On January 5, the Shaoshan screening event of the documentary film "Long Live the People" was held at the Shaoshan Red Education and Training Base. More than 400 people including Shaoshan City's moral models, good people around them, civilized families, outstanding volunteer repr

entertainment 8023℃

On January 5, the Shaoshan screening event of the documentary film "Long Live the People" was held at the Shaoshan Red Education and Training Base. More than 400 people including Shaoshan City's moral models, good people around them, civilized families, outstanding volunteer representatives, student representatives, party members, cadres and mass representatives attended the event.

On January 5, the Shaoshan screening event of the documentary film 'Long Live the People' was held at the Shaoshan Red Education and Training Base. More than 400 people including Shaoshan City's moral models, good people around them, civilized families, outstanding volunteer repr - Lujuba

The documentary film "Long Live the People" is directed by Hao Yun, a national first-level director, and Wang Junwei, director of the academic and editorial committee of the Central Academy of Party History and Documentation, serves as the screenwriter and writer. On the occasion of the 130th anniversary of the birth of Comrade Mao Zedong, the film uses classic light and shadow with unique emotional power and warmth to depict a touching historical picture, carrying forward the lofty spirit of the first generation leader of the Communist Party of China and demonstrating "Long live the people." A solemn oath.

Zhou Yong, distribution manager of China Film Distribution Co., Ltd., said that "Long Live the People" insists on using history as a mirror, and through vivid and precious historical pictures, it shows the deep emotional connection between the great men of the era and the common people, achieving historical authenticity and artistic True balance and blending. At the same time, Shaoshan also witnessed the glorious journey of the great man Comrade Mao Zedong’s birth, growth, study, and revolutionary practice.

On January 5, the Shaoshan screening event of the documentary film 'Long Live the People' was held at the Shaoshan Red Education and Training Base. More than 400 people including Shaoshan City's moral models, good people around them, civilized families, outstanding volunteer repr - Lujuba

producer Chen Changye said that this is a themed film about Comrade Mao Zedong’s view of the people, so the selection of images will try to show the relationship between Comrade Mao Zedong and the people in the camera. Not only can the people’s vivid smiling faces be seen in the images, It also interprets Comrade Mao Zedong’s classic motto of “serving the people”.

At the event, Mao Yushi, who once served as the village director of Shaoshan Village, secretary of the Party branch of Shaoshan Village, and deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Shaoshan Township, and Mao Min, who once served as the commentator of the historical exhibition hall of the Shaoshan Special Branch of the Communist Party of China, respectively shared the life of Comrade Mao Zedong. real story. Mao Yushi recalled every moment when Comrade Mao Zedong visited Shaoshan School in 1959 and had a cordial photo session with teachers and students; Mao Min told the stories of Comrade Mao Zedong’s six relatives who sacrificed their lives for the revolution.

On January 5, the Shaoshan screening event of the documentary film 'Long Live the People' was held at the Shaoshan Red Education and Training Base. More than 400 people including Shaoshan City's moral models, good people around them, civilized families, outstanding volunteer repr - Lujuba

As a documentary film with important historical significance, "Long Live the People" displays Comrade Mao Zedong's important thoughts and decisions in various periods of China's revolution and construction through vivid storylines and rich video materials, and records Comrade Mao Zedong's care for the people. , breathing every historical moment and sharing the same fate with the people.

Many viewers said that this was a profound historical baptism that made them cherish today's happy life more and strengthened their determination to contribute to the prosperity and development of the motherland. The audience also spoke highly of the film's production level, believing that the film was excellent in aesthetics and had both an international vision and an epic style.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Xiao Yang

editor/Cui Wei

Tags: entertainment