At a time when the situation in the Middle East was tense and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine was protracted, U.S. Secretary of Defense Austin was diagnosed with cancer and was hospitalized. He was "out of contact" for more than a week. U.S. President Biden was not inform

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At a time when the situation in the Middle East was tense and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine was protracted, U.S. Secretary of Defense Austin was hospitalized with cancer and was "out of contact" for more than a week. U.S. President Biden was not informed of the situation until the 9th. On the 12th local time, Biden publicly criticized Austin for the first time for not notifying his hospitalization in advance, calling it a "misjudgment."

At a time when the situation in the Middle East was tense and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine was protracted, U.S. Secretary of Defense Austin was diagnosed with cancer and was hospitalized. He was 'out of contact' for more than a week. U.S. President Biden was not inform - Lujuba

Biden (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

According to reports, Biden visited Pennsylvania, the United States on the 12th. When asked by a media reporter whether Austin's failure to report his condition in time was an error in judgment, Biden replied "yes." .

The reporter asked him again if he had confidence in Austin, and Biden replied, "I have confidence."

reported that this was the first time Biden had publicly talked about Austin's concealment of hospitalization.

The White House and the Pentagon "excused" Austin on the 12th, saying that he continued to work in his hospital bed that day when the United States and the United Kingdom were preparing to attack the Houthi armed forces in Yemen. According to White House National Security Council strategic communications coordinator John Kirby and Pentagon spokesman Patrick Ryder, Austin contacted Biden and military leaders to recommend military action. After Biden approved it, he issued the order. Attacks on the Houthis.

Austin is 70 years old. Doctors said he was diagnosed with cancer during a routine screening in early December last year. On the 22nd of that month, Austin "underwent minimally invasive surgery" and was discharged from the hospital the next day. But on January 1 this year, Austin was readmitted to the hospital due to complications caused by surgery. He was initially diagnosed with a urinary tract infection and entered the intensive care unit. U.S. President Biden, the White House national security team, and the U.S. Congress were not informed of the relevant situation at the first time. It was not until January 4 that the White House was informed that Austin had been hospitalized. On the 5th, the Pentagon publicly informed that Austin was hospitalized for surgery, but only notified the U.S. Congress about 15 minutes before issuing a statement. It was not until the 9th that Biden learned that Austin was suffering from prostate cancer.

As the "second most powerful person" in the U.S. armed forces after the President of the United States, Austin was hospitalized but failed to report or release the news in a timely manner, which shocked the U.S. political circles and attracted criticism. Former Republican President Trump and others demanded that he step down.

In response to the concerns and accusations caused by concealing hospitalization, Austin issued a statement on the 6th taking full responsibility for his decision.

John Kirby said on the 8th that Austin has resumed his duties and is still in the hospital. Kirby also said members of Biden's cabinet want others to be notified if any of them is hospitalized. The White House will review relevant processes and make modifications as appropriate.

Jimu News is compiled from the Global Times, Xinhua News Agency, and China News Service

(Source: Jimu News)

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