A "News Queen" not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the "Best Supporting Actress". She is not the "powerful and wealthy flower" she appears to be, but quite the oppos

entertainment 4116℃

"News Queen" not only saved TVB's predicament, but also gave the various big and small flowers in it a focus again, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the "Best Supporting Actress".

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

She is not the "powerful and wealthy flower" she seems to be on the surface, but quite the opposite:

Gao Haining comes from an ordinary background, nor does she have a major in acting.

It can be said that it has been a very difficult journey for her from entering the industry to winning awards now, but she has always adhered to her original intention - even if she started with the smallest role, she has never neglected her career for a moment.

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

It is precisely because of this that when she won the "Best Supporting Actress Award" for her outstanding performance in "News Queen", netizens shouted: Well deserved!

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba. It was not easy to make her debut, and she has been questioned

It can be said that in the entertainment industry where there are many beauties, Gao Haining’s appearance is not outstanding. Even from the beginning of her debut, the biggest labels on her were only sexy, sexual tension, and proud figure.

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

When these words are piled together, it is easy to derive an unfriendly character: vase.

Yes, Gao Haining broke into the entertainment industry 15 years ago, and this was the "sharp weapon" he used to travel around the world.

It is reported that she was born in an ordinary family in Nanjing in 1986, and her original name was Shen Jiangli.

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

In order to make a living, his parents went to Hong Kong early to do business. Gao Haining was left in his hometown and lived with his grandmother until he was 13 years old.

Later, when her parents had some ability, they brought her to Hong Kong, but their life was very difficult. It is reported that the family was crowded in a rooftop house in Mong Kok at that time, living a precarious life.

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

In addition to her, there are two younger brothers in the family who also want to study, so Gao Haining went out to work early and studied part-time.

Because of her distinctive appearance and good figure, she worked as a model in her early years and took some sexy photos for a hair salon.

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

In 2008, with the encouragement of her mother, Gao Haining mustered up the courage to participate in the Miss Hong Kong competition that year. During

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

, she had always been a very popular contestant, but she was almost involved in the whirlpool of public opinion because sexy photos she had taken in her early years were accidentally exposed.

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

Regarding this, Gao Haining was very calm. He also said bluntly in an interview that he had already reported to the organizer and said that he had a bottom line when taking photos in his early years.

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

It was precisely because of her calm and calm attitude that she successfully resolved the crisis.

It is said that during the competition, some judges deliberately made things difficult and asked her father, who is from Hong Kong, why he went to Nanjing to "make trouble"?

Gao Haining also responded with a high emotional intelligence: "It is fate that my parents will meet in such a beautiful place in the south of the Yangtze River, Nanjing."

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

In the end, in this competition, she won the fourth place and the "Tourism Ambassador Award", so she succeeded Enter the circle.

But with no academic qualifications and no background, life was not easy for Gao Haining, who had just entered the industry. He was still "very poor".

Many years later, she recalled those embarrassing days and said that she went to attend the wedding of her friend Xu Shumin and even gave out a red envelope of 800 yuan.

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

Indeed, when he first entered the industry, Gao Haining was unable to get good roles. He played either vixens or mistresses, and he often relied on showing off his figure to appear in the spotlight.

For example, in "The Mind-Reading Detective" starring Lin Baoyi, she played a "mistress" who had an emotional entanglement with a man for money, but was killed by the other party at the beginning;

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

Another example is in "Forensic Pioneer III", she played another A female secretary who relies on her boss to support her and wears very revealing clothes...

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

In almost every drama, she has a "bad girl" temperament as soon as she appears, and her attitude is very arrogant, so she is labeled as a "bad girl professional" "Tag of.

In addition to her figure advantage, the public even gave her the title of "Mistress God", which made Gao Haining miserable.

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

2. Falling into depression and struggling to support

In fact, looking at Gao Haiming's appearance now, he does have a charming temperament. Although his face is not small, his facial features are small and small. This contradiction has a different kind of charm.

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

Especially in the current trend where everyone advocates "white, thin and young", her temperament is so unique.

But when she first debuted, the public had a bad impression of her, which made every step of her journey very difficult.

Hong Kong media always like to make random connections between Gao Haining's character in the drama and her personal life, especially when they say she is "along with the rich."

In fact, her love history was very clean, and her style was extremely low-key. At that time, she was only dating ordinary male artists.

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

The pressure from all sides almost overwhelmed her. At one point, Gao Haining suffered from depression. She hid in her room all day and gained 30 pounds.

When she was most serious, she didn't even want to meet her parents. She could only ask herself over and over again:

"Why don't all people in Hong Kong like me?"

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

In the end, it was her mother's comfort and encouragement that made her rekindle her love. Aroused hope for life and career.

She walked out of the house and started to work out at the gym. She also met a group of friends outside the circle and gradually came out of the gloom with their comfort.

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

Despite this, the rumors about Gao Haining continue, and there are even reports in the market that she fell in love with the "Prince" of the travel agency, kicked out Xu Zishan and became the new favorite of TVB boss Chen Guoqiang...

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

In this regard, she is not only He publicly stated in interviews:

"Why do you keep making up false reports for me when I work very hard?"

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

Gao Haining also knows that "a girl's reputation is more important than anything else." , so "her private life is not chaotic at all."

has no choice but to work harder, hoping that one day she will be able to conquer the audience with her acting skills, and at the same time change the public's perception of herself - it's just that she has been waiting for this day for 15 years .

