Last night, CCTV's annual anti-corruption feature film "Continuous Efforts and Deep Advancement" aired the fourth episode "Promoting the "Three Non-Corruptions" in One Body", reporting on systemic and corrupt corruption in the football field. According to ratings statistics, this

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Last night, CCTV's annual anti-corruption feature film "Continuous Efforts and Deep Advancement" aired the fourth episode "Promoting "Three Non-Corruptions" in One Body", reporting on systemic and systematic corruption in the football field.

According to ratings statistics, this film surpassed the recently popular TV series "Flowers" and topped the ratings list at the same time. At the same time, on the hot search rankings, the corruption details disclosed in the film are shocking, including "3 million for the 'high-ranking' national football coach", "14 million for the 'Super League Miracle'", "from cctv5 to cctv1" and many more The entry becomes a hot search term.

Last night, CCTV's annual anti-corruption feature film 'Continuous Efforts and Deep Advancement' aired the fourth episode 'Promoting the 'Three Non-Corruptions' in One Body', reporting on systemic and corrupt corruption in the football field. According to ratings statistics, this - Lujuba

The four-episode TV feature film "Continuous Efforts to Advance in Depth" jointly produced by the Propaganda Department of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervisory Commission and China Central Radio and Television will be broadcast on the CCTV Comprehensive Channel of China Central Radio and Television from January 6 to 9. Broadcast on demand. The

feature film has four episodes in total, namely "Solving Unique Problems", "Political Supervision and Guarantee", "Strengthening Correct Work Style and Strict Discipline", and "Integrated Promotion of "Three Non-Corruption"", selecting 12 cases and interviewing disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres, More than 170 people involved in the review and investigation, including those involved in the case, officials and the masses, used case records, narratives and discussions, analysis and comments to tell the story of upholding discipline and anti-corruption. In the

feature film, anti-corruption in the football field, which has attracted much attention, has become the focus of the fourth episode "Promoting the "Three No-Corruption" in One Body". According to the ratings, after last night's broadcast, the film's "live ratings" went straight to the top of the list, reaching 1.8263%, and its market share reached 8.5256%, beating the recent hit drama "Flowers" (1.7961%, 8.3844%). Topped the ratings list. After the

Last night, CCTV's annual anti-corruption feature film 'Continuous Efforts and Deep Advancement' aired the fourth episode 'Promoting the 'Three Non-Corruptions' in One Body', reporting on systemic and corrupt corruption in the football field. According to ratings statistics, this - Lujuba

feature film was aired, Li Tie's match-fixing incident as a coach and Chen Xuyuan's regret in front of the camera became hot topics of discussion on social media.

This episode also revealed that Li Tie used the power of money to help the team surpass the league when he was the general manager of Hebei Huaxia Club. At the same time, he reached a deal with the Wuhan Zall Club totaling 60 million yuan, allowing four Zall players to be selected for the national team and other insider information. Li Tie said that he hated match-fixing the most when he was a player, but he became deeply involved in it after becoming a coach.

Chen Xuyuan burst into tears, expressing deep regret for his actions and bluntly saying that there is no regret medicine to buy.

Last night, CCTV's annual anti-corruption feature film 'Continuous Efforts and Deep Advancement' aired the fourth episode 'Promoting the 'Three Non-Corruptions' in One Body', reporting on systemic and corrupt corruption in the football field. According to ratings statistics, this - Lujuba

It is worth mentioning that in the special documentary, CCTV officially distributed some of the people involved in the case on the football field, including 11 "main players" and 3 "substitutes". The formation was also listed as 442, and netizens directly called "will" Whole life".

In this "playing lineup", the goalkeeper is Du Zhaocai; the four defenders are Chen Xuyuan, Liu Yi, Yu Hongchen, and Li Yuyi; the single midfielder Li Tie; the other three midfielders are Huang Song, Chen Yongliang, and Wang Xiaoping; and the forward Tan Hai , Dong Zheng.

The three substitutes are Ma Chengquan, Qi Jun and Liu Jun.

Tags: entertainment