There are indeed a lot of good dramas recently. From "The Three Brigades" to "Dajiang Dahe 3", it can be said that every movie is worth staying up late to catch up with, and every movie is worth watching over and over again. Of course, recently I have really stayed up late to wat

entertainment 9234℃

There are indeed a lot of good dramas recently.

From "The Three Brigades" to "Dajiang Dahe 3", it can be said that every movie is worth staying up late to catch up with, and every movie is worth watching over and over again.

Of course, I have really been staying up late recently to watch it, and I have really watched it frame by frame.

is also a new drama "Detective Hero" directed by Zheng Xiaolong.

There are indeed a lot of good dramas recently. From 'The Three Brigades' to 'Dajiang Dahe 3', it can be said that every movie is worth staying up late to catch up with, and every movie is worth watching over and over again. Of course, recently I have really stayed up late to wat - Lujuba

Not only is this drama the work of director Zheng Xiaolong, the more important point is that this new drama is indeed fresh in subject matter and interesting.

So what are the highlights of this drama that make me stay up late to watch it? Please listen to me slowly!

There are indeed a lot of good dramas recently. From 'The Three Brigades' to 'Dajiang Dahe 3', it can be said that every movie is worth staying up late to catch up with, and every movie is worth watching over and over again. Of course, recently I have really stayed up late to wat - Lujuba

The first breaking point: the characters are fresh and innovative!

Many people have actually photographed the subject of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea.

But most directors shoot frontal troops and big scenes.

But Zheng Xiaolong's "Reconnaissance Hero" this time took advantage of a coincidence.

chose to shoot with Scout as the entry point.

The so-called scouts are actually special forces in our modern terms.

is the soldier king Xu Sanduo played by Wang Baoqiang.

There are indeed a lot of good dramas recently. From 'The Three Brigades' to 'Dajiang Dahe 3', it can be said that every movie is worth staying up late to catch up with, and every movie is worth watching over and over again. Of course, recently I have really stayed up late to wat - Lujuba

From the perspective of character selection and entry point, this "Reconnaissance Heroes" has already won.

Because this angle is really new and it is really easy to shoot high-energy scenes.

After watching 8 episodes of "Scouting Heroes", there are really countless famous war scenes.

For example, such a detail that appears repeatedly in the play is really addictive.

That is the reconnaissance team performing interleaved missions on the battlefield.

Others may not be able to get past the enemy's defense line at all.

But for the men of the reconnaissance company, this is just a piece of cake.

There are indeed a lot of good dramas recently. From 'The Three Brigades' to 'Dajiang Dahe 3', it can be said that every movie is worth staying up late to catch up with, and every movie is worth watching over and over again. Of course, recently I have really stayed up late to wat - Lujuba

The most powerful scene is that of the Korean-speaking soldiers of the reconnaissance company. They walked carelessly into the enemy's trenches wearing the enemy's clothes. When they entered, they preemptively asked two soldiers, "What are you doing?" Do you still remember tonight's password?

used such a trick in the end. Not only did he frighten the two enemy soldiers, but the most important thing was that he also successfully obtained the password information.

Of course, this is nothing, there are many more explosive scenes in the series "Detective Heroes".

For example, when the people from the reconnaissance company encountered the U.S. military driving by on the way, they dared to go directly to block the car. In the end, they even grabbed the U.S. military liaison officer and went to the enemy's regiment headquarters to arrest them. The operation of

is really exciting and amazing.

This is what a scout should be, and this is the best part of "Scouting Heroes".

There are indeed a lot of good dramas recently. From 'The Three Brigades' to 'Dajiang Dahe 3', it can be said that every movie is worth staying up late to catch up with, and every movie is worth watching over and over again. Of course, recently I have really stayed up late to wat - Lujuba

The second breaking point: the actors are detailed and the battlefield is extremely restored!

Some people care about whether there are big scenes in war movies, while others care about whether there are high-energy war scenes.

But for me, a real war movie still has to work hard on the details.

And this "Reconnaissance Hero" really achieves the ultimate in details.

For such a detail, I think the degree of historical restoration is extremely high.

There are indeed a lot of good dramas recently. From 'The Three Brigades' to 'Dajiang Dahe 3', it can be said that every movie is worth staying up late to catch up with, and every movie is worth watching over and over again. Of course, recently I have really stayed up late to wat - Lujuba

That is when encountering an emergency military situation, in order to quickly convey instructions through the radio.

