The TV series "Flowers" is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C

entertainment 8306℃

TV series "Flowers" is about to usher in its final two episodes. In the following episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A were finally revealed.

It turns out that Li Li's real name is Chen Zhen. She was the only woman among the "Eighteen Arhats" who was Mr. A's most capable assistant at that time. She was also Mr. A's student and lover.

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

Back then, Mr. A was one of the smug returning overseas students. He led a group of international students, including Qiang Mujie (now President Qiang), to prepare for a big fight. The private equity fund he built single-handedly had many elites at its heyday. After the large-scale expansion of new stocks in Shenzhen, Mr. A failed to survive the market trough due to excessive leverage, leaving behind a pile of debt, and all his hard work and efforts were in vain.

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

Mr. Qiang once told Reiko about this past incident. He came to Shanghai not only for work but also for revenge. Abao is one of his main enemies.

Because when the stocks of Mr. A and Qiang Mujie fell to the floor price, many people came to buy them. Such people were called the "corpse collection team" in the stock market.

As for A Bao, it was by acquiring most of Mr. A's ultra-low-price stocks that he became the "Mr. Bao" who was racing in the Shanghai stock market.

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

At that time, Mr. A actually faced not only the threat of debt, but also possible imprisonment, and Li Li (also known as Chen Zhen) was also on the list of people wanted by the Public Security Bureau. Mr.

a helped his lover get a fake ID card and all the procedures. He also left her a large amount of money and told her to go away, forget the past, and start a new life.

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

After the two people kissed each other passionately at the beach, Mr. A watched Li Li get into the car, turned around and jumped into the deep sea.

And Li Li did not actually leave. She sat in the car and saw her teacher and lover jumping into the sea through the rearview mirror. At that moment, Li Li completely collapsed. She screamed loudly and cried bitterly, shrinking into a ball.

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

From then on, Chen Zhen disappeared from the world, and there was a mysterious and beautiful woman Li Li in the world.

After Li Li had plastic surgery (because people from the Public Security Bureau carefully compared Chen Zhen’s ID card with the current Li Li, they did not find that they were the same person, which was enough to prove that Chen Zhen had undergone plastic surgery), she came to Shanghai and bought Golden Phoenix. , opened the Zhizhen Garden.

At the beginning, everyone may have thought that something would happen between Li Li and Abao, or that Li Li had fallen in love with the handsome man Mr. Bao.

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

But in fact, Li Li has never loved A Bao, and she has no ambiguous feelings for A Bao, because in her heart, she only has Mr. A and the tragic scene when she witnessed her lover jumping into the sea.

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

For handsome male protagonists and beautiful female protagonists, everyone always hopes that something will happen to them. However, according to Xin Zhilei, the actor who plays Li Li, director Wong Kar-wai requested that Hu Ge and Xin Zhilei not appear to be in a bad mood during filming. They can only talk about money and interests. Even when Mr. Bao and Li Li walk, they cannot walk side by side. Li Li must always keep his own pace and be one step ahead of Bao.

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

As far as the plot and character are concerned, Abao is a handsome, elegant and affectionate man. For such a high-quality man, it is difficult not to be tempted by women who may be familiar with him. In the 27th episode of

, A Bao and Li Li met unexpectedly again at Xinlanju Hot Pot Restaurant. So the two drank together again, Abao talked about Xuezhi's death, and Li Li talked about Mr. A.

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

Li Li wanted to use A Bao to make money, but she still kindly reminded A Bao that you can quit. But Po is determined to take a gamble.

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

When they finally broke up, at the stairs, Abao stretched out his hand to get acquainted with Li Li again. Li Li turned around violently. This action made the audience mistakenly think that she was definitely going to kiss Abao, but she didn't. Li Li was moved for a moment, but she restrained herself in the end.

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

Li Li admires and is touched by A Bao in her heart, but the only one she loves in this life is Mr. A.

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

Just like Po, Bai Yueguang deep in his heart will always only have his first love Xuezhi who left Hong Kong and eventually died of illness.

Mr. Qiang came to Shanghai with the personal purpose of defeating Po and letting him experience the feeling of being "collected". At the same time, he also wanted to take revenge on Po for "taking away" Lingzi, which caused him to be frustrated in love.

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

And Li Li came to Shanghai firstly to avoid pursuit, secondly to find a place to heal, and thirdly to make money.

After being taken away by the Public Security Bureau for investigation, Li Li knew that he was in danger of being exposed. Therefore, she plans to make a fortune with A Bao's help, and then fly away again. In the plot of episode 28 of

, the showdown between A Bao and Mr. Qiang reaches its climax. Abao borrowed 120 million, plus his own and fleet funds, a total of 200 million, to confront President Qiang, and he lost as expected, and everything returned to zero!

