Screenshot of Jia Ling's Weibo A few days ago, director and actor Jia Ling posted a post announcing that she had successfully lost 100 pounds. The related topic immediately topped the trending search list, sparking heated discussion among the public. In fact, as early as June 202

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Screenshot of Jia Ling's Weibo A few days ago, director and actor Jia Ling posted a post announcing that she had successfully lost 100 pounds. The related topic immediately topped the trending search list, sparking heated discussion among the public. In fact, as early as June 202 - Lujuba

Jia Ling Weibo screenshot

A few days ago, director and actor Jia Ling posted a post announcing that she had successfully lost 100 pounds. The related topic immediately topped the trending search list, sparking heated discussion among the public.

In fact, as early as June 2023, the topic "Jia Ling wants to lose 100 pounds for a new role" was on the hot search. At that time, a relevant staff member of the crew revealed that the filming had entered a break and was waiting for Jia Ling to finish her work. weight loss plan.

Now that the goal has been achieved, many netizens are curious and sighing. At the same time, some people also question: Is "plastic surgery" weight loss reliable?

Losing weight should be gradual, not as fast as possible.

Is it reasonable to lose 100 pounds in less than a year?

Lin Yi, an endocrinology and metabolism doctor at Shanghai First People's Hospital, calculated an account for reporters: from June last year to January this year, he lost 100 kilograms in seven months, which means he lost an average of 15 kilograms per month. If calculated based on one year, the average monthly weight loss is about 8 pounds. "Based on the current clinical consensus, it is safest to lose 4 to 5 kilograms of weight per month. When the base weight is large, you can lose more weight. If the former is used, 15 kilograms a month is still too fast. " Lin Yi said.

Obese and overweight people can lose weight rapidly in a short period of time, which will have adverse effects on their health. For example, it can cause endocrine hormone secretion disorders in women, ranging from hair loss to affecting menstrual cycles. In clinical practice, many doctors have encountered cases in which they "suffered the consequences" due to excessive weight loss.

Chen Haibing, director of the Endocrinology and Metabolism Department of Shanghai Tenth People's Hospital, once encountered a girl in her 20s who suffered from anorexia nervosa due to excessive weight loss. "This girl is 1.67 meters tall and weighs only 60 pounds. She is as thin as A bamboo pole."

There are not many such extreme cases, but it is not uncommon in life to suffer from diseases caused by losing weight too quickly. It can be said that rapid weight loss has varying degrees of impact on immunity, mental health, heart, joints, liver and kidney function, etc.

has previously reported a case report of a 25-year-old girl in Fuzhou whose weight soared to more than 140 kilograms due to being sedentary for a long time. In order to lose weight, she developed a strict diet plan - eating only vegetables and grains every day, and milk and eggs once or twice a week. Although she successfully lost more than 40 pounds in more than half a year, the physical examination report showed that her transaminase index was three times the normal index, and she was diagnosed with severe fatty liver.

Chen Haibing said that obesity has become one of the common health problems in the world. The incidence of chronic diseases related to overweight and obesity is increasing year by year. However, weight loss must be done step by step. It is not that the faster the better, otherwise it will cause secondary damage to the body. harm.

Treat weight loss rationally and do not take it for granted.

Some doctors are also worried that Jia Ling’s successful weight loss will attract the public, especially young people, to imitate her due to her celebrity effect. On social media, many netizens have called, "Sister is so awesome, please make a tutorial soon!"

In this regard, Lin Yi believes that the self-disciplined and courageous weight loss journey of public figures has many motivating and role models for the public. But "Chubby" people can't imitate easily. "Actors need to lose weight and gain weight for filming. Behind them, there is a team of nutritionists, fitness coaches and other teams to customize personalized diet and training plans for them. But for ordinary people, if they want to control their weight for a long time, this is obviously Inappropriate."

Last year, a certain celebrity shared a "slimming recipe" that could help lose 20 pounds in a short period of time, triggering many people to imitate it. However, after some netizens tried this recipe, they expressed emotions such as "I also want to lose weight, but my heart won't allow it" and "My body can't stand it."

In Chen Haibing’s view, weight loss must be viewed rationally. “It’s not just the same recipes for celebrities. There are various weight loss training camps on the market now. If unscientific methods are used to achieve weight loss goals, such as using thyroid hormone, Eating only protein without carbohydrates will bring about a series of problems." In the interview with

, the doctors unanimously mentioned, "Let professional people do professional things." At present, many hospitals in Shanghai are prescribing The obesity clinic provides scientific weight loss for obese patients through a multidisciplinary cooperation model.

"We recently had a patient, a 28-year-old female, who weighed 140 kilograms when first diagnosed. She was diagnosed with obesity and polycystic ovary syndrome. After comprehensive evaluation and comprehensive management by the team, her weight dropped by nearly 14 kilograms in 3 months. Not long ago, she I got pregnant naturally." Lin Yi said that everyone's physical condition is different and they must develop a personalized healthy weight loss plan instead of taking it for granted.

In addition, Chen Haibing also mentioned something. Jia Ling wrote in a tweet that she ate five packs of chocolate wafers on the night the movie was finished, totaling 30 yuan... "Many people regain weight after losing weight, all because they can't control their mouths." ." She said that weight loss must be sustained for a long time and cannot be relaxed, otherwise all efforts will be wasted.

"If you lose weight too fast, it will cause a large amount of water and muscle loss in the body, which will lead to a decrease in the person's basal metabolic rate, making it more and more difficult to lose weight in the future. This is also an important reason for weight rebound." Lin Yi said, "Pangpang" We don't have to be complacent about rapid weight loss. What's important is whether we can maintain health while pursuing slimness through long-term weight loss methods.

Author: Li Chenyan

Text: Li Chenyan Picture: Internet photo editor: Li Chenyan Editor: Tang Wenjia

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