The TV series "Flowers" starring Hu Ge, Ma Yili, Tang Yan, and Xin Zhilei has reached its finale. With thirty episodes of plot, the audience has ten days to immerse themselves in and experience the charming Yellow River Road in Shanghai in the 1990s. From the first episode, A Bao

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The TV series "Flowers" starring Hu Ge, Ma Yili, Tang Yan, and Xin Zhilei has reached its finale. The thirty-episode plot of

gives the audience ten days to immerse themselves in and experience the charming Yellow River Road in Shanghai in the 1990s.

The TV series 'Flowers' starring Hu Ge, Ma Yili, Tang Yan, and Xin Zhilei has reached its finale. With thirty episodes of plot, the audience has ten days to immerse themselves in and experience the charming Yellow River Road in Shanghai in the 1990s. From the first episode, A Bao - Lujuba

From A Bao to Mr. Bao in the first episode, and then to A Bao in the last episode. Following Ah Bao's perspective, we walked into the turbulent 1990s, from staying in a private room at the Peace Hotel to becoming President Bao, to leaving the Peace Hotel and returning to Ah Bao.

Abao, played by Hu Ge, does not have a formal name from beginning to end, nor does he have a formal identity introduction (I will write an article about his life experience when I have the opportunity.)

The TV series 'Flowers' starring Hu Ge, Ma Yili, Tang Yan, and Xin Zhilei has reached its finale. With thirty episodes of plot, the audience has ten days to immerse themselves in and experience the charming Yellow River Road in Shanghai in the 1990s. From the first episode, A Bao - Lujuba

Abao seems to be like countless people in that era. A hero who rises and falls. In the play, Po has relatively concentrated scenes with four women, and his emotional lines are hidden in these scenes. Among the four stories, three are clearly be, and one is oe. The ending is unknown and there are endless possibilities.

The TV series 'Flowers' starring Hu Ge, Ma Yili, Tang Yan, and Xin Zhilei has reached its finale. With thirty episodes of plot, the audience has ten days to immerse themselves in and experience the charming Yellow River Road in Shanghai in the 1990s. From the first episode, A Bao - Lujuba

But A Bao’s emotional line did not suddenly close and turn, but was laid out a long time ago. After watching the finale for so long, I looked back and looked at the 57 soundtracks selected by Wong Kar-Wai for this drama. It was already hinting at the audience.

1, "Stealing Heart"

"Stealing Heart" is the most popular song among the 57 songs. It is so popular that no matter which platform you open, you can hear the climax of the song, "Who secretly stole my heart/Can't Distinguish between night or dawn/Who stole my heart secretly/My eyes can’t see myself/I dare not ask again what changed your eyes”

The TV series 'Flowers' starring Hu Ge, Ma Yili, Tang Yan, and Xin Zhilei has reached its finale. With thirty episodes of plot, the audience has ten days to immerse themselves in and experience the charming Yellow River Road in Shanghai in the 1990s. From the first episode, A Bao - Lujuba

“Stealing Heart” is a song sung by Jacky Cheung, written by Ding Xiaowen, Guo Guo It was composed by Heng Qi, arranged by Yuan Zhuofan, and produced by Huang Qingyuan. It was included in Jacky Cheung's music album "Stealing Hearts" released on August 23, 1994.

In 1994, the song won the 1st Global Chinese Chart Channel [v] Chinese Top 20 Chart Song Award.

When the climax of "Stealing Hearts" sounds, it is the most emotionally cruel moment.

Regardless of whether Wang Mingzhu was reported, she was wandering outside the pork ribs rice cake waiting for Po, from hope to despair. It was Abao who recalled his first love, Xuezhi, when they were on the bus, after they parted ways.

The TV series 'Flowers' starring Hu Ge, Ma Yili, Tang Yan, and Xin Zhilei has reached its finale. With thirty episodes of plot, the audience has ten days to immerse themselves in and experience the charming Yellow River Road in Shanghai in the 1990s. From the first episode, A Bao - Lujuba

The director's use of heart-stealing has been masterful. Every time it sounds, the audience knows that this is going to torture the audience.