The division leader directly made the call clearly on the radio. And by doing so, how can we avoid being detected by the enemy?

A particularly magical scene appeared in the last "Reconnaissance Hero".

That is, the volunteer soldiers directly spoke in dialect on the radio and conveyed instructions.

When I saw this scene, I was really stunned.

is really high-powered!

There are indeed a lot of good dramas recently. From 'The Three Brigades' to 'Dajiang Dahe 3', it can be said that every movie is worth staying up late to catch up with, and every movie is worth watching over and over again. Of course, recently I have really stayed up late to wat - Lujuba

uses clear code, but it is impossible for the enemy to detect what it is saying.

The key is that the instructions are passed quickly.

This thing that was clearly reported in dialect actually happened in history.

During the period of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea, the U.S. military gathered a large number of Chinese language experts specifically to monitor Chinese radio stations.

But when they really started working, these Chinese experts were confused.

Because the Chinese had long expected that they would come to monitor, they specifically used dialects to communicate in Nod. Hokkien, Mongolian, and Tibetan were all used in wars.

There are indeed a lot of good dramas recently. From 'The Three Brigades' to 'Dajiang Dahe 3', it can be said that every movie is worth staying up late to catch up with, and every movie is worth watching over and over again. Of course, recently I have really stayed up late to wat - Lujuba

This is also the reason why Jiangxi dialect is used in clear communication in this drama.

Because of this detail, it really existed.

Of course, in addition to this detail in this drama, which is worthy of praise, there is another detail that I admire the most.

That is on the battlefield, when volunteer soldiers met their comrades and died.

As the reconnaissance section chief, Liang Chen spoke to the volunteer soldiers in a very low voice.

And the soldiers also answered in very soft voices.

There are indeed a lot of good dramas recently. From 'The Three Brigades' to 'Dajiang Dahe 3', it can be said that every movie is worth staying up late to catch up with, and every movie is worth watching over and over again. Of course, recently I have really stayed up late to wat - Lujuba

This detail really captures the details of the war.

The reconnaissance company is in the enemy's hinterland, and there may be enemy surveillance all around. They have no time to be sad. They have no time to be sad. They can only return to the battle immediately after a simple ceremony.

The details of the war and the plot are really staggering.

It can be said that the actors acted well and the director also directed well.

There are indeed a lot of good dramas recently. From 'The Three Brigades' to 'Dajiang Dahe 3', it can be said that every movie is worth staying up late to catch up with, and every movie is worth watching over and over again. Of course, recently I have really stayed up late to wat - Lujuba

The third biggest explosive point: tactical training, was photographed!

What is a scout?

can do things on the battlefield that ordinary soldiers cannot do.

And in this "Scouting Heroes", the scout portrayed by Zheng Xiaolong really did this.

This scene in particular is truly breathtaking.

That is, the scouts fell into the enemy's trap and were besieged in the mountains.

There are indeed a lot of good dramas recently. From 'The Three Brigades' to 'Dajiang Dahe 3', it can be said that every movie is worth staying up late to catch up with, and every movie is worth watching over and over again. Of course, recently I have really stayed up late to wat - Lujuba

But even in such a desperate situation.

The scouts are actually still fighting for their lives.

When the enemy troops were rounding up, the soldiers of the reconnaissance company actually fell halfway up the mountain, just in a direction that the enemy troops above could not see.

And this is nothing, the most explosive thing is that later, the soldiers of the reconnaissance company knew that the enemy was coming to mop up.

They actually laid many traps in this place, and in the end, they even used less to defeat more, completely hoodwinking the enemy.

Six scouts, playing tricks on a large group of enemy troops. If it were another war movie, it would definitely be a bit fake.

There are indeed a lot of good dramas recently. From 'The Three Brigades' to 'Dajiang Dahe 3', it can be said that every movie is worth staying up late to catch up with, and every movie is worth watching over and over again. Of course, recently I have really stayed up late to wat - Lujuba

But in this series, the extremely high level of tactical accomplishment and the art of war are shown.

This is the power of Zheng Xiaolong's "Detective Heroes".

really captured the abilities of the scouts, and also touched on what a true "hero" is.

They have indeed done things that ordinary people cannot do, and they have indeed completed tasks that ordinary soldiers cannot complete.

This is the fundamental reason why "Scout Heroes" attracts me so much. Not only is the subject matter special, but more importantly, the details of this drama are really eye-catching!

I don’t know how you watch this drama. You are welcome to chat with me!

Tags: entertainment