Editor's note: They are the new generation in the police camp who were born in 2000. They work hard in their respective positions, gradually lose their youthfulness and immaturity in their ordinary work, and start their own police stories. Huang Renhai’s pictures in this article

entertainment 2668℃

Editor's note:

They are the new generation in the police camp after the "00s". They work hard in their respective positions, gradually lose their youthfulness and immaturity in their ordinary work, and start their own police stories.

Editor's note: They are the new generation in the police camp who were born in 2000. They work hard in their respective positions, gradually lose their youthfulness and immaturity in their ordinary work, and start their own police stories. Huang Renhai’s pictures in this article  - Lujuba

Huang Renhai The pictures in this article were all taken by upstream news reporter Ren Jun

Name: Huang Renhai

Age: 23 years old

Position: Police officer of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Yuzhong District Public Security Bureau of Chongqing

New police officer's words: The job of the police is very special. As a police officer born after 2000, I am in the process of learning and I will work harder to grow.

Editor's note: They are the new generation in the police camp who were born in 2000. They work hard in their respective positions, gradually lose their youthfulness and immaturity in their ordinary work, and start their own police stories. Huang Renhai’s pictures in this article  - Lujuba

Huang Renhai is a native of Yuzhong District. After graduating from Chongqing Police College last year, he came to the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Yuzhong District Public Security Bureau and was responsible for anti-fraud cases. Becoming a police officer was his goal when he was a freshman in high school. For this purpose, he spent half a year losing weight and exercising.

He lost more than 30 pounds because of becoming a police officer

Huang Renhai came up with the idea of ​​taking the police academy exam when he was in high school. He is outgoing, serves as the squad leader, and is willing to help others. Therefore, based on his characteristics, the class teacher proposed that he can apply for the Chongqing Police College and become a police officer in the future. "The head teacher thinks that my personality is very suitable for me, and I also think that this career is really suitable for me."

"Every boy may be interested in the police career, especially many boys are very interested in detectives. When I was a child, , I came home from school at night and saw the police officers patrolling near the school. I felt that they were full of justice and made me feel safe."

But weight was the number one problem facing Huang Renhai at that time. "I was a big fat man at that time, weighing about 180 kilograms. I needed to take a physical fitness test to take the police exam. I would definitely not be able to pass it like this." So Huang Renhai stepped up his exercise and used various methods to lose more than 140 kilograms. In total, he lost more than 30 kilograms. .

"At that time, I had to run every night after self-study, and it took almost half a year to lose weight." In the end, Huang Renhai got his wish and was admitted to the Chongqing Police College.

Editor's note: They are the new generation in the police camp who were born in 2000. They work hard in their respective positions, gradually lose their youthfulness and immaturity in their ordinary work, and start their own police stories. Huang Renhai’s pictures in this article  - Lujuba

A case deeply touched him

As a police officer engaged in anti-fraud cases, Huang Renhai experienced a telecommunications fraud case during his internship that he still cannot forget.

The victims in this case were a couple. The man worked in sales. The woman had just given birth to a child a few months ago and was unemployed. The couple lived with the man's parents with their child. The woman wanted to work part-time to make money to support her family, so she believed the information posted on the Internet to make money by cheating, and was eventually defrauded of 100,000 yuan, which was all the man's savings.

"The money in the family suddenly ran out, and the life of the small family was stretched thin. Sometimes they had to ask their parents for support to subsidize their lives. When taking notes on the spot, the man's mood was particularly broken, as if the sky had fallen. Looking at him I also feel very uncomfortable in my heart, like a lump in my throat, which strengthens my determination to do this job well, to go all out to handle the case, and to bring more people who commit fraud crimes to justice."

as a team member As one of the few post-2000 police officers in the city, Huang Renhai believes that although the post-2000 police officers have just entered the police force, they still have the characteristics of the times. "We grew up in an era of rapid development of the Internet, and have been exposed to computers and the Internet since childhood. In the future, I will integrate more of these into case handling to complete the work better and faster."

Upstream News Reporter He Yan

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