Who stole my heart and made me wait from night to dawn. Stealing one's heart represents first love, but also represents destiny.

2, "Unrepentant"

There is no song more suitable for Miss Wang than this song. She went from the stamp clerk in the tea room to Miss Wang on the 27th. She was rated as an advanced employee in three years and earned US$5 million in foreign exchange. These are all things that Mr. Bao and her have accomplished together.

The TV series 'Flowers' starring Hu Ge, Ma Yili, Tang Yan, and Xin Zhilei has reached its finale. With thirty episodes of plot, the audience has ten days to immerse themselves in and experience the charming Yellow River Road in Shanghai in the 1990s. From the first episode, A Bao - Lujuba

Many people say that Mr. Bao and Ms. Wang are the most compatible couple. In fact, Wang Mingzhu gave her heart to Abao and did not regret it.

In her Faye Wong's soft singing and crooning, she holds the enthusiasm of a moth to a flame. She is willing to quit her job and go to work for A Bao, even if she sells tea eggs.

Jing Xiu, the owner of the canteen, said that Miss Wang is a pearl, dazzling, precious and dazzling. But the glory in the early stage can only revolve around Mr. Bao. Miss Wang, whom everyone knows on the Yellow River Road, is Ms. Wang of Mr. Bao. Instead of Wang Mingzhu’s Miss Wang.

The TV series 'Flowers' starring Hu Ge, Ma Yili, Tang Yan, and Xin Zhilei has reached its finale. With thirty episodes of plot, the audience has ten days to immerse themselves in and experience the charming Yellow River Road in Shanghai in the 1990s. From the first episode, A Bao - Lujuba

This song has been laying the groundwork until she decided not to want the pier on the 27th, nor Mr. Bao’s pier, but to become her own pier, and then it did not appear.

If you are stubborn and don’t regret it, you will eventually wake up. For us outside the show, this is a pity that it was cut off.

The TV series 'Flowers' starring Hu Ge, Ma Yili, Tang Yan, and Xin Zhilei has reached its finale. With thirty episodes of plot, the audience has ten days to immerse themselves in and experience the charming Yellow River Road in Shanghai in the 1990s. From the first episode, A Bao - Lujuba

3, "Sudden Love"

This song "Sudden Love" is the theme song of "Tokyo Love Story". When Po flew to Japan to discuss business for an order for a machine, but there was no progress for a long time.

The TV series 'Flowers' starring Hu Ge, Ma Yili, Tang Yan, and Xin Zhilei has reached its finale. With thirty episodes of plot, the audience has ten days to immerse themselves in and experience the charming Yellow River Road in Shanghai in the 1990s. From the first episode, A Bao - Lujuba

He remembered a Japanese he had helped and determined to find him. It was here that I met Reiko. The encounter in a foreign country and Lingzi's enthusiastic help finally contributed to Abao's foreign trade business.

Lingzi helped him at that time without asking why, just because he was a fellow from Shanghai, and she also lent her luck to Abao.

The TV series 'Flowers' starring Hu Ge, Ma Yili, Tang Yan, and Xin Zhilei has reached its finale. With thirty episodes of plot, the audience has ten days to immerse themselves in and experience the charming Yellow River Road in Shanghai in the 1990s. From the first episode, A Bao - Lujuba

And my uncle once made a judgment on Abao. Sooner or later, you will be trapped by favor. A Bao values ​​friendship and will always remember when others help him. In order to repay Commander Cai for his help, he memorized Qilin's misunderstanding of him.

Faced with Lingzi's help, Abao gave Lingzi a ticket to return to China and a restaurant. (Many people who went abroad in those days could only afford a one-way ticket. Their ambitions were defeated by reality and they were too embarrassed to return home.)