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

According to the finale previews of the last two episodes, Mr. Bao did not turn defeat into victory at the last moment. He turned back to the Abao who had nothing.

A key factor here is that Li Li chose to protect herself at the critical moment. She revoked her guarantee to A Bao, increased the price of Zhenyuan by 15%, and sold it to Mr. Qiang. made a lot of money for herself. One stroke.

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

So Li Li and Abao have nothing to do with love, but just make money.

I just don’t know if Li Li will be able to escape in the end this time?

Compared with Reiko's homeliness and shrewdness, and Miss Wang's frankness and stupidity, Li Li is smart, scheming, mysterious, and has a strong aura. His face always has a noble, cold, unpredictable look that makes people confused. What is she thinking, but she also wants to get close to her and understand her.

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

Li Li’s mysterious past, who is the master behind her, and where does her huge wealth come from? In fact, hints were given through the mouth of her uncle at the beginning of the plot.

At that time, Zhizhenyuan had just opened, and his uncle told Abao that within a few days of arriving in Shanghai, Li Li bought an HSBC passbook with a turnover of 30 million.

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

Because of this, uncle Ye and Abao suspected that Li Li was Mr. A's man and came to Shanghai to seek revenge on them. At this time, they did not know that Mr. A was dead.

President Qiang once asked Li Li, which side are you on? Li Li said, I don’t side with anyone (referring to Abao and President Qiang), I stand with Mr. A.

Qiang always said, but you know, Mr. A is dead!

Li Li replied that even if he died, I would stand by him.

In other words, Li Li is replacing Mr. A and wants to realize Mr. A's wishes step by step. She will live for Mr. A and her dead self for the rest of her life.

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

Wong Kar-wai, the "detail-oriented" director, actually buried detailed metaphors and hints about Li Li's feelings and ending at the beginning of the story.

The two oil paintings hanging in Zhizhen Garden have appeared with Li Li many times since the opening of Zhizhen Garden.

The origins of these two oil paintings have already been exposed by the media. It turns out that the two oil paintings hanging in Li Li's Zhizhen Garden are both works by the late famous oil painter Chen Yifei.

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

Shanghai oil painter Chen Yifei was very famous in the 1990s. An oil painting could be sold for about 1 million yuan that year. In "Flowers", there are two paintings hanging in the Zhizhen Garden. One is called "Focus", and the other is "The Maid and the Bird" (also known as "The Cage") from Chen Yifei's "Old Dreams at Sea" series. "Central Woman", this is the fifth painting).

It is worth mentioning that the two oil paintings hanging in "Flowers" are not fakes, but genuine ones. They were borrowed by the crew from private collectors.

Look carefully and you will see that the women in these two paintings have lonely and pensive expressions on their faces, as if they are trapped by love.

In the first painting, a woman is dressing up in the mirror, but stops, thoughtfully, as if she is missing her lover.

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

In the second picture, there is an exquisite bird cage next to the woman, which means that the woman is like a bird in a cage and cannot be free.

These two paintings not only show the wealthy status of the owner of Zhizhenyuan, but also symbolize Li Li's emotions and life dilemma.

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

Emotionally, Li Li witnessed his lover jumping into the sea but was unable to save him. He could only mourn his dead lover with memories and grief throughout his life.

In life, Li Li's external identity is fake and she is facing the pursuit of the police. Internally, Li Li's life dictionary has no joy and freedom. She is no longer Chen Zhen, but has become Mr. A's. Li Li.

Li Li, isn’t he a double prisoner of emotion and life?

Li Li, who looks cold on the surface, is already cold in his heart. Facing the prosperity of this life, Li Li's heart is lonelier than fireworks.

The TV series 'Flowers' is coming to its final two episodes. In the plot of the next few episodes, the past of Li Li, the most mysterious woman in the show, and the identity and ending of the even more mysterious Mr. A are finally exposed. It turns out that Li Li's real name is C - Lujuba

I can’t help but praise director Wong Kar-wai. He is indeed good at selecting and training actors. Xin Zhilei, whom he chose, performed this mysterious, cold, domineering but lonely woman Li Li so well that everyone was amazed.

Li Li under the lens of "Flowers" fully explored the most beautiful and A side of the actor. Even Xin Zhilei herself said that if it were not for director Wong Kar-wai, even I would not know that I am so beautiful.

The woman Li Li in the play "Flowers" is a powerful and tragic beautiful woman, and the actor Xin Zhilei outside the play will use the unique and successful role of "Li Li" to open up a better film and television development in the future world.

(text/first drop of dew)

Tags: entertainment