This winter is generally considered to be a window period for Russia-Ukraine peace talks, because winter will reduce the intensity of the war, and before entering winter, Ukraine's counterattack has ended in failure. Originally, Ukrainian President Zelensky planned to let the Ukr

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This winter is generally considered to be a window period for Russia-Ukraine peace talks, because winter will reduce the intensity of the war, and before entering winter, Ukraine's counterattack has ended in failure.

Ukrainian President Zelensky originally planned to let the Ukrainian army continue to attack in the winter, but in the face of huge losses, he still compromised and turned the Ukrainian army to defense. After

, Ukraine encountered a series of troubles.

On the one hand, the aid provided by the West to Ukraine has been significantly reduced, and new aid from Europe and the United States has also disappeared;

On the other hand, it is becoming increasingly difficult for Ukraine to recruit soldiers. Now it can only replenish its troops by recruiting young men, but these are forcibly It is difficult for the people sent to the battlefield to play a big role and cannot effectively improve the combat effectiveness of the Ukrainian army.

Therefore, it can be said that the Ukrainian army can no longer fight and is likely to be defeated by the Russian army in the first half of this year.

Zelensky is very aware of the current situation and has loosened his stance on rejecting peace talks.

This winter is generally considered to be a window period for Russia-Ukraine peace talks, because winter will reduce the intensity of the war, and before entering winter, Ukraine's counterattack has ended in failure. Originally, Ukrainian President Zelensky planned to let the Ukr - Lujuba

Zelensky relented

According to "Reference News", Zelensky once again expressed his opposition to the ceasefire during his visit to Estonia, but the way he expressed it was not tough.

Zelensky said that if there is a ceasefire, it will be beneficial to Russia, because if Russia is given another two or three years, Russia will have the opportunity to increase its weapons reserves. By then, the Russian army will easily knock Ukraine out. "We cannot risk this." There is no risk, and there cannot be a ceasefire that is beneficial to Russia."

's statement is very thought-provoking. Zelensky only opposes "a ceasefire that benefits Russia," not a ceasefire.

So if a long-term ceasefire can be achieved to ensure that Russia will not directly knock Ukraine out in two or three years, does it mean that Ukraine is willing to accept such a ceasefire plan?

This winter is generally considered to be a window period for Russia-Ukraine peace talks, because winter will reduce the intensity of the war, and before entering winter, Ukraine's counterattack has ended in failure. Originally, Ukrainian President Zelensky planned to let the Ukr - Lujuba

Zelensky admitted that "there is no benefit"

Zelensky also mentioned that a "long war" would not be beneficial to Ukraine.

This is also different from Ukraine’s previous position.

Ukraine was very persistent before and kept prolonging the war and wanted to keep fighting.

Because Ukraine’s economy has collapsed, it can only rely on Western aid to support it.

This means that Ukraine can only receive aid as long as the war continues.

Now Zelensky himself admits that continuing the war for a long time will not be good for Ukraine. This change is still very obvious, which shows that Zelensky does not want the war to drag on forever. So after nearly two years of fighting, the time has come. It's time to end the war.

Facts have proved that Russia is a more energy-consuming party because Russia is self-sufficient in military terms and Russia has more soldiers than Ukraine.

It can be said that regarding the current war, Russia has whatever it wants, while Ukraine has nothing. Therefore, if the war continues for a long time, Ukraine will only suffer more and more losses and its situation will become worse and worse.

This winter is generally considered to be a window period for Russia-Ukraine peace talks, because winter will reduce the intensity of the war, and before entering winter, Ukraine's counterattack has ended in failure. Originally, Ukrainian President Zelensky planned to let the Ukr - Lujuba

Peace talks require the joint efforts of all parties.

Russia and Ukraine are unable to negotiate peace talks due to many reasons.

Ukraine's legal ban on peace talks with Russia is only one factor.

The most fundamental thing is that the West is obstructing it and does not allow peace talks between Ukraine and Russia.

But now that Ukraine can no longer fight, the West’s calls for peace talks have become louder, and Ukraine has also relented, so some changes should be made.

For Russia and Ukraine to sit on the negotiating table, it requires not only Russia and Ukraine to meet each other halfway, but also the other parties involved in the war to play some active roles.

Since it can't be beaten anymore, it is necessary to stop the loss in time.

Ukraine has shown signs of relenting, indicating that the end is not far away, and the West should follow the trend instead of continuing to act as a stumbling block to peace.

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