The final event of the annual large-scale music project Lingnan New Folk Singing Plan - Southern Music Festival·Lingnan New Folk Singing Tour will be held on January 27 at the Guangzhou Central Station Exhibition Center. 20 groups of musicians will gather offline for the first ti

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The final event of the annual large-scale music project Lingnan New Folk Singing Plan - Southern Music Festival·Lingnan New Folk Singing Tour will be held on January 27 at the Guangzhou Central Station Exhibition Center. 20 groups of musicians will gather offline for the first ti - Lujuba

Annual large-scale music project

Lingnan New Folk Singing Plan

The final event -

Southern Music Festival Lingnan New Folk Singing Tour

will be held on January 27th at the Guangzhou Central Station Exhibition Center

20 groups of musicians will be online for the first time Let's gather together

to sing 20 original Lingnan new folk songs

There are also rich gifts waiting for you to unlock

If you like folk songs

welcome to come and play with us ~


we opened the first wave of tickets for free

limited edition Tickets were sold out at lightning speed

Thank you everyone for your enthusiastic support!

Today we are quickly promoting

The second wave of limited tickets are free of charge

Another way to play

Please see the end of this article for the ticket delivery rules


20 original Lingnan new folk songs will have their first singing

The singing plan of Lingnan new folk songs is sponsored by Southern Metropolis Daily The annual large-scale music project organized by n Video Planning and hosted by Nandu Entertainment was officially launched on September 8, 2023. With "folk music" as the form, "new" as the soul, and "Lingnan" as the theme of expression, in the past four months During the period, a series of activities including launch conferences, targeted invitations, social solicitations, university promotions, and offline flash mobs were held, aiming to fully tap the power of original musicians in Lingnan and even across the country, and create a batch of high-quality Lingnan new folk songs. Original songs, and committed to shaping a new IP for literary and artistic activities in the Bay Area.

Currently, the event has released two music albums with a total of 20 original songs, which are officially launched on Southern Metropolis Daily, n Video, Nandu Entertainment’s new media matrix and qq music platform. On January 27, 20 original Lingnan new folk songs will be Welcome to the live debut!

"Lingnan New Folk Songs (2023 First Series)" brings together 10 winning songs that have been rigorously selected by multiple parties and multiple rounds of professional review and stood out from 1,051 social collection works, jointly showing the colorful and long-lasting Lingnan culture and life taste.

"Lingnan New Folk Songs (2023 Second Series)" has invited 10 groups of well-known musicians to create a new one. Among them are well-known old musicians and backbone figures in the Chinese music scene, as well as new-generation folk songs that have been popular among young people in recent years. As well as musicians and bands who have been deeply involved in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area for many years. The 10 songs range from seasonal scenery to urban fireworks, from personal memories to humanistic feelings, presenting the myriad aspects of Lingnan.


Spoilers for part of the performance lineup and song list

Chang Shilei "Drunken Lingnan"

"Drunken Lingnan" is composed and sung by the well-known singer and musician Chang Shilei. It specially uses both Mandarin and Cantonese expressions to express the various colors of Lingnan. Flowers enter the song, and the melody is inspired by the various Lingnan tunes he heard while growing up in Guangzhou. It describes the blooming flowers that stretch thousands of miles, praises the changing seasons, and forms its own scenery. It embodies the Lingnan people's hope for a better life. Following "The Bay", "Drunk by Flowers in Lingnan" is another affectionate song by Chang Shilei to the place where he grew up.