At one time, Gao Haining's work was very intensive, with 4 or 5 works released every year, but her roles were basically supporting roles.

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

But despite her hard work, her life was still very "tense".

Her father once said in 2011 After being exposed for selling fake goods, Gao Haining did not blame him for affecting his career as a public figure, but instead blamed himself very much:

"I really wanted them not to set up a stall, and even more so after I entered the industry, but I don't have the ability to support it." The whole family..."

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

But after that, she obviously worked harder.

Although she was afraid of heights, she persisted even though she was hung from a ten-foot-high tree during filming;

accidentally fell to the back of her head during the filming, and for She kept up with the schedule and persisted to the end, and did not need a substitute for all the dangerous scenes...

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

Because of such hard work, Gao Haining finally gradually changed her popularity with a little bit of effort.

In 2012, she played the role in the TV series "Ladder to Heaven" The third aunt, Zheng Yanping, was nominated for the "Leap of Progress Award" at the TVB Taiwan Festival.

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

After that, Gao Haining encountered the hit drama "Walker" and collaborated with Charmaine Sheh.

In the drama, her role was still not likeable, She played the role of Lin Xiwei, a renegade undercover agent who also killed three of Ding Xiaojia's adoptive mothers, which made people hate her.

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

But at the same time, the audience also remembered Gao Haining's "sister-in-law" domineering and elegant style, and unexpectedly discovered that she was extremely malleable. Strong, suitable roles are definitely not just "mistress" or "evil girl".

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

3. With his acting skills, he continues to shine

The year after "Walker" was aired, Gao Haining, who had been in the industry for many years, finally saved enough money to pay his parents I bought my first house with a down payment.

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

At this time, her career was getting better and better:

She had many scenes in the blockbuster "Macau 2" which was broadcast in the same year.

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

In 2017, Gao Haining also won the "Favorite TVB TV Character" award in one fell swoop for her participation in "The Woman Who Doesn't Know How to Act like a Baby".

But even so, her life is still "tight".

In a program, she revealed that she needed to repay a mortgage of 20,000 yuan per month. For a while, she did not receive any acting appointments, which caused the number on her bank card to drop to 5,000 yuan.

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

Fortunately, my family gave me timely support, and I soon received a new job.

Speaking of Gao Haining being noticed by domestic entertainment audiences, we have to start with "Thirty Only" broadcast in 2020.

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

In the drama, she played the role of Zhao Jingyu, who had a small role, and had many scenes opposite Wang Manni, played by the heroine Jiang Shuying.

Due to Gao Haining's strong aura and the "Hong Kong girl"'s own filter, she is very outstanding when she plays with the other party. Therefore, many netizens are hotly discussing: her acting skills completely crush Jiang Shuying.

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

It was precisely because of this "out of the circle" that her value in TVB was also seen by the top management, and they wanted to retain her by signing a long-term contract.

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

Therefore, the fourth female lead in "News Queen", Xu Shiqing, fell on Gao Haining.

Xu Shiqing is also not a "good guy". Her character is that "she can do anything in order to be in prime time."

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

And the "proud figure" that has always been questioned by the outside world also adds a lot to this role.

Especially in terms of acting, Gao Haining was able to take on the role of Charmaine Sheh effortlessly. It was so refreshing to see two powerful women acting on the same stage.

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

Because of this work, they both reached the top:

Charmaine Sheh also won the titles of Favorite TVB Actress, Best Actress, and Best Dressed Female Artiste in the Greater Bay Area;

Gao Haining finally won the title after 15 years of debut. "Best Supporting Actress Award".

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

On the podium, the scene where they hugged each other and were truly moved by each other became a hot search topic. The entry was the tearful "sympathy between actresses".

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

Perhaps Charmaine Sheh knows better than others how difficult every step of Gao Haining’s journey from debut to now is.

And Gao Haining also kept in mind what "Ashe" said to himself many years ago:

"No matter what role you play, you have to play it with your heart. Even if you are not the protagonist, it doesn't matter, you are the protagonist of this scene!"

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

Also Because of this, Gao Haining plays every role so superbly, whether it is the "mistress", "traitor" or "evil girl".

debuted after so many years, her love history can be called "clear", but she has established a relationship with actor Luo Tianyu and music director Tang Chiwei due to filming.

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

It's just that she hasn't met her lover. Although Luo Tianyu is not popular, he has always been labeled as a "goddess harvester" and has a lot of rumored girlfriends.

Tang Zhiwei is the music director of TVB, and he is also a "playboy" outside. It is reported that the two had a secret love for 5 years, but they have always kept a low profile.

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

During the period, the man was suspected of cheating 4 times. In the end, he was suspected of falling in love with a Beijing girl, forcing Gao Haining, who originally wanted to get married, to break up with her.

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

She has not said anything publicly about this. She keeps a low profile and looks very sober. Just like Xu Shiqing, who she plays, she has always been a "career-minded person."

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

Then, I wish the "career brain" Gao Haining to continue to become popular with the help of Xu Shiqing - after all, she deserves all this.

Do you like this "Hong Kong girl" Gao Haining?

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

A 'News Queen' not only saved TVB's predicament, but also brought attention to the various big and small flowers in it, including of course Gao Haining, who just won the 'Best Supporting Actress'. She is not the 'powerful and wealthy flower' she appears to be, but quite the oppos - Lujuba

Tags: entertainment