On January 8, Nicolas Cage's eldest son, Weston Cage, posted a photo on his social account of celebrating his father's 60th birthday with his new love. The caption said, "To wish his father a happy birthday!" He has specially composed an original poem, which will also be framed.

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On January 8, Nicolas Cage's eldest son, Weston Cage, posted a photo on his social account of celebrating his father's 60th birthday with his new love. The caption said, "To wish his father a happy birthday!" He has specially composed an original poem, which will also be framed. The group photo includes Nicolas Cage and his 29-year-old fifth wife Shibata Riko, and his 34-year-old eldest son Weston Cage and his fourth wife Elmelinda Manns. Yes, you read that right, Nicolas Cage has been married 5 times, and his eldest son Weston Cage has been married 4 times. At the age of 34, he has great potential to be better than his old master!

On January 8, Nicolas Cage's eldest son, Weston Cage, posted a photo on his social account of celebrating his father's 60th birthday with his new love. The caption said, 'To wish his father a happy birthday!' He has specially composed an original poem, which will also be framed.  - Lujuba

Four people celebrated Nicolas Cage’s birthday in a restaurant. Nicolas Cage’s 1-year-old daughter August Francesca did not appear in the scene. The 29-year-old Shibata Riko has had her hair cut short, her figure is slightly thicker, and her face is much rounder than before. It seems that she has not yet returned to her slim state before giving birth. However, it can be seen from the smile on her face that this father-daughter love marriage is happy and happy. It is worth mentioning that Nicolas Cage’s eldest son Weston Cage was born in 1990, which is 5 years older than his stepmother Riko Shibata who was born in 1995! Moreover, he is tall and tall, with a big beard and looks even more mature than his father.

Weston Cage is also an actor, but he has no notable masterpieces. He once received treatment for mental health conditions and is said to have recovered. Judging from his daily posts, he has an unruly personality and often calls himself a "god". The content of his words is relatively abstract. The birthday blessing poems he wrote for his father are obscure and difficult to understand even when translated into Chinese. I wonder if Nicolas Cage can understand his son’s thoughts?

On January 8, Nicolas Cage's eldest son, Weston Cage, posted a photo on his social account of celebrating his father's 60th birthday with his new love. The caption said, 'To wish his father a happy birthday!' He has specially composed an original poem, which will also be framed.  - Lujuba

A few days ago, Nicolas Cage said in an interview with a media that he plans to reduce his film work as much as possible in the future, and may say "goodbye" to everyone in a high-profile way after his birthday.

His father, August Coppola, died in 2009 at the age of 75. Nicolas Cage said that he is very likely to have only 15 years of good life left, just like his father. Therefore, he wants to spend more time with his wife and daughter. Because he still had a film appointment, he didn't say "retire the shadow" so definitely.

In 2020, after the high-profile relationship between Nicolas Cage and his fifth wife Riko Shibata, who is 31 years younger than him, was exposed in a high-profile manner, many fans believed that Riko Shibata looked too ordinary, and the age gap between the two was too large. , many people were not optimistic about this relationship at first. However, Nicolas Cage has always been unconventional. In January 2021, the two received their marriage certificate online, and the wedding was held in a low-key manner in Las Vegas on February 16 of the same year.

On January 8, Nicolas Cage's eldest son, Weston Cage, posted a photo on his social account of celebrating his father's 60th birthday with his new love. The caption said, 'To wish his father a happy birthday!' He has specially composed an original poem, which will also be framed.  - Lujuba

On September 7, 2022, daughter August Francesca was born. Nicolas Cage said he named his daughter "August" in memory of his late father, August Coppola.

After the birth of his daughter, Nicolas Cage and his wife remained in love. When they went out to work, they often took their wife and children with them.

This mixed-race baby still can’t tell whether he looks like his father or his mother.

On January 8, Nicolas Cage's eldest son, Weston Cage, posted a photo on his social account of celebrating his father's 60th birthday with his new love. The caption said, 'To wish his father a happy birthday!' He has specially composed an original poem, which will also be framed.  - Lujuba

Although he has been married four times before and has two sons with his ex, Nicolas Cage can be regarded as a husband and a good father when he is with Riko Shibata. When they go out together, he is the one who hugs him most of the time. Baby, a good father is full of power.

In October this year, some media photographed Nicolas Cage going to Sydney with his wife and daughter to film the movie "Surfer".

On January 8, Nicolas Cage's eldest son, Weston Cage, posted a photo on his social account of celebrating his father's 60th birthday with his new love. The caption said, 'To wish his father a happy birthday!' He has specially composed an original poem, which will also be framed.  - Lujuba

Riko Shibata is almost completely bare-faced, without any of the baggage of being a "superstar wife". Some reports pointed out that it was precisely because of this that Riko Shibata captured the heart of Nicolas Cage.

On January 8, Nicolas Cage's eldest son, Weston Cage, posted a photo on his social account of celebrating his father's 60th birthday with his new love. The caption said, 'To wish his father a happy birthday!' He has specially composed an original poem, which will also be framed.  - Lujuba

If the suitcase is relatively large, the wife will carry the baby while he drags the suitcase.

On January 8, Nicolas Cage's eldest son, Weston Cage, posted a photo on his social account of celebrating his father's 60th birthday with his new love. The caption said, 'To wish his father a happy birthday!' He has specially composed an original poem, which will also be framed.  - Lujuba

On the other hand, the divorce lawsuit between Nicolas Cage's eldest son Weston Cage and his third wife Sheila Arunian is in full swing. Weston Cage accused the woman of embezzling $100,000, insulting and defaming him, and preventing him and his family from seeing their two daughters.

Weston Cage and Sheila Arounian got married in 2018 and gave birth to twin daughters in 2019. The specific date of the marriage is unknown.

He also has two sons with his second wife, Daniel Cage. In other words, at a young age, he became the father of four children.

On January 8, Nicolas Cage's eldest son, Weston Cage, posted a photo on his social account of celebrating his father's 60th birthday with his new love. The caption said, 'To wish his father a happy birthday!' He has specially composed an original poem, which will also be framed.  - Lujuba

At the beginning of this year, Weston Cage announced that he had successfully proposed to his fourth wife, Elmelinda Mansion.

On January 8, Nicolas Cage's eldest son, Weston Cage, posted a photo on his social account of celebrating his father's 60th birthday with his new love. The caption said, 'To wish his father a happy birthday!' He has specially composed an original poem, which will also be framed.  - Lujuba

Tags: entertainment