The final event of the annual large-scale music project Lingnan New Folk Singing Plan - Southern Music Festival·Lingnan New Folk Singing Tour will be held on January 27 at the Guangzhou Central Station Exhibition Center. 20 groups of musicians will gather offline for the first ti - Lujuba

Zeng Xiaomin Wang Xinyu "Song of Lingnan"

"Song of Lingnan" is a cross-border collaboration between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. The famous Hong Kong composer Zhang Jiacheng composed the music and served as the producer, and the famous Hong Kong lyricist Liu Zhuohui wrote the lyrics. The director of the Guangdong Cantonese Theater, Zeng Xiaomin, winner of the Wenhua Performance Award and the Chinese Drama Plum Blossom Award, teamed up with Macau young singer and actress Wang Xinyu to sing. The fresh and dazzling combination lineup, catchy melody, down-to-earth and resonant lyrics, combined with innovative interpretations of Cantonese opera and nursery rhyme elements, add a unique color to Lingnan new folk songs.

The final event of the annual large-scale music project Lingnan New Folk Singing Plan - Southern Music Festival·Lingnan New Folk Singing Tour will be held on January 27 at the Guangzhou Central Station Exhibition Center. 20 groups of musicians will gather offline for the first ti - Lujuba

NANDOM+ "Start from the South"

"Start from the South" is a very special song composed by the NANDOM band. Qing, who is also an arranger, mixer and producer, used vocal collection and the latest AI technology to reproduce Jiang Fan’s beautiful vocals and sing about the beautiful south. The Nifemen band, which has been in existence for more than 20 years, has gone through many vicissitudes, but it can still be "frivolous and singing all the way". "Start from the South" is full of visuals, with very southern situations and emotions, and a very free state, as if A group of teenagers sang and danced on the land of Lingnan.At this Southern Music Festival Lingnan New Folk Singing Tour, "Nandfromen+" led the team to create electronic rhythms, led by captain A Qing, and invited Qi Xiaolong, a unique ancient-style guitarist who has collaborated with Zhang Jie, and Qi Xiaolong, who has a clear and graceful voice. Singer Mia Xu Zimei performed an electronic folk version of "Start from the South" together.

The final event of the annual large-scale music project Lingnan New Folk Singing Plan - Southern Music Festival·Lingnan New Folk Singing Tour will be held on January 27 at the Guangzhou Central Station Exhibition Center. 20 groups of musicians will gather offline for the first ti - Lujuba

Qiulin "Spring Plowing"

"Spring Plowing" was created by Qiulin, a Hakka musician representative. He blended traditional Hakka songs with modern music styles to show strong Hakka culture and folk customs. Sow in spring and harvest in autumn; hide in winter and grow in spring. This song depicts a Hakka field scene, a childlike memory, a season and a prayer. Beautiful Hakka music and vivid Hakka culture deserve to be discovered and spread.

The final event of the annual large-scale music project Lingnan New Folk Singing Plan - Southern Music Festival·Lingnan New Folk Singing Tour will be held on January 27 at the Guangzhou Central Station Exhibition Center. 20 groups of musicians will gather offline for the first ti - Lujuba

html Lead singer of 37 Guangdong bands ( Toy Captain Li Yihan / NANDOM + Ah Qing mia Xu Zimei / Super Charlie Chen Dongjie / Tai Chi girl Qiu Peichen /3-way switch Zhang Siming /mover band calvin/kata chan Ice ) "Tao Sheng Cherish"

Toy Captain joined hands with Feimen+, Tai Chi Girl, 3-way switch, Kata, Super Charlie, and the lead singer of the mover band to sing "Tao Sheng Cherish". In addition to the breath of the sea and the rhythm of Tang Ruan, the work also adds the shouts of a group of people at the end, including Chaoshan dialect, Hakka, Cantonese, etc. Cherishing each other is a sincere blessing and a New Year's prayer, singing the collective sincerity and warm voice of Lingnan's new folk songs.

