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In December 2023, a concert movie from the United States exploded in the circle of friends of Chinese netizens. The protagonist of this movie is Taylor Swift, the current American country folk singer. And his shooting mode is also very unique among the new movies in the cinema.

Because the camera is focused on Taylor Swift and the stage behind him almost throughout the movie. Compared with ordinary movies that tell stories to the audience on the big screen, Taylor Swift's new movie is actually more like an off-site concert.

As a world-class music star, Taylor Swift’s concerts are often sold out. But now this model of concert movies seems to have further broken down the barriers between singers and fans.

While Swift and her concert and movie continue to explode into popularity, many people in the film and business circles have begun to think seriously:

Whether Swift and his concert movie can be obtained What about the expected benefits? Can this kind of money-attracting model be successfully replicated in other places?

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(Taylor Swift at the concert)

Next, let us tell it slowly.

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The novel "concert movie"

Although the concert movie model is still very rare in the Chinese film market, in fact, this model of film is relatively mature abroad. Many big-name international stars have produced their own concert movies.

For example, Michael Jackson, the black singer who once made the world crazy, and Justin Bieber, who became famous at a young age, both made concert movies specifically for their songs.

This kind of concert movie is very different from traditional movies. A movie ticket worth tens of yuan allows fans to enjoy the fun of chasing stars collectively at a concert. To a certain extent, this is indeed a good way for singers to expand their own income channels.

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(Taylor Swift)

After all, there are still only a few fans who can spend a lot of money to buy tickets to go to concerts. Only by broadcasting concert movies can we win more opportunities to sink the market.

What's more important is that concert movies can bypass Hollywood producers and distribution companies, which means that singers can get more profits from the movie's box office. The revenue earned by movie theaters will also increase significantly.

So there's always a lot of interest in trying to make concert movies in the United States. After all, by omitting the middle production company and distributor, several percent of the cost will be reduced. Such a profit ratio is really too tempting.

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(Superstar Michael Jackson)

But as a business, not every singer can make ideal profits from concert movies. Sometimes the revenue of concert movies not only does not meet expectations, but even causes singers and theaters to lose money.

For example, the Rolling Stones, who are famous in the United States, once filmed a concert movie for themselves. But in the end, the profits they achieved were not ideal. As a movie released in theaters, their box office results did not even exceed 100 million US dollars.

This situation makes both singers and theaters very frustrated. Therefore, shooting and showing a concert film is not as simple as it seems.

Concert movies shot by different singers will achieve different effects, which is closely related to the style of their own songs and the structure of their fans.

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The success of "Taylor Swift"

In fact, Taylor Swift's concert movie was released to the public a few months ago, but in order to get more box office, they deliberately scheduled the release time in the Chinese film market December 31st.

Because this day happens to be New Year’s Eve, which is particularly popular among young people in China. Different from the traditional Spring Festival, on New Year's Eve, young people can happily release their emotions and do what they want to do. This seems to coincide with Taylor Swift's pursuit of individuality in her music.

With the blessing of "China's New Year's Eve Movie Box Office", Taylor Swift's concert movie has currently earned more than 261.6 million US dollars in box office worldwide. This box office performance is very impressive among theater movies.

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(New Year’s Eve crowd)

Perhaps many people do not have an intuitive idea of ​​this box office performance. You know, the box office performance of the concert movie produced by the superstar Michael Jackson was only 261.2 million US dollars.

Now, Taylor Swift's movie has defeated Michael Jackson's previous box office performance, refreshing the history of the unpopular field of concert movies.

Moreover, as a movie, Taylor Swift's work will naturally be subject to scrutiny and comments from the majority of netizens. But whether it is on the Chinese Internet or the international Internet, people have given extremely high praise to Taylor Swift's film.

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(Taylor Swift)

Currently, the score of Taylor Swift’s work on Douban, a Chinese Internet movie community, has reached 9.3 points. On Rotten Tomatoes, a well-known movie review website, the film's freshness rating reached 99%.

Some Chinese audiences walked into the cinema out of curiosity, but they were quickly conquered by Taylor Swift's moving singing voice.

