According to, after Harbin tourism became popular, cultural tourism across the country began to expand its activities. On January 14, “Chongqing’s cultural tourism is in a hurry” was on the hot search lists on multiple social platforms. It turns out that the Chongqing

entertainment 3715℃

According to, after Harbin tourism became popular, cultural tourism across the country began to expand its activities. On January 14, “Chongqing’s cultural tourism is in a hurry” was on the hot search lists on multiple social platforms. It turns out that the Chongqing - Lujuba

According to, after Harbin tourism became popular, cultural tourism across the country began to expand its recruitment. On November 14, “Chongqing Cultural Tourism is in a hurry” was on the hot search list on multiple social platforms. It turns out that the Chongqing Municipal Culture and Tourism Commission is asking netizens across the country for help online, collecting "golden ideas" to promote mountain city tourism.

According to, after Harbin tourism became popular, cultural tourism across the country began to expand its activities. On January 14, “Chongqing’s cultural tourism is in a hurry” was on the hot search lists on multiple social platforms. It turns out that the Chongqing - Lujuba

A request for help was "urgent" on the hot search

Chongqing Cultural Tourism responded: It is indeed urgent

Some netizens joked: Chongqing Cultural Tourism's operation is a bit social! This is the time to prepare for the big move!

According to, after Harbin tourism became popular, cultural tourism across the country began to expand its activities. On January 14, “Chongqing’s cultural tourism is in a hurry” was on the hot search lists on multiple social platforms. It turns out that the Chongqing - Lujuba

A reporter from contacted the Chongqing Municipal Culture and Tourism Commission Information Center. The staff said that the video was released in the hope that all districts and counties would work together to actively contribute and promote themselves.

"'Urgent' is a joke, but we are really in a hurry. We collect content in such a humorous way. On the one hand, we hope to make everyone happy. On the other hand, we are indeed aware of the shortcomings in publicity and want to spread it widely. Ask for everyone’s opinions,” the staff member said. After the

video was released, Chongqing Cultural Tourism quickly received submissions from many districts, counties and photography enthusiasts.

was so anxious that he posted nearly 20 videos a day

gained 40,000 followers in just ten hours

Chongqing Cultural Tourism, which was "anxious", released nearly 20 promotional videos on January 14th alone. The content is to jointly launch tourism promotion videos with Wushan Cultural Tourism, Fengjie Cultural Tourism, Nan'an Cultural Tourism and other places.

According to the reporter’s observation, on the morning of the 14th, the number of fans of the Chongqing Cultural Tourism Douyin account was still 290,000. Due to the above-mentioned “hurry operation”, as of 9 p.m. on the 14th, in just a dozen hours, the number of fans of the account had dropped to 290,000. It rose to 330,000, an increase of 40,000.

According to, after Harbin tourism became popular, cultural tourism across the country began to expand its activities. On January 14, “Chongqing’s cultural tourism is in a hurry” was on the hot search lists on multiple social platforms. It turns out that the Chongqing - Lujuba

Regarding this result, a Chongqing cultural and tourism staff told reporters: "It is a surprise to be on the hot search and get everyone's likes. We are still intensively planning and screening content, and will continue to update in the future. I hope everyone can continue to pay attention. ."

However, the staff member believed that he was not "crazy enough". Because, compared with Hebei Cultural Tourism’s release of more than 70 videos in a single day, Shanxi Cultural Tourism’s 30 videos in half a day, and Chongqing Cultural Tourism’s more than 20 videos, it is not that many.

The staff member admitted that although the pressure is high, the number of videos posted every day will depend on the situation. "We don't necessarily have to fight hard, but we will still choose to pass on truly valuable content to everyone."

Chongqing Culture and Tourism invites netizens to give tips on how to score points

Netizens: Go and fool people into the "beauty trap"...

Chongqing Culture and Tourism As early as late night on January 12, he showed "anxiety".

That night, Chongqing Culture and Tourism released a video asking for help - "Sorry to disturb everyone, my phone froze and shut down during the live broadcast at 19:19 on January 12, 2024. We are very sorry, we are editing the follow-up video. Please help your family, Please help me think about how to improve Chongqing’s cultural tourism, Chongqing, I’m anxious!”

According to, after Harbin tourism became popular, cultural tourism across the country began to expand its activities. On January 14, “Chongqing’s cultural tourism is in a hurry” was on the hot search lists on multiple social platforms. It turns out that the Chongqing - Lujuba

Chongqing cultural tourism brought “Chongqing Small Hot Pot” to Harbin for study. Photo provided by the interviewee

Originally, the reason for posting the video asking for help was to explain the interruption of the live broadcast when "Chongqing Little Hotpot" went to Harbin to study and promote Chongqing's cultural tourism. Unexpectedly, it received an enthusiastic response from many netizens.

scrolled through tens of thousands of comments on this video and found that some netizens comforted "Chongqing is the city that loves tourists the most, so there is no need to rush"; others sincerely gave suggestions: "Go and impress people", "Invite celebrities to shoot promotional videos", "Chongqing There are so many beauties, it’s a ‘beauty trap’” “Promote more district and county attractions” “Stage a ‘jealousy’ drama with Sichuan Culture and Tourism, do more linkage with scenic spots”…

According to, after Harbin tourism became popular, cultural tourism across the country began to expand its activities. On January 14, “Chongqing’s cultural tourism is in a hurry” was on the hot search lists on multiple social platforms. It turns out that the Chongqing - Lujuba

According to, after Harbin tourism became popular, cultural tourism across the country began to expand its activities. On January 14, “Chongqing’s cultural tourism is in a hurry” was on the hot search lists on multiple social platforms. It turns out that the Chongqing - Lujuba

According to, after Harbin tourism became popular, cultural tourism across the country began to expand its activities. On January 14, “Chongqing’s cultural tourism is in a hurry” was on the hot search lists on multiple social platforms. It turns out that the Chongqing - Lujuba

“Some netizens’ suggestions may be adopted depending on the situation.” Chongqing Culture and Tourism Staff members said that next, Chongqing Culture and Tourism plans to promote the content carefully and link up with official accounts of foreign cultural and tourism departments. They also hope that friends inside and outside the city will interact with the official accounts and provide valuable opinions.

Let’s talk about it. Do you have any good suggestions for improving the score of Chongqing Cultural Tourism? reporter Wu Lishuang/text


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