The final event of the annual large-scale music project Lingnan New Folk Singing Plan - Southern Music Festival·Lingnan New Folk Singing Tour will be held on January 27 at the Guangzhou Central Station Exhibition Center. 20 groups of musicians will gather offline for the first ti - Lujuba

Haiwei "Sun Rain"

"Sun Rain" is composed and sung in Shanwei Lufeng dialect by the new generation singer-songwriter Ren Haiwei. The fresh and sweet voice and unique narrative style depict some of the things that often happen in childhood. Pleasant picture. "Sun Rain" is commonly referred to as sun rain, which refers to a weather phenomenon where it suddenly rains on a sunny day or when the sun is shining. It is very common on the seaside in eastern Guangdong. This song is engraved with childhood memories and memories exclusive to Lingnan. I hope that the life that goes with the flow and the relaxing melody can make people feel warm when they think about it.

The final event of the annual large-scale music project Lingnan New Folk Singing Plan - Southern Music Festival·Lingnan New Folk Singing Tour will be held on January 27 at the Guangzhou Central Station Exhibition Center. 20 groups of musicians will gather offline for the first ti - Lujuba

Son of the Sun "Memory"

"Memory" was composed by music producer Fang Yi, and was sung with the well-known male duet group Son of the Sun. This song innovatively uses a male chorus form, while retaining the guitar accompaniment as a folk feature. It is narrated like a story and evokes beautiful memories of the city. As an Easter egg, the singing at the end of the song is adapted from the "Welcome Song" sung by Li Guyi, which can be called the calling card of Guangzhou music. It ends the whole song with a familiar melody, adding to the Lingnan style.

The final event of the annual large-scale music project Lingnan New Folk Singing Plan - Southern Music Festival·Lingnan New Folk Singing Tour will be held on January 27 at the Guangzhou Central Station Exhibition Center. 20 groups of musicians will gather offline for the first ti - Lujuba

Luo Weili "Sunlight"

The song "Sunlight" with strong Lingnan nostalgia is a music work that is in line with the current living style of the Hakka area, fits the listening habits of the Hakka people, and penetrates into the lives of ordinary people. The creator, Luo Weili, was born in Chetian Town, Longchuan, Heyuan. He has been fond of music since he was a child. Although he was not a major, he toured everywhere with art troupes, and also went to Lijiang, Beijing and other places to pursue his music dream. After releasing a Mandarin album, Luo Weili is still determined to sing and compose in Hakka in practice. "When I Was a Child" adapted from Hakka nursery rhymes was well received as soon as it was released. It further strengthened the path of creating Hakka songs and will be released in 2022. The Hakka album "Hakka Says" was released.

The final event of the annual large-scale music project Lingnan New Folk Singing Plan - Southern Music Festival·Lingnan New Folk Singing Tour will be held on January 27 at the Guangzhou Central Station Exhibition Center. 20 groups of musicians will gather offline for the first ti - Lujuba

Jin Xiaowen "Wild Fun"

"Wild Fun" was composed by Jin Xiaowen, a bedroom independent musician. It is integrated into Guangdong Muyu song and sings the chorus in Cantonese. Interestingly, Jin Xiaowen is from Beijing. She does not speak Cantonese and has never been to Lingnan. This song depicts her understanding and imagination of Lingnan. To some extent, it also reflects the view of Lingnan in the eyes of people from afar: "Lingnan is the land of Lingnan." "Broad" and "there are always many interesting things in the world". She believes that Lingnan is a treasure land that is brave in change and changing with each passing day, and its culture is diverse and interesting. People from far away write about and sing about Lingnan, adding another fresh perspective to the new folk songs of Lingnan.

The final event of the annual large-scale music project Lingnan New Folk Singing Plan - Southern Music Festival·Lingnan New Folk Singing Tour will be held on January 27 at the Guangzhou Central Station Exhibition Center. 20 groups of musicians will gather offline for the first ti - Lujuba

Yang Guangyao sunshine " Sunset Mulberry"

"Sunset Mulberry" was created by Yang Guangyao, an original musician born in the 2000s. He is from Beijing and is currently studying business administration at Capital University of Economics and Business and is a senior student. "Sunset Mulberry" describes the benches and mulberry trees on the Lingnan seaside. Yang Guangyao uses a story-telling voice to convey the expectations and relief of urban young people for their current life.

