In the past two years, Ukraine has been stuck in the quagmire of war every day. Zelensky has long been exhausted, has a more urgent yearning for peace, and has gradually turned his attention from the West to the East. 1. The peacemaker between Russia and Ukraine must be China? Ac

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In the past two years, Ukraine has been stuck in the quagmire of war every day. Zelensky has long been exhausted, has a more urgent yearning for peace, and has gradually turned his attention from the West to the East.

1. Is China the peacemaker between Russia and Ukraine?

According to media sources, on the eve of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Ukraine and Switzerland hosted a meeting on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, with more than 80 officials from 36 countries participating. During

, Ukrainian Presidential Advisor Yermak mentioned China.

In the past two years, Ukraine has been stuck in the quagmire of war every day. Zelensky has long been exhausted, has a more urgent yearning for peace, and has gradually turned his attention from the West to the East. 1. The peacemaker between Russia and Ukraine must be China? Ac - Lujuba

Yermak expressed the hope that China could participate in the negotiations between Russia and Ukraine and put pressure on Russia to end the war as soon as possible. He also invited China to join the discussion.

From the perspective of Ukraine, China has an important influence on the international stage. If China can sit at the negotiating table between Russia and Ukraine, it can play a very critical role.

Switzerland also said that regarding the Russia-Ukraine issue, the participation of BRICS countries is of great significance because these countries maintain close relations with Russia, especially China, which plays an important role.

What is puzzling is that Russia and Ukraine have been fighting for so long. Why did they suddenly think of asking China to help mediate and solve the problem at this time?

2. Stop losses in time, has become the consensus between the United States and Ukraine?

Seeing the current battlefield situation, it turns out that everything is traceable.

As the Russian army continues to intensify its attacks, without Western military aid, Ukraine would have no ability to resist. In the early stages of the war, the West still held the idea of ​​"eliminating Russia" and opened up its arsenal to Ukraine and provided a large amount of military aid. .

In the past two years, Ukraine has been stuck in the quagmire of war every day. Zelensky has long been exhausted, has a more urgent yearning for peace, and has gradually turned his attention from the West to the East. 1. The peacemaker between Russia and Ukraine must be China? Ac - Lujuba

As small as guns and ammunition, as large as long-range missiles and fighter planes, the Ukrainian army has repeatedly shouted the slogan of "Great Counteroffensive". However, with these patchwork weapons and equipment, and the army's morale gradually declining, the so-called "Great Counteroffensive" Defeated in the midst of sighs again and again.

At the same time, Western countries have also lost confidence in Ukraine, and "eliminating Russia" has become a fantasy. They have stopped losses in time, stopped military aid or reduced support.

Even the United States is discouraged.

In the past two years, Ukraine has been stuck in the quagmire of war every day. Zelensky has long been exhausted, has a more urgent yearning for peace, and has gradually turned his attention from the West to the East. 1. The peacemaker between Russia and Ukraine must be China? Ac - Lujuba

White House spokesman Kirby said earlier this month that the United States will no longer have funds to continue supporting Ukraine. This may not mean that the United States will give up on Ukraine, but how Ukraine, which has lost external support, can persevere in the face of the powerful firepower of the Russian army has become a severe challenge before Ukraine.

As the situation gradually got out of control, the West finally thought of asking China to step in and put out the war.

3. How many of Mao Ning’s words did Zelensky understand?

To a certain extent, this shows that the West, which has been "kidnapped" by Ukraine, is already a bit "riding a tiger to get off" and is waiting for China to give it a step up.

But on the Russia-Ukraine issue, China's position has always been clear.

In the past two years, Ukraine has been stuck in the quagmire of war every day. Zelensky has long been exhausted, has a more urgent yearning for peace, and has gradually turned his attention from the West to the East. 1. The peacemaker between Russia and Ukraine must be China? Ac - Lujuba

my country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Mao Ning pointed out that the core of resolving the Ukraine crisis is to persuade peace and promote talks. Since the crisis escalated comprehensively, China has been maintaining communication with relevant parties, including Ukraine.

China will continue to work with the international community to play a constructive role in promoting a political settlement of the crisis now and in the future. China also supports and welcomes all efforts conducive to the realization of peace.

Regarding the so-called bilateral meeting between China and Ukraine, Mao Ning pointed out that we have no information to provide. reported that China was not present in the talks on the Russia-Ukraine "peace formula".

In the past two years, Ukraine has been stuck in the quagmire of war every day. Zelensky has long been exhausted, has a more urgent yearning for peace, and has gradually turned his attention from the West to the East. 1. The peacemaker between Russia and Ukraine must be China? Ac - Lujuba

analysis pointed out that this is because Ukraine and the West have not seen sincerity on the issue of peace talks. The previous peace talks, under the leadership of Ukrainian President Zelenskiy, basically excluded Russia.

Although Ukraine’s attitude is not as tough as before and it has not clearly expressed its opposition to Russia’s participation in negotiations, in the short term, it may be difficult for us to see the dawn of peace between Russia and Ukraine.

This is because Russia’s attitude is also very tough.

4. There are preconditions for peace talks, and Russia also has its temper.

Although Russia does not oppose peace talks, the prerequisite for the talks is that the West must stop arming Ukraine and stop implementing anti-Russian sanctions and anti-Russian propaganda.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zakharova stressed that Russia will not fall into the trap set by the West and induce Russia to engage in peace talks on the Ukraine crisis under the condition of giving up its principles.

In the past two years, Ukraine has been stuck in the quagmire of war every day. Zelensky has long been exhausted, has a more urgent yearning for peace, and has gradually turned his attention from the West to the East. 1. The peacemaker between Russia and Ukraine must be China? Ac - Lujuba

In other words, Russia's sense of urgency is not as strong as Ukraine's, and it is not in a hurry to end the war. If you are willing to fight, the Russian army will accompany you to the end.

It can also be said that the "peace" expected by the West is not in Russia's interests, and the battlefield situation is beneficial to Russia. Russia can continue to consume the power of Ukraine and the West until a peace beneficial to Russia is achieved.

Analysts pointed out that the conditions offered by Russia are not excessive. On the contrary, Ukraine has repeatedly moved closer to the West, and its approach of luring wolves into the house has threatened Russia's national security and pushed itself into danger.

Judging from the current situation, there is almost no possibility for the Ukrainian army to make a comeback. If the fight continues, the whole of Ukraine will be starved to death. Now Zelensky should spit out the pie drawn by the West as soon as possible and return to the negotiating table with absolute sincerity. forward.

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