"Work order completed." On January 3, the third day of 2024, Liang Lizhen, deputy to the Guangzhou Municipal People's Congress and deputy general manager of the Guangzhou Grand Theater, received a message. She said with emotion: "It has only been three days, very fast. "It turns

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'Work order completed.' On January 3, the third day of 2024, Liang Lizhen, deputy to the Guangzhou Municipal People's Congress and deputy general manager of the Guangzhou Grand Theater, received a message. She said with emotion: 'It has only been three days, very fast. 'It turns  - Lujuba

"Work order completed." On January 3, the third day of 2024, Liang Lizhen, deputy to the Guangzhou Municipal People's Congress and deputy general manager of the Guangzhou Grand Theater, received a message. She said with emotion: "It has only been three days, very fast. ." It turns out that the problem of shared bicycles occupying the road that she reported through "a representative's casual photo" on December 31, 2023 has been resolved.

'Work order completed.' On January 3, the third day of 2024, Liang Lizhen, deputy to the Guangzhou Municipal People's Congress and deputy general manager of the Guangzhou Grand Theater, received a message. She said with emotion: 'It has only been three days, very fast. 'It turns  - Lujuba

As a "veteran representative", Liang Lizhen seems to have developed some "professional habits". "Wherever she goes, she will pay attention to it. How is the public environment? What's wrong with the city's appearance? This has formed a

December 31, 2023 is the first day of the New Year's Day holiday in 2024. Liang Lizhen noticed that the shared bicycles on the section of Xiancun Road near Winter Square illegally occupied the road, affecting pedestrian traffic. "It's a holiday, the flow of people is relatively large, and the situation of random parking is serious. I think it must be reported. At around 10 o'clock that day, I submitted a question on 'Representatives Shoot'."

Around 10 o'clock on January 3, Liang Lizhen received the feedback message "Work order completed". "The system shows that on January 2, the street has been settled, and the problem has been solved on the afternoon of the 2nd. Subsequently, it has to be reviewed by the relevant departments, so the 'settled' message was received on the 3rd."

Liang Lizhen also followed up on the follow-up, "The situation of random parking of shared bicycles at that location has been improved."

"This is not a performance of duties related to a big event." Liang Lizhen described this performance of duties on the last day of 2023. However, she believes that it is through such "small" actions of performing duties that we can gradually improve the appearance of Guangzhou's city. "This performance of duties also promoted the communication between the street and the shared bicycle delivery company, and promoted the more accurate delivery and more timely recycling of shared bicycles."

Looking back on 2023, Liang Lizhen used the "Representatives Shoot" tool to carry out large and small projects Having performed her duties many times and looking forward to her duties in the new year, Liang Lizhen said that as a National People's Congress representative, she will cherish the power given by the people, get more into the community, and play her role in the public sphere.

Text/Guangzhou Daily·New Flower City Reporter: Deng Xiaoli

Picture/Guangzhou Daily·New Flower City Reporter: Mo Weinong

Guangzhou Daily·New Flower City Editor: Zhao Xiaoman

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