The final event of the annual large-scale music project Lingnan New Folk Singing Plan - Southern Music Festival·Lingnan New Folk Singing Tour will be held on January 27 at the Guangzhou Central Station Exhibition Center. 20 groups of musicians will gather offline for the first ti - Lujuba

Hongfang nono "Ajia Ada"

"Ajia Ada" was created by the musician Hongfang nono. "Ajia Ada" means "grandma and grandpa" in the Hakka dialect of Shaoguan, Guangdong. When I was a child, Hongfang nono’s grandparents lived in a mud-brick house in the countryside. There were frequent heavy rains in the south, and the family was always worried that the mud house would be washed away. He silently made up his mind to give his grandparents a better living environment and life when he grew up. "But after the new house was built in the village, my grandparents had already gone to another world." He used this song to sing about his deep longing for his grandparents.

The final event of the annual large-scale music project Lingnan New Folk Singing Plan - Southern Music Festival·Lingnan New Folk Singing Tour will be held on January 27 at the Guangzhou Central Station Exhibition Center. 20 groups of musicians will gather offline for the first ti - Lujuba

Xing Ling "Yue Niang"

"Yue Niang" comes from the musician Xing Ling. Xing Ling, whose real name is Xing Lin, graduated from the School of Music and Dance of Guangzhou University. As a teacher, she won the first prize in the Chaozhou Aesthetic Education Teacher Basic Teaching Skills Competition. She loves composing music in her spare time. This lively and nostalgic song was co-created by Xing Ling and her students. It is full of childlike interest and innocence. "Yue Niang" is based on the Chaozhou ballad "Yue Niang Moonlight", leading the audience into the beautiful scene of the ancient Chaoshan people who "learned well and became officials".

The final event of the annual large-scale music project Lingnan New Folk Singing Plan - Southern Music Festival·Lingnan New Folk Singing Tour will be held on January 27 at the Guangzhou Central Station Exhibition Center. 20 groups of musicians will gather offline for the first ti - Lujuba

The Great Array Cantonese Chorus "Uncle Egg"

"Uncle Egg" is based on a true story. The songwriter Lawrence accidentally learned that an uncle who sold egg waffles next to his school had passed away when he was a child. He was moved by the scene and wrote this song. "Uncle Egg" has accompanied generations of people as they grow up. It is a kind of memory that is very Lingnan, very nostalgic, and very resonant. A year ago, Lawrence and producer Qing Lang established the "Da Zhen Xiang Cantonese Choir", which is dedicated to the creation and promotion of Cantonese culture and Cantonese songs. "Uncle Egg" is a work that has been continuously polished during this period. Lawrence said that in the era of "Uncle Egg", the taste of egg waffles was different every day, so he wanted to retain this taste and the simplicity and innocence of childhood.

The final event of the annual large-scale music project Lingnan New Folk Singing Plan - Southern Music Festival·Lingnan New Folk Singing Tour will be held on January 27 at the Guangzhou Central Station Exhibition Center. 20 groups of musicians will gather offline for the first ti - Lujuba

Li Ce maggie "Small Town Farewell Song"

"Small Town Farewell Song" was created by the original singer-songwriter Li Ce Maggie. She is engaged in overseas investment, and with her melodious singing voice, she sings about the farewell thoughts and bravery of young people in small towns. "Town" represents the dream place in the heart, "parting" is a geographical travel and a change of mood, and facing it bravely is worthy of praise. "The mulberry fields eventually turn into the sea, and time takes away the past. Maybe you take the next bus and rush to the future. The rest of your life will be long, and the town will leave." "Zhang Xiangxiang teamed up with Lao Gao, a "post-60s generation", to create a song, using melodious sounds and melodious tunes to convey the spirit of Chaoshan cultural heritage and show the courage to pioneer and the unyielding power of Chaoshan red-headed boats. Zhang Xiangxiang grew up in Taohuajiang, Hunan. He graduated from Shenyang Conservatory of Music majoring in bel canto singing. After graduation, he transitioned into a popular singer and lived in Guangzhou for 6 years. Currently living in Chongqing, he is a young songwriter and freelance singer-songwriter.

