reason for a country to allow black people to remain disenfranchised for so long.

"The United States Constitution stipulates that all people are equal, and everyone is endowed with certain inalienable rights. Almost every major city in the United States now has a Martin Luther King Boulevard. This honor comes from the collective understanding and recognition of Americans that the treatment of black people in American society is a violation of this creed.

101 years after Abraham Lincoln declared that enslaving black slaves was a crime against humanity, should Americans be proud of the 1964 Civil Rights Act that officially gave black people the right to vote? No, we can only hang our heads because the Constitution stipulates that "everyone has the right to vote" Equality” requires a law to enforce it.

Michael S. Robinson Sr. said: "We should not be proud of the anti-discrimination laws of the 1960s. The Civil Rights Act did not provide a once-and-for-all solution. Even school desegregation did not help. Why What? Because communities where minorities live generate less tax revenue, which affects school budgets, which in turn affects the hiring of quality teachers, limits school purchases of computers and other educational materials, and minority children often only Able to learn in inferior facilities. Although we do not label it 'apartheid,' our school system is still largely racially segregated, constrained by economic factors."

The article said, perhaps more What’s worse is that there’s a real movement brewing to try to make Americans “whiter” by marginalizing black people. There is no doubt that white supremacy still exists. Radical racist groups still want to see a completely white America, and they are doing everything they can to prevent blacks from becoming the majority of the U.S. population in the future.

Michael S. Robinson Sr. said: "I suspect that if Martin Luther King was alive today, he would not be deeply impressed by the road named after him. On the contrary, he would still have a deep impression on the United States. He feels frustrated and uneasy about the long way to go, and does not believe that his dream has been realized."

Michael S. Robinson Sr. said at the end of the article: "In order to realize Martin Luther King's dream, we must not settle for anything less. They are content with the status quo and think they have won. This means we must be extra vigilant to prevent white supremacists from becoming the country’s future leaders and legislators.”

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