(Observer Network News) The 2024 election for leaders and public opinion representatives in Taiwan will be held on January 13. The vote counting results showed that Democratic Progressive Party candidates Lai Qingde and Xiao Meiqin were elected as the chief and deputy leaders of

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(Observer Network News) The 2024 Taiwan region leader and public opinion representative elections will be held on January 13. The vote counting results showed that Democratic Progressive Party candidates Lai Qingde and Xiao Meiqin were elected as the chief and deputy leaders of Taiwan. Among the 113 seats in Taiwan's legislative body, the Chinese Kuomintang won 52 seats, the Democratic Progressive Party 51 seats, the Taiwan People's Party 8 seats, and 2 seats were held by those without party membership or without recommendation from a political party.

After the election, the British Broadcasting Corporation (bbc) immediately conducted an exclusive online interview with Wang Wen, executive director of the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China (RUC Chongyang) and executive director of the China-US Humanities Exchange Research Center. Wang Wen gave a stern response on mainland China's Taiwan policy, cross-strait relations, future trends and other topics.

Wang Wen emphasized that this is just a local election in China. The DPP authorities continue to "govern" and cannot change the final result of cross-strait reunification. He solemnly pointed out that if the DPP authorities provoke or declare "Taiwan independence" in the future, mainland China's many ways of retaliating include "military reunification", and these DPP politicians will eventually be arrested , accept the trial of the law. In the

interview, although the BBC host continued to use the so-called "democracy" to talk about things and claimed that Taiwan's "independence" sentiment was getting stronger, Wang Wen believed that this was actually a difference in ideology. It will take time to adjust in the future, and we must also guard against the United States and others. Interference from external forces.

(Observer Network News) The 2024 election for leaders and public opinion representatives in Taiwan will be held on January 13. The vote counting results showed that Democratic Progressive Party candidates Lai Qingde and Xiao Meiqin were elected as the chief and deputy leaders of  - Lujuba

BBC talk show video screenshot

At the beginning of the interview, the BBC host first asked the question: "What policy response will mainland China have to Lai Qingde's victory this time?"

Wang Wen said that he believed that this was actually just a local election in China. So that's why mainland China is very, very calm. In fact, mainland China's Taiwan policy will not change, mainly for three reasons:

First, if China wants to be reunified, it will inevitably be reunified. No force can divide China.

Second, we hope for peaceful reunification, but we do not promise to give up force. The use of force is to curb "Taiwan independence" and is not aimed at the Taiwanese people. To a certain extent, it can be said that without "Taiwan independence", there would be no military reunification.

Third, in the next four years, the more rampant "Taiwan independence" will be, the faster the process of using military force to promote reunification will be. No one or any force can make Taiwan independent.

Subsequently, the BBC host claimed that what he is seeing now is that the Taiwan region’s elections demonstrated a “transparent democratic process.” He asked: "Does China really have sovereignty over Taiwan?"

Regarding this question, Wang Wen first refuted the other party. Unlike the so-called "democracy" in his mouth, this is a very typical Chinese local election-for the results , everything is as expected. In fact, he himself would not be surprised by either outcome.

"Now the DPP authorities continue to be in power, but the current political structure on the island will not have a substantial impact on the current status of cross-strait relations. There may be storms on both sides of the strait in the future, and there may also be cooperation. But as I said , these are just processes and cannot change the final result, which is the final cross-strait reunification."

Wang Wen solemnly pointed out that if the DPP authorities provoke provocations on the "Taiwan independence" issue in the future, there are many ways for mainland China to fight back. If the DPP authorities dare to declare "Taiwan independence," the result can only be military reunification, and these DPP politicians will eventually be arrested and tried by law.

After listening to this, the BBC host claimed that from the actual situation in Taiwan, the "local identity" of Taiwanese people seems to have been growing, and the Kuomintang, with its so-called "pro-China" attitude, seems to be doing worse, because Taiwan seems to have a Stronger "independence" sentiment, even if there is no verbal push for "independence" in the short term.

In this regard, Wang Wen once again emphasized that ordinary people in mainland China pay very little attention to the elections in Taiwan, because everyone really thinks that this is just a local election. Therefore, if you ask netizens in mainland China (about this "Taiwan independence" sentiment), many of them will say that they hope to use force to solve the problem. However, most people in mainland China believe in the government and believe that the central government has the ability to better achieve peaceful reunification.

“The ‘democracy’ you mentioned is actually a difference in ideology.I think it will take some time to adjust in the future. At the same time, we need to guard against interference from external factors, the United States, and the so-called ‘democracy’ you just mentioned. "

Wang Wen also mentioned another well-known thing, that is, since the meeting between the heads of state of China and the United States in San Francisco last November, Sino-US relations have remained stable, and the United States has repeatedly reiterated its opposition to "Taiwan independence." China has also proposed to the United States, We hope that the United States will support peaceful reunification. At present, time is on the side of mainland China. Most Chinese people believe that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait will be able to be reunified in the near future. We firmly believe in this.

On the evening of January 13, Chen Binhua, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, spoke about Taiwan Regional election results indicate that the results of the two elections in Taiwan this time show that the Democratic Progressive Party does not represent the mainstream public opinion on the island. Taiwan is China's Taiwan. This election cannot change the basic pattern and development direction of cross-strait relations, nor can it change the compatriots on both sides of the strait. The common desire to get closer and get closer cannot stop the general trend that the motherland will eventually be reunified and will inevitably be reunified.

Chen Binhua said that our position on resolving the Taiwan issue and completing national reunification is consistent, and our will is rock-solid. We will Adhere to the "1992 Consensus" that embodies the one-China principle, resolutely oppose "Taiwan independence" separatist actions and interference from external forces, and work with relevant political parties, groups and people from all walks of life in Taiwan to promote cross-Strait exchanges and cooperation, deepen cross-Strait integrated development, and jointly promote Chinese culture, Promote the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations and promote the great cause of reunification of the motherland.

This article is an exclusive manuscript of Observer.com and may not be reproduced without authorization.

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