(Author He Suohuan: focuses on psychological analysis of gender emotions, marriage and family, self-growth and personality, etc. Follow me to bring you more knowledge.) -01 Human nature is "forgetful". What does it mean to "forget about scars after healing" pain"? The same pit...

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(Author He Suohuan: focuses on psychological analysis of gender emotions, marriage and family, self-growth and personality, etc. Follow me to bring you more knowledge.)

(Author He Suohuan: focuses on psychological analysis of gender emotions, marriage and family, self-growth and personality, etc. Follow me to bring you more knowledge.) -01 Human nature is 'forgetful'. What does it mean to 'forget about scars after healing' pain'? The same pit... - Lujuba


Human nature is "forgetful"

What does "Okay" mean? Scars forget to hurt”?

The same pit, people will fall twice;

The same stumbling block, people will fall twice.

The doctor told this man:

"Stop smoking and drinking as soon as possible, otherwise it will get worse."

This man was very scared.

But he couldn’t stand it after two days of quitting.

"One more drink, one more drink to calm my nerves, it's all like this anyway, I won't miss these two sips."

People are "forgetful" about many things.

If the person who hurts you gives you another candy, you will forget that he hurt you;

If you have suffered a loss, after a while, you will still suffer.

"Don't hit the wall and never look back" depends on whether the person has a "clear mind".

The reality is:

Most people pretend to be confused while pretending to understand. You will never be able to persuade that stubborn person.

"It's going to rain, and my mother is going to get married."

You can't persuade that damn ghost.

So, no matter who you get along with, when you realize that you can't convince the other person, stay silent;

If you can't change the other person, then prepare a retreat for yourself.


Contradictory human nature: a piece of candy and a slap

You give the other person a piece of candy, and it will be gone after eating it;

When the sweetness in your mouth is gone, the other person will forget that you gave him a piece of candy.

If you are good to a person and you are the icing on the cake, the other person will forget your kindness after using up your value.

But if you treat others badly, even if you just choke them with words, the other person will remember it in their heart and hate you.

People have always been forgetful, especially if you have done something beneficial to others;

When the benefits are over, the other party will forget.

But people have a natural obsession with hatred.

(Author He Suohuan: focuses on psychological analysis of gender emotions, marriage and family, self-growth and personality, etc. Follow me to bring you more knowledge.) -01 Human nature is 'forgetful'. What does it mean to 'forget about scars after healing' pain'? The same pit... - Lujuba


Whether you are living well or not depends on yourself.

In this world, there are really not many people who wish you a happy life.

Relationship between relatives and friends:

"I hope you live well, but I don't hope you live better than him or her."

people are like that.

can accept that your life has changed for the better, but he absolutely cannot bear to see you surpass him.

Sometimes, even your parents will be jealous of you.

Whether you are living well or not is like a person drinking water, knowing whether it is warm or cold;

No matter how good your life is, you must pretend to be ordinary;

because it will arouse the jealousy and malice of others.

Even if your life is not good, you have to pretend that your life is not bad;

Because you act "very weak", others will treat you as a "soft persimmon".


True or false, it all depends on the standpoint

What is true?

You told the truth and wanted to stand in a "normal perspective";

But you will find that you have told the truth and become the target of public criticism.

You have told the truth and done good things, but you still have to stand up and apologize and admit your mistakes.

What is fake?

"The Emperor's New Clothes", everyone knows it is fake, but they all say it is true.

True or false, life is like a play.

The irony is:

When a person wants to tell the truth, he has to pay "an unbearable price in life."

Sometimes, people become silent and indifferent, not because they lose their kindness, but to protect themselves.

(Author He Suohuan: focuses on psychological analysis of gender emotions, marriage and family, self-growth and personality, etc. Follow me to bring you more knowledge.) -01 Human nature is 'forgetful'. What does it mean to 'forget about scars after healing' pain'? The same pit... - Lujuba


Don't change anyone.

For people with different ideas, it's a waste to say more words;

For people who pretend to be asleep, it's useless to call them thousands of times.

Even if this person is your parents or your lover, it is useless.

Let me give you an example of my parents:

My parents’ generation probably had too many hard times, so they were particularly hard-pressed.

I don’t want to throw away the leftovers, and I don’t want to throw away the fruits and vegetables that are spoiled.

asked them to throw it away every time, but they just wouldn't change it.

I stopped trying to persuade him later.

Every time I go back to their house, I clean up the refrigerator and kitchen and secretly throw them away.

Let go of the "helping complex", because you will find that you can't change anyone.

cannot be changed, we can only adapt ourselves in a different direction.


Contacts without chips are all fake

The quality of your relationship with others, the distance between you and others, does not depend on how long you have known each other, nor does it depend on whether you are "blood related".

It only depends on:

How much value you can bring to the other party and how much benefit you can provide.

In a win-win relationship, even "superficial brothers" will pretend to be sincere;

has no connections, and even if there is a blood relationship, there is not much affection.

(Author He Suohuan: focuses on psychological analysis of gender emotions, marriage and family, self-growth and personality, etc. Follow me to bring you more knowledge.) -01 Human nature is 'forgetful'. What does it mean to 'forget about scars after healing' pain'? The same pit... - Lujuba


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