The first stills of "Bambi: The Reckoning," the horror film version of the classic children's story "Bambi" have been released. In the stills, a bird was mercilessly killed and then tied to a tree. The entire still is dimly lit, full of a sense of fear and horror.

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The first stills of 'Bambi: The Reckoning,' the horror film version of the classic children's story 'Bambi' have been released. In the stills, a bird was mercilessly killed and then tied to a tree. The entire still is dimly lit, full of a sense of fear and horror. - Lujuba

1905 Movie Network News The first stills of "Bambi: The Reckoning," the horror film version of the classic children's story "Bambi" have been released. In the stills, a bird was mercilessly killed and then tied to a tree. The entire still is dimly lit, full of a sense of fear and horror.

The story of the film will focus on Bambi becoming a deer hunter who hunts humans after losing his mother. All it does is to avenge human beings for killing their mothers. It is worth mentioning that the film will be directed by Jeffrey Scott. Jeffrey Scott said the film will reinterpret the fairy tale and present it in a surprising way. I'm going to take inspiration from Ozark, where Bambi becomes a killing machine lurking in the darkness. The story of the original "Bambi" took place in the forest, where a group of cute little creatures lived. Later, Bambi's mother was killed by a hunter, and Bambi lived with his father. In autumn, due to forest fires caused by humans, Bambi was trapped in the fire. With the encouragement of his father, he bravely jumped into the waterfall and was saved. It's another spring, and Bambi has grown into a majestic stag, replacing his old father and sitting on the throne of king who rules the forest.

At present, famous characters such as Bambi, Snow White, and Peter Pan have exceeded the copyright protection period and entered the public domain. Therefore, many producers have come up with adapted versions of the story. Disney, for its part, is also working on adapting a real-animal version of "Bambi."

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