If you want to say which drama in 2024 has a finale that makes all viewers dissatisfied, it should be "The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon", right? It was launched with much attention, and relied on the lineup and plot to attract the audience. Unexpectedly, the "high opening" was

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If you want to say which drama in 2024 has a finale that makes all viewers dissatisfied, it should be "The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon", right? It was launched with much attention, and relied on the lineup and plot to attract the audience. Unexpectedly, the "high opening" was not followed by a "crazy move", but instead a "low move" or even a "crazy ending".

Why is the ending of "The Boy Who Calls the Dragon" so "crazy"? Because the plot did not follow the conventional rules at all, it successfully left the audience dissatisfied. Let’s go into detail next.

If you want to say which drama in 2024 has a finale that makes all viewers dissatisfied, it should be 'The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon', right? It was launched with much attention, and relied on the lineup and plot to attract the audience. Unexpectedly, the 'high opening' was  - Lujuba

After the college entrance examination, the students in Class 11 all achieved good results. Cheng Yushan performed exceptionally and scored more than 700 points, successfully admitted to Qingbei University. Li Ran lived up to expectations and scored high marks, but he did not choose Qingbei. Instead, he went to Aerospace University to do what he was interested in.

This scene makes people a little confused. There is so much foreshadowing in the early stage. In order to go to Qingbei, Li Ran even participated in the Wings Project. He also complained about the unfairness of fate because he had to compete with Shen Yao. In the end, he got the qualification to add 30 points to the Wings Plan, but he did not choose to go to Qingbei. So there is so much foreshadowing ahead, why exactly?

If you want to say which drama in 2024 has a finale that makes all viewers dissatisfied, it should be 'The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon', right? It was launched with much attention, and relied on the lineup and plot to attract the audience. Unexpectedly, the 'high opening' was  - Lujuba

At the same time, Li Ran's reasons for rejecting the admissions teacher did not stand up to scrutiny. He said that he wanted to do something he was interested in and be with the people he liked.

The person he likes is Cheng Yushan, but Cheng Yushan went to Qingbei but he didn't go. Don't you know that it is difficult to persist in a long-distance relationship? Of course, it is not unreasonable to choose a major that you like and do things that interest you. Not going to Qingbei was also Li Ran's choice.

But the plot 12 years later is really crazy!

If you want to say which drama in 2024 has a finale that makes all viewers dissatisfied, it should be 'The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon', right? It was launched with much attention, and relied on the lineup and plot to attract the audience. Unexpectedly, the 'high opening' was  - Lujuba

After the college entrance examination, Li Ran and Cheng Yushan confirmed their relationship. When they took graduation photos, they were holding hands, wearing couple's outfits, and were already together. However, 12 years later, they were not familiar with each other and were not even married! When

celebrated Lei Ming's birthday, another man appeared next to Cheng Yushan. Judging from everyone's familiarity with him, it was most likely Shen Yao. When Li Ran appeared later in

, Jiang Qinglang complained about Li Ran. He had acted alone in the past few years and would never come together whether it was to see thunder or get together. This confirmed from the side that Li Ran and Cheng Yushan were not together, or even in normal times. Little contact.

If you want to say which drama in 2024 has a finale that makes all viewers dissatisfied, it should be 'The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon', right? It was launched with much attention, and relied on the lineup and plot to attract the audience. Unexpectedly, the 'high opening' was  - Lujuba

So, it was so good in high school, we were together after the college entrance examination, and we were still in the same city. Why did Cheng Yushan end up with Shen Yao instead of being together 12 years later?

Could it be that because they are not in the same school, they are in a different place. Because Cheng Yushan and Shen Yao were in the same school, they had a lot of contact with each other and later got together. Or maybe it's because Cheng Yushan wanted to have a career and Li Ran wanted to have three children when he was 8 years old, so the two had different ideas and didn't get together?

Anyway, Li Ran and Cheng Yushan were not together. In the end, Shen Yao married Cheng Yushan, which really caught the audience off guard.

If you want to say which drama in 2024 has a finale that makes all viewers dissatisfied, it should be 'The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon', right? It was launched with much attention, and relied on the lineup and plot to attract the audience. Unexpectedly, the 'high opening' was  - Lujuba

Not only that, the relationship between Bian Xiaoxiao and Jiang Qinglang is also very "crazy". After the college entrance examination, the two already liked each other and waited for Jiang Qinglang to be admitted to college to be together. But 12 years later, Bian Xiaoxiao and Jiang Qinglang Jiang Qinglang is divorced! That's right, it's a divorce.

Yu Yang was talking in the car about how he wanted to see Lei Ming last year, but the two were getting divorced. Lei Ming asked at the dinner table if they were really divorced. Jiang Qinglang said indifferently that they were divorced, but they would still be good brothers in the future.

is really puzzling! So, the ending of Jiang Qinglang and Bian Xiaoxiao is actually the ending of their parents. There is no quarrel or cheating, but they just don’t love each other anymore?

If you want to say which drama in 2024 has a finale that makes all viewers dissatisfied, it should be 'The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon', right? It was launched with much attention, and relied on the lineup and plot to attract the audience. Unexpectedly, the 'high opening' was  - Lujuba

What is even more speechless is that Lei Ming and Sang Xia are not together either. When he first arrived at school, Bian Xiaoxiao asked Lei Ming if he had seen Teacher Sang recently, and Lei Ming said no.

If the two are married or together, it is impossible for people in Class 11 not to know, but Bian Xiaoxiao still asks this question. It is conceivable that Lei Ming has not caught up with Sang Xia for twelve years!

If you want to say which drama in 2024 has a finale that makes all viewers dissatisfied, it should be 'The Young Man Who Calls the Dragon', right? It was launched with much attention, and relied on the lineup and plot to attract the audience. Unexpectedly, the 'high opening' was  - Lujuba

Let’s just say, must it be filmed 12 years later? Not to mention changing the actors, the plot is still so "insane". In addition to seeing their success and fame, we don't see their relationship, so what is the purpose of doing this?

would rather the drama ended abruptly after their college entrance examination than watch the rest of the plot, because it's really too "crazy" and I don't know what the screenwriter was thinking when he wrote the script, what do you think?

Tags: entertainment