Li Yugang invited everyone to visit his hometown of Changchun, Jilin, in the Harbin Ice and Snow World. Netizens complained: You went to Harbin yourself, but invited us to Changchun? Li Yugang’s original words were: Come to my hometown, Changchun, Jilin. It’s a land of ice and sn

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Li Yugang invited everyone to visit his hometown of Changchun, Jilin, in the Harbin Ice and Snow World. Netizens complained: You went to Harbin yourself, but invited us to Changchun?

Li Yugang’s original words are: Come to my hometown, Changchun, Jilin. It’s a land of ice and snow. It’s so fun to come to Jilin in winter!

The accompanying text is: Little potatoes, I have a showdown. My hometown, Jilin, sent me to solicit customers.

Li Yugang invited everyone to visit his hometown of Changchun, Jilin, in the Harbin Ice and Snow World. Netizens complained: You went to Harbin yourself, but invited us to Changchun? Li Yugang’s original words were: Come to my hometown, Changchun, Jilin. It’s a land of ice and sn - Lujuba

This "magic operation" has caused misunderstandings among many netizens and also caused dissatisfaction among many people.

The biggest misunderstanding is that many friends in the south cannot tell whether the ice sculptures, snow sculptures and other landscapes shown in Li Yugang's videos are Harbin or Changchun?

Li Yugang invited everyone to visit his hometown of Changchun, Jilin, in the Harbin Ice and Snow World. Netizens complained: You went to Harbin yourself, but invited us to Changchun? Li Yugang’s original words were: Come to my hometown, Changchun, Jilin. It’s a land of ice and sn - Lujuba

Li Yugang invited everyone to visit his hometown of Changchun, Jilin, in the Harbin Ice and Snow World. Netizens complained: You went to Harbin yourself, but invited us to Changchun? Li Yugang’s original words were: Come to my hometown, Changchun, Jilin. It’s a land of ice and sn - Lujuba

Especially in his introduction, he also used "It's a land of ice and snow here."

In fact, as long as he added, "Changchun, like Harbin, also has beautiful ice sculptures," would not have caused such a big misunderstanding.

Li Yugang invited everyone to visit his hometown of Changchun, Jilin, in the Harbin Ice and Snow World. Netizens complained: You went to Harbin yourself, but invited us to Changchun? Li Yugang’s original words were: Come to my hometown, Changchun, Jilin. It’s a land of ice and sn - Lujuba

The reason for dissatisfaction is that using star power to attract customers is understandable and worthy of encouragement, but you can't go deep into other people's territory to solicit customers, right?

It's like two brothers each opening a restaurant and selling the same dishes. You go to the brother's restaurant and say to the customers: Come on, come to my house to eat!

Li Yugang invited everyone to visit his hometown of Changchun, Jilin, in the Harbin Ice and Snow World. Netizens complained: You went to Harbin yourself, but invited us to Changchun? Li Yugang’s original words were: Come to my hometown, Changchun, Jilin. It’s a land of ice and sn - Lujuba

Li Yugang’s behavior has made many netizens disgusted.

A softer joke:

Gangzi, you promote Changchun, Jilin, and then go to Harbin yourself, right?

Did you say the wrong word or go to the wrong place?

Gangzi did this without considering it and the layout was too small.

Li Yugang invited everyone to visit his hometown of Changchun, Jilin, in the Harbin Ice and Snow World. Netizens complained: You went to Harbin yourself, but invited us to Changchun? Li Yugang’s original words were: Come to my hometown, Changchun, Jilin. It’s a land of ice and sn - Lujuba

A more serious complaint:

I am worried, is this because I am not confident in my hometown? Or is it giving visitors an illusion and confusing the landscapes of the two places? Talent! Bullshit, bullshit, is that how it came about?

If you don’t go to Changchun, we won’t go either!

offended both of them at once!

Even the friends in Jilin can't stand it anymore, saying that is "just his personal behavior."

Li Yugang invited everyone to visit his hometown of Changchun, Jilin, in the Harbin Ice and Snow World. Netizens complained: You went to Harbin yourself, but invited us to Changchun? Li Yugang’s original words were: Come to my hometown, Changchun, Jilin. It’s a land of ice and sn - Lujuba

It is worth mentioning that although Li Yugang did not consider the matter of "soliciting customers", Harbin Ice and Snow World still gave him enough face and allowed him to enjoy VIP treatment. He queued for at least two hours for the big slide, and he went straight to it. Can play.


Northeast is originally a family! If Liaoning and Jilin only imitate the business model of Harbin Ice and Snow World, it will inevitably form a situation of malicious competition, which will be harmful but not beneficial. The best solution for

is to "differentiate" operations, find out their own characteristics and highlights, work together to move forward, and strive to restore the past glory of our Northeast.

Tags: entertainment