The final event of the annual large-scale music project Lingnan New Folk Singing Plan - Southern Music Festival·Lingnan New Folk Singing Tour will be held on January 27 at the Guangzhou Central Station Exhibition Center. 20 groups of musicians will gather offline for the first ti - Lujuba

Deng Qianying " Relaxation time for migrant workers"

"Relaxation time for migrant workers" comes from Deng Qianying, a musician who was born and raised in Guangzhou. Countless hard-working workers love life and this city. The lazy rhythm of this song interprets the optimistic and open-minded spirit of Guangzhou migrant workers in the face of life and setbacks. Although there are all kinds of ups and downs in the working process, as long as you blow the night breeze by the Pearl River, your worries will disappear. .

The final event of the annual large-scale music project Lingnan New Folk Singing Plan - Southern Music Festival·Lingnan New Folk Singing Tour will be held on January 27 at the Guangzhou Central Station Exhibition Center. 20 groups of musicians will gather offline for the first ti - Lujuba

Wang Qiangjin大地堂

The local accent lingers, which is an unforgettable nostalgia. Under the moonlight night, the most lingering thoughts are in the underworld.Ditang is commonly known as "Shahoutang" in Guangdong, and it is the most common grain-drying field in rural areas. The original children's song "Dadi Tang" was written by Wang Qiangjin, composed by Chen Aijin, arranged by Chen Ruoping, and directed by Li Guanqin. It is cut from the unique perspective of the underground temple under the moonlit night, borrowing the gradually disappearing rural underground hall, and evoked the hearts of countless people. Wandering shows the yearning for a better life. The song conveys meaning and has the beauty of simplicity, emotion and outlook. This is a sketch of a beautiful countryside that combines reality and reality, and it is also a dream-chasing song that yearns for a better life.


Ticket giveaway rules

The number of tickets for this performance is limited, 40 tickets are now available for freeGet free!

Event time: January 27, 2024 14:30-17:00

Event location: Central Station Exhibition Center, No. 315, Huangpu Avenue, Tianhe District, Guangzhou

Ticket delivery rules:

② Follow the instructions at the end of the ticket grabbing page;

④ After the lottery results are announced, the winner needs to send a screenshot of the circle of friends to the backend of the ticket grab page as a proof of prize receipt. If the screenshot cannot be provided by then, it will be deemed to have given up the winning spot;

This performance uses a real-name system, and the winner needs to register 2 spectators The performer's name + ID number + mobile phone number . On the day of the performance, the person must present his or her ID card to collect tickets. The actual audience member and the registered ID card must be consistent before they can enter the venue;

⑥ There is no charge for this performance. Tickets are not allowed to be sold. If found, the organizer has the right to disqualify the user from participating in the event. If the above behavior causes losses to the organizer, the organizer will reserve the right to pursue compensation from the user;

⑦The final interpretation right of this event belongs to the organizer. all.

Guiding unit: Southern News Media Group Guangdong Federation of Literary and Art Circles

Organizer: Southern Metropolis Newspaper n Video

Organizer: Guangdong Nandu Entertainment Media Co., Ltd.

Co-organizer: Guangdong Popular Music Association Guangdong Provincial Folk Artists Association, Guangdong Provincial Performance Industry Association, Guangdong Radio and Television Station, Sound of Music Guangdong Provincial Institute of Arts Guangdong Provincial Musicians Association Modern Sky Grass Terrace Echo Beautiful Southern Star Extraterrestrial Music Topi Music Label Central Station Rockhouse Light·Wen Space Sound Republic Livehouse Space Livehouse Mao Livehouse 191space Livehouse Kuaishou Bilibili Xiaohong book etc

Tags: entertainment