China News Service, Xi'an, January 15th (Reporter Zhang Yichen) On the evening of the 14th, the 459th performance of the dance poetry drama "Only Green" was held in Xi'an. It is reported that all box office proceeds from this performance will be donated to the disaster-stricken a

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China News Service, Xi'an, January 15th (Reporter Zhang Yichen) On the evening of the 14th, the 459th show of the dance poetry drama "Only This Green" was held in Xi'an. It is reported that all box office proceeds from this performance will be donated to the disaster-stricken areas in Gansu to be used for people in the disaster-stricken areas to rebuild their homes.

China News Service, Xi'an, January 15th (Reporter Zhang Yichen) On the evening of the 14th, the 459th performance of the dance poetry drama 'Only Green' was held in Xi'an. It is reported that all box office proceeds from this performance will be donated to the disaster-stricken a - Lujuba

The picture shows the actors passing out collectively. (Photo courtesy of Xi'an Kaiyuan Grand Theater)

At the 2022 Spring Festival Gala, the dance poetry drama "Only Green" expressed classical aesthetics with a very contemporary flavor and quickly became a hot search topic, setting off a wave of swipes and comments on the Internet. Retweet craze.

According to reports, the dance poetry drama "Only Green" created and staged by China Oriental Performing Arts Group was first performed in 55 cities within two years and four months. The play leads the audience into the Northern Song Dynasty's famous painting "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" from the perspective of the scroll exhibitor, showing the ingenuity and inheritance of the country's craftsmen, interpreting the magnificent picture of the people's mountains and rivers, showing the innate cohesion of the Chinese nation, and has become the theme of this exhibition. The reason for the charity performance at Xi'an Station.

On December 18, 2023, a 6.2-magnitude earthquake occurred in Jishishan County, Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. The disaster was severe and cold winter weather hit. The lives of people in the disaster area affected the attention of all parties. China Oriental Performing Arts Group Co., Ltd. and Xi'an Kaiyuan Grand Theater Operations and Management Co., Ltd. jointly decided that all box office proceeds from the Xi'an special performance of "Only Green" on January 14, 2024 will be donated to the disaster-stricken areas in Gansu to rebuild their homes for the local people affected by the disaster. Contribute.

It is understood that the dance poetry drama "Only This Green" is based on the genre of "poetry drama", with chapters such as "unrolling scrolls, asking for seal scripts, singing silk, looking for stones, practicing brushwork, tempering ink, and painting" as the outline. The audience will follow From the perspective of a modern Forbidden City researcher-the exhibitor, one wanders in the legendary traditional Chinese aesthetics.

"We have seen this play in Shanghai last year, but this time after seeing the news about the charity performance, the family bought tickets to watch it again. I think the performers can use their 'dance ability' to dedicate love to the people in the disaster area. As a Ordinary audiences, after watching the wonderful performance, it is also right to contribute to the disaster area." said Ms. Li, an audience member at the scene.

Xi'an Kaiyuan Grand Theater stated that the life of art comes from the people, and no matter how gorgeous the expression technique is, nothing can be more moving than warming the hearts of the people. And allowing the audience to actively participate in such artistic activities is to "expand the circle" of the performance. once. (End)

Tags: entertainment