Sure enough, in terms of variety shows, Hunan Satellite TV is still far ahead. Seeing that the current variety show market is stalling, various big IPs are starting to stir up the slack. It seems that there are only a few people, and the ratings and popularity can only be obtaine

entertainment 3037℃

Sure enough, in terms of variety shows, Hunan Satellite TV is still far ahead. Seeing that the current variety show market is stalling, various big IPs are starting to stir up the slack. It seems that there are only a few people, and the ratings and popularity can only be obtaine - Lujuba

Sure enough, in terms of variety shows, Hunan Satellite TV is still far ahead. Seeing that the current variety show market is stalling, various big IPs are starting to stir up the slack. It seems that there are only a few people, and the ratings and popularity can only be obtaine - Lujuba

Sure enough, in terms of variety shows, Hunan Satellite TV is still far ahead.

Seeing that the current variety show market has stalled, major IPs have begun to speculate. It seems that there are only a few people, and the ratings and popularity can only be relied on in various strange ways to collect data.

Sure enough, in terms of variety shows, Hunan Satellite TV is still far ahead. Seeing that the current variety show market is stalling, various big IPs are starting to stir up the slack. It seems that there are only a few people, and the ratings and popularity can only be obtaine - Lujuba

However, Mango Channel seems to always have something new.

"Flowers and Boys 5" began to take a strange CP direction. With the popularity of "Flowers" and Xin Zhilei's informal character, this time it was considered a success.

Sure enough, in terms of variety shows, Hunan Satellite TV is still far ahead. Seeing that the current variety show market is stalling, various big IPs are starting to stir up the slack. It seems that there are only a few people, and the ratings and popularity can only be obtaine - Lujuba

In the new season of "Continuous Sound", talented singers will gather together.

Han Hong, Sun Nan, and Mao Amin, together with a group of well-known singers who are in high demand, have made new achievements in the music variety show section.

Sure enough, in terms of variety shows, Hunan Satellite TV is still far ahead. Seeing that the current variety show market is stalling, various big IPs are starting to stir up the slack. It seems that there are only a few people, and the ratings and popularity can only be obtaine - Lujuba

Yes, there are.

After "Longing for Life" ended, Mango presented the girls' version of "Slow Life" again. Sure enough, Xie Na and He Jiong are the elder sister and elder brother forever.

"Our Beautiful Life" has reached its 10th issue. With the arrival of Wu Yi, Chen Qiaoen and others, it is obvious that everyone is familiar with it and is more relaxed.

Sure enough, in terms of variety shows, Hunan Satellite TV is still far ahead. Seeing that the current variety show market is stalling, various big IPs are starting to stir up the slack. It seems that there are only a few people, and the ratings and popularity can only be obtaine - Lujuba

Of course, the one that gets the most attention is of course the two idol drama queens Ruby Lin and Chen Qiao En in the same frame.

They were once popular sweetheart heroines across the country, and now they have all passed the 40-year-old mark. Even female stars cannot escape the baptism of time.

Ruby Lin: Age anxiety is so serious

Ruby Lin is nearly 50 years old, but her skin is actually in very good condition.

In this kind of life variety show, compared to Xie Na adjusting the atmosphere and leading guests to chat and make jokes, Ruby Lin is more working, and it can be seen that she is also a person who understands life.

Sure enough, in terms of variety shows, Hunan Satellite TV is still far ahead. Seeing that the current variety show market is stalling, various big IPs are starting to stir up the slack. It seems that there are only a few people, and the ratings and popularity can only be obtaine - Lujuba

But starting from the new issue, her age anxiety has been written all over her body. The most obvious thing about

is its obsession with pink.

Of course, it's not all because of pink. After all, it's just a color. Everyone has the right to like any color. However, Ruby Lin's persistence clearly reflects her inner anxiety.

Sure enough, in terms of variety shows, Hunan Satellite TV is still far ahead. Seeing that the current variety show market is stalling, various big IPs are starting to stir up the slack. It seems that there are only a few people, and the ratings and popularity can only be obtaine - Lujuba

is older and has sweet girls, such as Cyndi Wang.

Ruby Lin's behavior is obviously not girlish. Her personality is more forthright and straightforward, which is also the key reason why she and Xie Na can create sparks.

A light pink cardigan, a bright pink bow and high ponytail, and a light pink backpack. Even when buying something, I am very sensitive to the number "50".

Sure enough, in terms of variety shows, Hunan Satellite TV is still far ahead. Seeing that the current variety show market is stalling, various big IPs are starting to stir up the slack. It seems that there are only a few people, and the ratings and popularity can only be obtaine - Lujuba

They just told me a price, and she immediately emphasized over and over again that it would be fifty, fifty, plus "I'm not fifty years old."

In fact, this is all a manifestation of anxiety. Ruby Lin is not pretentious, and her obsession is different from Jin Sha's. She is just obsessed with image in appearance, so what she is anxious about is not her face or appearance, but her age.

Sure enough, in terms of variety shows, Hunan Satellite TV is still far ahead. Seeing that the current variety show market is stalling, various big IPs are starting to stir up the slack. It seems that there are only a few people, and the ratings and popularity can only be obtaine - Lujuba

In fact, every outfit is aesthetically pleasing. Later she wore a double ponytail instead of pink, which is actually more natural and fresh.

It’s just that after the loss of collagen, Ruby Lin’s bones were a little unable to hold up.