The TV series 'Flowers' starring Hu Ge, Ma Yili, Tang Yan, and Xin Zhilei has reached its finale. With thirty episodes of plot, the audience has ten days to immerse themselves in and experience the charming Yellow River Road in Shanghai in the 1990s. From the first episode, A Bao - Lujuba

When Reiko took the envelope from A Bao, the appropriate "Sudden Love" came to mind, and Reiko was excited. Uneasiness, gratitude, longing, emotion, no words, only music and images, can make the audience feel it even more.

The sudden love actually belongs to Reiko alone. rather than both directions.

4. "You Are the Forever Pain in My Chest"

To be honest, before the finale, Xiaoqing couldn't figure out why Li Li's BGM was "You Are the Forever Pain in My Chest".

The TV series 'Flowers' starring Hu Ge, Ma Yili, Tang Yan, and Xin Zhilei has reached its finale. With thirty episodes of plot, the audience has ten days to immerse themselves in and experience the charming Yellow River Road in Shanghai in the 1990s. From the first episode, A Bao - Lujuba

bgm As soon as the sound rang, Li Li appeared. Every shot of her is beautiful. When she meets Abao, the undercurrent of back and forth between the two makes many people think that maybe Li Li will become Abao's destination.

But the finale tells us that Li Li has always only used Abao. She was thinking about Mr. A. Back then, Mr. A came to Shanghai from Shenzhen to show off his talents, but he was hit hard. Having lost everything overnight, he said goodbye to Li Li at the beach and arranged a way out for her. He jumped into the sea.

The TV series 'Flowers' starring Hu Ge, Ma Yili, Tang Yan, and Xin Zhilei has reached its finale. With thirty episodes of plot, the audience has ten days to immerse themselves in and experience the charming Yellow River Road in Shanghai in the 1990s. From the first episode, A Bao - Lujuba

And Li Li witnessed his lover committing suicide in the car. The revelation about Li Li's past in episode

29 made the audience suddenly realize that Li Li had never loved Mr. Bao, only used him. The only person she really loves is Mr. A.

Maybe the similar faces made Li Li willing to help. Maybe Li Li came here for Mr. Bao. After all, part of Mr. A's plate was absorbed by Mr. Bao.

The TV series 'Flowers' starring Hu Ge, Ma Yili, Tang Yan, and Xin Zhilei has reached its finale. With thirty episodes of plot, the audience has ten days to immerse themselves in and experience the charming Yellow River Road in Shanghai in the 1990s. From the first episode, A Bao - Lujuba

"You Are the Forever Pain in My Chest" is not about Abao but Mr. A.

The woman I loved, Xuezhi, passed away early and was unable to keep the ten-year appointment;

Abao and Wang Mingzhu, with obvious two-way arrows, were known to be in love, but they were separated by the rule of No. 27 in the past, and later separated by 500 meters of the Huangpu River;

Ling Zi has unrequited love for A Bao and is a guardian, while A Bao may not know but cannot respond; Li Li may be a kind of lover to A Bao, or may have never been attracted, but A Bao is curious about her Avoid the heartbeat.

The TV series 'Flowers' starring Hu Ge, Ma Yili, Tang Yan, and Xin Zhilei has reached its finale. With thirty episodes of plot, the audience has ten days to immerse themselves in and experience the charming Yellow River Road in Shanghai in the 1990s. From the first episode, A Bao - Lujuba

Four songs, four women, each has its own wonderful moments.

What makes me most satisfied is that they are never supporting characters in the story, they have their own complete lives, and they never stop and run for themselves. The four songs are just right too.

The TV series 'Flowers' starring Hu Ge, Ma Yili, Tang Yan, and Xin Zhilei has reached its finale. With thirty episodes of plot, the audience has ten days to immerse themselves in and experience the charming Yellow River Road in Shanghai in the 1990s. From the first episode, A Bao - Lujuba

In addition, there are a lot of interludes in the drama, which are very popular on many Internet platforms. I wonder what everyone thinks of these songs when watching the drama? Or what do you think of the finale of "Flowers"?

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