"In Peng Yingfa, I saw the most important qualities that are necessary to become an excellent conductor." On the evening of January 9, the internationally renowned conductor and professor at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music, Vladimir Putin, just finished his performance. Kim

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"In Peng Yingfa, I saw the most important qualities necessary to become an excellent conductor." On the evening of January 9, the internationally renowned conductor and professor at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music, Vladimir Putin, who had just finished his performance, said Vladimir Punkin happily. In his smile, there is appreciation and affirmation for a young man.

'In Peng Yingfa, I saw the most important qualities that are necessary to become an excellent conductor.' On the evening of January 9, the internationally renowned conductor and professor at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music, Vladimir Putin, just finished his performance. Kim - Lujuba

△ Peng Yingfa conducts the Russian Symphony Philharmonic Orchestra

This young man is Peng Yingfa from Changsha. That night, Peng Yingfa conducted the Russian Symphony Philharmonic Orchestra and played the "Winter Night" concert at the Changsha Concert Hall. What is particularly rare is that Vladimir Pangkin came to the podium to "encourage" the Chinese youngster and spoke highly of Peng Yingfa's performance.

In the majestic melody of "Ode to the Red Flag", the "Winter Night" Russian Symphony Philharmonic Orchestra concert kicked off. Under the attention of his hometown audience, 24-year-old Peng Yingfa was calm and steady, showing his understanding of music and his tacit cooperation with the orchestra with every move he made. "As a Chinese conductor, I believe that I can better lead the orchestra to complete Chinese classic works." At this concert, Peng Yingfa also performed "Jasmine" and "I Love You, China" with the orchestra. The work, performed by Chinese and foreign musicians, also gave the audience a unique artistic experience.

'In Peng Yingfa, I saw the most important qualities that are necessary to become an excellent conductor.' On the evening of January 9, the internationally renowned conductor and professor at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music, Vladimir Putin, just finished his performance. Kim - Lujuba

△ Vladimir Punkin (left) and Peng Yingfa jointly conduct Vladimir Pangkin and his student Igor Belendeev also appeared on stage to cheer for Peng Yingfa. Out of excitement, the three conductors took the stage at the same time and jointly conducted the orchestra to complete "Cancan". Their live performance also created a legend in the music world.

'In Peng Yingfa, I saw the most important qualities that are necessary to become an excellent conductor.' On the evening of January 9, the internationally renowned conductor and professor at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music, Vladimir Putin, just finished his performance. Kim - Lujuba

△ Peng Yingfa’s conducting has been highly praised by experts and audiences alike.

Peng Yingfa, 24, is a native of Changsha and is currently studying for a master’s degree in conducting at the Wuhan Conservatory of Music. In the just-concluded 7th Russian R.M. Griel International Music Competition, Peng Yingfa won first place in the conducting category and was awarded the highest award "Grand Prix" by the organizing committee. This is also the first time that the organizing committee has awarded a grand prize to a conducting team since the competition was founded. Peng Yingfa became the first conductor to win this honor, and he was also the only non-Russian contestant to win a grand prize in this competition.

Peng Yingfa has unlimited enthusiasm for conducting. "Conducting is a test of a person's comprehensive musical literacy. The conductor must be familiar with the timbres, ranges and playing techniques of different instruments. In addition, he must fully and freely communicate with the orchestra members so that the orchestra can perform well Integrating music and music into one, presenting the best music to the audience," said Peng Yingfa.

'In Peng Yingfa, I saw the most important qualities that are necessary to become an excellent conductor.' On the evening of January 9, the internationally renowned conductor and professor at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music, Vladimir Putin, just finished his performance. Kim - Lujuba

△ Vladimir Pangkin assisted and directed

As a Russian national treasure master, Vladimir Pangkin bluntly said that Peng Yingfa is "very talented". Speaking of Peng Yingfa’s performance in this concert, Pang Jin was not shy about praising, “In my opinion, many conductors can interpret Shostakovich’s music works very well, but this kind of interpretation has no depth. I am We can see this depth in Peng Yingfa's performance." Pang Jin said, "In the near future, we will become teachers and students, I will awaken the musical window in him, and he will become a star on the international stage."

'In Peng Yingfa, I saw the most important qualities that are necessary to become an excellent conductor.' On the evening of January 9, the internationally renowned conductor and professor at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music, Vladimir Putin, just finished his performance. Kim - Lujuba

△ "Winter Night Splendor" Russian Symphony Philharmonic Orchestra concert scene

"I am very grateful to Professor Pang Jin for his guidance. He allowed me to show my brand-new conducting skills in today's concert." After the concert, Peng Yingfa walked in In the lounge, there are still beads of sweat on his forehead. "After conducting a performance, it is indeed a test of physical strength. However, it is an honor for me to be able to cooperate with an excellent orchestra, especially on the same stage with Professor Pang Jin." Peng Yingfa said that performing on the stage in his hometown made the audience happy. Enthusiasm made him feel extra warm. He said that next, he will study for a doctoral degree in conducting with Pang Jin and continue to move forward on the road of music.

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Zhou Shihao

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