China News Service, Hubei Shennongjia, January 9th (Zhang Ranma Guofei Huang Jianhua) According to the Hubei Shennongjia National Park Administration Bureau on the 9th, bird watching enthusiasts recently recorded an almost green forest bird in Xiaguxiang, Shennongjia Forest Distr

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China News Service, Hubei Shennongjia, January 9th (Zhang Ranma Guofei Huang Jianhua) According to news from the Hubei Shennongjia National Park Administration on the 9th, bird watching enthusiasts recently recorded an almost green forest bird in Xiaguxiang, Shennongjia Forest District. Subsequently, through photographic records and comparison with bird information, the bird was identified as a female of the South China subspecies of Orange-bellied Bulbul.

After checking the Shennongjia Bird List, the Orange-bellied Bulbul is the first Shennongjia record supported by image data, and a new species has been added to Shennongjia.

China News Service, Hubei Shennongjia, January 9th (Zhang Ranma Guofei Huang Jianhua) According to the Hubei Shennongjia National Park Administration Bureau on the 9th, bird watching enthusiasts recently recorded an almost green forest bird in Xiaguxiang, Shennongjia Forest Distr - Lujuba

The female bird of Orange-bellied Bulbul, South China subspecies, is all green. Photographed by Huang Jianhua

The female bird of the South China subspecies of Orange-bellied Bulbul is all green. She mainly inhabits forests in low hills and plains at the foot of mountains below 2,300 meters above sea level, especially in secondary broad-leaved forests, evergreen broad-leaved forests and coniferous broad-leaved forests. It is more common in mixed-leaf forests and has a lively temperament. It often jumps up and down among the branches and leaves, making constant noises.

Shennongjia National Nature Reserve is located in the northwest of Hubei Province. It is one of the 14 key areas in the world with international significance for biodiversity conservation and research. Shennongjia's forest coverage rate reaches 91.1%, and there are more than 460 species of birds, including 98 species of national key protected wild birds, 14 species of national first-level protected wild birds, and 84 species of second-level protected birds, listed in Hubei Province There are 60 species of wild birds under key protection. (End)

Source: China News Network

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