Some fans said in the comment section of Douban that they had never heard any of Ms. Taylor's songs before, but the moment they heard the music, they were immediately intoxicated by the melody.

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(Taylor Swift’s performance)

There are also many “hardcore fans” of Taylor Swift who said that after watching the concert movie, they became more determined to want to watch the concert live. determination. Because listening to the songs in the movie is already so great, we can’t imagine how happy the people at the scene must be.

In fact, Taylor Swift has become a world-famous singer naturally because his music has an unparalleled charm. This kind of charm can bring fans of different skin colors, different countries, and speaking different languages ​​together to enjoy his music. This is why Swift launched a concert movie.

And after pushing the movie to theaters, Taylor Swift also released an unedited version on the online platform. Many fans have found that there are many refreshing "tracks" that can be heard in this version of the movie.

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(Taylor Swift’s poster)

This not only attracted a wave of fans for Taylor Swift herself, but also once again helped to increase the popularity of the movie. Therefore, the marketing methods of Taylor Swift and her staff cannot but make people feel moved and admired.

When Taylor Swift's concert movie suddenly became popular in China's theater market, several crucial questions arose in many people's minds:

Can Chinese singers also imitate Taylor Swift? How about creating a concert movie that belongs to him? Is Taylor Swift’s current “money-attracting technique” really suitable for the Chinese market?

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The hard-to-replicate "money-attracting technique"

After seeing the success of Taylor Swift, many people will simply attribute this success to the economic dividends of fans behind the singer.

But not all fan economies can develop to the point of making movies, and not all fan bases are suitable for conversion into financial gains.

In fact, there have been similar attempts in the Chinese film market before. Just a few years ago, there were a lot of so-called "big movies" in our cinemas.

These big movies often broadcast variety shows to people in the name of movies. In essence, they want to convert the original ratings income of the program into box office income based on the number of fans of the variety show itself.

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(Stills from Variety Show Movies)

However, after various variety show movies became popular for several years, this kind of movies gradually withdrew from the Chinese film market. Many viewers even made negative comments about the movie after watching it.

Facts have proved that those so-called big movies are not as popular as the producers and artists imagined. At first, people walked into the cinema with curiosity, but after getting used to the routines of various variety shows, it is probably difficult for everyone to be interested in the so-called variety movies.

Moreover, variety shows themselves pursue interesting interactions and funny plots, but cinemas seem to have no way to make up for the shortcomings of interactive TV broadcasts. At best, the audience is just watching the program in a different place.

However, compared to previous variety show movies, movies with concerts as the main content obviously still have some advantages. At least fans can enjoy better sound effects after entering the cinema. And this is also a "rigorous need" for people who love music.

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(live concert)

But as mentioned above, not every singer is suitable for converting his concert into a movie. First of all, we need to understand that watching movies is usually a way for young people to relax and have fun.

Therefore, if a singer wants to turn his concert into a movie, he must take into account the age structure of his fans. In addition to the age structure, whether fans have sufficient purchasing power is also a key issue that everyone needs to consider.

Moreover, considering the box office revenue of the film, it is also "unknown" how many film slots each major cinema can reserve for so-called concerts and movies. Otherwise, no matter how good the movie is, no theater chain is willing to schedule it, and in the end it will be nothing.

In this way, we will find that Taylor Swift’s money-making model of converting concerts into movies does not seem to be the same. It is not suitable for replication in the current Chinese market.

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(Taylor Swift)

Perhaps, many people have not noticed that the reason why Taylor Swift is successful is ultimately because his music has the appeal to move people's hearts.

For a singer, how to polish their works to the extreme is what they should really consider. As for the box office and other monetary gains, they are just the added value generated by these singers in the creative process.

Concerts often represent a wild and enthusiastic factor. This restless but not excessive pastime may not be suitable for everyone today, but it can make everyone who is involved feel sincere comfort. .

Perhaps, in this era where audiences and groups are constantly segmented, everyone has the right to find their own way of entertainment. After all, there is never the best script or story in this world. Only the most real and relevant factors can touch people's hearts.

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