Recently, various provincial cultural and tourism bureaus have made various arrangements. Not only did the relay call for wheat, but fellow celebrities and artists were also invited to sit down. Hunan, on the other hand, is almost popular for calling Mai, but it is proficient in

entertainment 8719℃

Recently, various provincial cultural and tourism bureaus have implemented various fancy arrangements.

not only relayed the call for wheat, but also invited fellow celebrities and artists to take part in the event.

As for Hunan, it is almost popular when calling Mai, but it is proficient in nonsense literature.

One sentence: "For every more Hunanese, there is one more person in Hunan", which made Hunanese start to make jokes about "cannot hold their head up on Douyin".

Netizens shouted all night, and Hunan Satellite TV was invited to play.

As a result, Hunan Satellite TV upped the ante overnight, releasing a video every two minutes. Not only did it promote all 14 prefectures and counties in Hunan, but it also featured 14 celebrities overnight.

Recently, various provincial cultural and tourism bureaus have made various arrangements. Not only did the relay call for wheat, but fellow celebrities and artists were also invited to sit down. Hunan, on the other hand, is almost popular for calling Mai, but it is proficient in  - Lujuba

In addition to Hunan locals such as Zhang Yixing, Yi Yang Qianxi, Cheng Yi, and Liu Huan, the son-in-law of Hunan, he was also invited to promote Hunan.

Recently, various provincial cultural and tourism bureaus have made various arrangements. Not only did the relay call for wheat, but fellow celebrities and artists were also invited to sit down. Hunan, on the other hand, is almost popular for calling Mai, but it is proficient in  - Lujuba

Netizens commented, "My husband Zhang Yixing is from Hunan, so I am also half Hunanese."

Recently, various provincial cultural and tourism bureaus have made various arrangements. Not only did the relay call for wheat, but fellow celebrities and artists were also invited to sit down. Hunan, on the other hand, is almost popular for calling Mai, but it is proficient in  - Lujuba

even made Xie Na, Li Yuchun, Shang Wenjie and other Sichuan celebrities call Hunan together.

Netizens commented: "Sichuan Culture and Tourism is about to start laboring in Shudao Mountain."

So "for every more Hunanese, there is one more person from Hunan." Does this mean that anyone who has been on Hunan Satellite TV is a Hunanese?

Recently, various provincial cultural and tourism bureaus have made various arrangements. Not only did the relay call for wheat, but fellow celebrities and artists were also invited to sit down. Hunan, on the other hand, is almost popular for calling Mai, but it is proficient in  - Lujuba

It turns out that this wave of operations of @文lvHunan and @湖南卫视 are in connection with each other.

The editor has been attracted by this wave of operations in Hunan and is planning to fly to Hunan soon. Do you have any food recommendations? Tell me in the comment area~

Tags: entertainment