"Black Soil Silence" not only has villains, but also a large number of villains with complex relationships. Such a scale of villains is extremely rare in criminal investigation short dramas of the same level. But why did the author use "No Villain" as the title of this article? T

entertainment 5128℃

"Black Soil Silence" not only has villains, but also a large number of villains with complex relationships. Such a scale of villains is extremely rare in criminal investigation short dramas of the same level.

But why did the author use "No Villains" as the title of this article? The reason why

said this is largely due to the dialogue between the director and the county magistrate in the sixth episode, as well as the song "Young Aspirations Don't Say Sorrows" after Zhong Yi's sacrifice.

'Black Soil Silence' not only has villains, but also a large number of villains with complex relationships. Such a scale of villains is extremely rare in criminal investigation short dramas of the same level. But why did the author use 'No Villain' as the title of this article? T - Lujuba

In such a short space of only 12 episodes, "Black Soil Silence" is almost impeccable in terms of story rhythm and storytelling techniques.

Even in such a compact and limited space, there are still some unnecessary and illogical plots.

After the mobilization meeting to "remove counties and establish districts" ended, the conversation between County Magistrate Qi Zhengwen and Public Security Bureau Chief Liu Guangsheng became an unnecessary plot.

'Black Soil Silence' not only has villains, but also a large number of villains with complex relationships. Such a scale of villains is extremely rare in criminal investigation short dramas of the same level. But why did the author use 'No Villain' as the title of this article? T - Lujuba

As the head of a county, Qi Zhengwen said that he could not or was unable to interfere in the handling of cases by the Public Security Bureau. This can be said to be right or wrong.

is right: As the director of the County Public Security Bureau, Liu Guangsheng’s immediate leader is Tao Jingshan, the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, not Liu Guangsheng, the head of the county.

And this is also the reason why Liu Guangsheng stood in front of Tao Jingshan and fought for Guan Yu to solve the murder case of the Hongqiao Group.

'Black Soil Silence' not only has villains, but also a large number of villains with complex relationships. Such a scale of villains is extremely rare in criminal investigation short dramas of the same level. But why did the author use 'No Villain' as the title of this article? T - Lujuba

What's wrong is that although this scene demonstrates Liu Guangsheng's integrity and loyalty, it puts Qi Zhengwen, the head of the county, in a dilemma.

As the head of a county, Qi Zhengwen is a local official. In his eyes, people's livelihood and well-being are more important and more urgent than murder cases.

But after being defeated by Liu Guangsheng in person, Qi Zhengwen's perspective became awkward and confusing. Is there any unexplored relationship between him and major local companies?

'Black Soil Silence' not only has villains, but also a large number of villains with complex relationships. Such a scale of villains is extremely rare in criminal investigation short dramas of the same level. But why did the author use 'No Villain' as the title of this article? T - Lujuba

Just when we are worried about the messy relationship between the major villains in the play, the county magistrate who suddenly jumped out on his own seems to want to shoulder the burden of the villain on his shoulders.

From the conversation between the county magistrate and the director, we can tell to some extent that the county magistrate does not care about the truth. He only hopes that this case will not affect the removal of counties and districts, or even his own career and reputation.

Compared with the villains who have been focused on by Guan Yu and others, the county magistrate, who will hardly come into the scope of this case, makes people have doubts and confusion about who is the real villain.

'Black Soil Silence' not only has villains, but also a large number of villains with complex relationships. Such a scale of villains is extremely rare in criminal investigation short dramas of the same level. But why did the author use 'No Villain' as the title of this article? T - Lujuba

In addition to this unnecessary plot, there is also an illogical plot that triggered the sound of "Young Aspirations Don't Tell Sorrows".

First of all, as an emotional sublimation of Zhong Yi’s sacrifice of life, the sound of the theme song of "Plain Clothes Police" and Guan Yu singing along will indeed make people feel hot and tearful.

But in the author's opinion, this is a plot that should not have appeared and happened. It is a plot that is quite unnatural, illogical and illogical.

'Black Soil Silence' not only has villains, but also a large number of villains with complex relationships. Such a scale of villains is extremely rare in criminal investigation short dramas of the same level. But why did the author use 'No Villain' as the title of this article? T - Lujuba

Zhongyi As a technician, it is understandable and common sense to go out to work when there is a shortage of manpower.

But when he was alone, he wanted to arrest Yang Xuesong, who most likely had a gun, with just a passion. This was somewhat unreasonable, common sense and logic.

When Zhong Yi found that there was no trace of Yang Xuesong where the mobile phone signal appeared, and only Huangmao Wangshan was alone, knowing the danger, he not only did not immediately draw a gun to warn, but also wanted to arrest Wang Shan empty-handed.

'Black Soil Silence' not only has villains, but also a large number of villains with complex relationships. Such a scale of villains is extremely rare in criminal investigation short dramas of the same level. But why did the author use 'No Villain' as the title of this article? T - Lujuba

Of course, Zhongyi’s sacrifice is admirable and sad, but is this sacrifice worthy and reasonable?

When the blood is over, when the blood slowly cools down, what is the meaning of Zhongyi’s sacrifice?

is the last clue he drew on the ground in his life? Or is it just to let Guan Yu sing "Young Aspirations Don't Say Sorrows" and wake Zhou Qi up from her sleep? Or is it just to let Wang Shan take another life? Is a story like

logical? Does such a plot have any practical significance?

'Black Soil Silence' not only has villains, but also a large number of villains with complex relationships. Such a scale of villains is extremely rare in criminal investigation short dramas of the same level. But why did the author use 'No Villain' as the title of this article? T - Lujuba

When we are fascinated by the constantly reversal of character relationships in "Black Earth Silent", when we applaud the endless interconnections in "Black Earth Silent".

These superfluous plots and seemingly correct logical confusion make the villain who should be the most interesting part of the show completely lose focus.

At this point, the hatred of villains that was completely covered up by the plot in the first five episodes has completely exploded; at this point, can "Black Soil Silence" still be called a phenomenal criminal investigation drama?

'Black Soil Silence' not only has villains, but also a large number of villains with complex relationships. Such a scale of villains is extremely rare in criminal investigation short dramas of the same level. But why did the author use 'No Villain' as the title of this article? T - Lujuba

The interpretation of "Black Soil Silence" will be written here for the time being. More exciting interpretations will be discussed in the next chapter.

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