The Apple machine was frozen in a ball, with a big bulge on the forehead. The whole face made a large expression, and a single wrinkle could not be squeezed out. The brow bone and bridge of the nose were also very low.

Sure enough, in terms of variety shows, Hunan Satellite TV is still far ahead. Seeing that the current variety show market is stalling, various big IPs are starting to stir up the slack. It seems that there are only a few people, and the ratings and popularity can only be obtaine - Lujuba

Especially the skin on the face is in sharp contrast with the neck.

obviously has no image baggage, and laughs so unscrupulously, but he has an inexplicable obsession with age.

Sure enough, in terms of variety shows, Hunan Satellite TV is still far ahead. Seeing that the current variety show market is stalling, various big IPs are starting to stir up the slack. It seems that there are only a few people, and the ratings and popularity can only be obtaine - Lujuba

Even when the fireworks are set off at night, others are making wishes, and this sister is still telling "fairy tales" -

I hope I will never grow old.

Actually, it sounds inexplicably sad. No one can escape the passage of time. In fact, Lin Xinru's facial features can be regarded as resistant today. It's just that she is always concerned about "fifty", which makes her who should be full of the charm of a mature woman change. It became an awkward image.

Sure enough, in terms of variety shows, Hunan Satellite TV is still far ahead. Seeing that the current variety show market is stalling, various big IPs are starting to stir up the slack. It seems that there are only a few people, and the ratings and popularity can only be obtaine - Lujuba

Beauty is still beautiful, but it is too angled. Perhaps, this is the state of skin beauty after aging.

Chen Qiaoen: free and easy, cute, a bit mellow

Of course, compared with her in the idol drama period, Chen Qiaoen is also older now.

The frontal shot shows the fatigue, even if the face is expressionless, the nasolabial folds are clearly visible, but the simple ball head looks elegant.

is over 40 years old. This is what normal people should be like.

Sure enough, in terms of variety shows, Hunan Satellite TV is still far ahead. Seeing that the current variety show market is stalling, various big IPs are starting to stir up the slack. It seems that there are only a few people, and the ratings and popularity can only be obtaine - Lujuba

However, the more I look at the back, the more I feel that Chen Qiaoen is the real sweet girl.

She really loves to laugh, and you can see that she is very lively and unpretentious during the fish catching session.

When the fish was about to jump out of the barrel, several actresses were screaming. Ruby Lin suddenly ran far away, Cai Shaofen still maintained her funny persona, but Chen Qiaoen was not afraid but screamed and stepped forward to hold the fish down.

Sure enough, in terms of variety shows, Hunan Satellite TV is still far ahead. Seeing that the current variety show market is stalling, various big IPs are starting to stir up the slack. It seems that there are only a few people, and the ratings and popularity can only be obtaine - Lujuba

Her profile is still very tough, and her facial features have grown in exactly the same proportion. Her hairline is a bit high, but she still reveals her smooth forehead.

doesn't break down even if he laughs. It's obvious that the expression management has been engraved in his bones. The bags under the eyes under the crow's feet are all showing. There are actually some traces of maintenance on the face, but it is not stiff.

Sure enough, in terms of variety shows, Hunan Satellite TV is still far ahead. Seeing that the current variety show market is stalling, various big IPs are starting to stir up the slack. It seems that there are only a few people, and the ratings and popularity can only be obtaine - Lujuba

Sure enough, in terms of variety shows, Hunan Satellite TV is still far ahead. Seeing that the current variety show market is stalling, various big IPs are starting to stir up the slack. It seems that there are only a few people, and the ratings and popularity can only be obtaine - Lujuba

Mango also specially gave a close-up of her slightly sideways face.

To be honest, I have never been able to figure out Chen Qiaoen's appearance before, but looking at it this way, she is really strong.

’s eyes are also big but not sunken, especially her slightly fleshy double chin, which actually makes her look even cuter.

In her body, the audience can also see the transformation after going through the world. She is calm but also maintains an innocent side. No wonder she is called the "Queen of Idol Dramas".

Sure enough, in terms of variety shows, Hunan Satellite TV is still far ahead. Seeing that the current variety show market is stalling, various big IPs are starting to stir up the slack. It seems that there are only a few people, and the ratings and popularity can only be obtaine - Lujuba

Moreover, Chen Qiaoen’s outfits are very life-like, and he does not deliberately look girly in his clothes. However, the overall state he presents is that of a young and upbeat attitude. No matter his age, he is old but can still be a "laughter" girl".

Sure enough, in terms of variety shows, Hunan Satellite TV is still far ahead. Seeing that the current variety show market is stalling, various big IPs are starting to stir up the slack. It seems that there are only a few people, and the ratings and popularity can only be obtaine - Lujuba

The funniest thing is that when setting off fireworks, others were praying for peace, happiness and not getting old. This girl just yelled -

I hope I will never get fat by eating.

? Is this really what a female star can say? I say, don't be too real. You are still facing the camera after all.

Sure enough, in terms of variety shows, Hunan Satellite TV is still far ahead. Seeing that the current variety show market is stalling, various big IPs are starting to stir up the slack. It seems that there are only a few people, and the ratings and popularity can only be obtaine - Lujuba

In fact, it is normal for two people to have different mentality.

Chen Qiaoen gives people the impression that the heroine Chen Xinyi in "Destined to Love You" is in her 40s, and she is still the number one heroine in idol dramas.

As for Ruby Lin, she has transformed into a boss. She is more clear-headed and independent, working hard on her own, and has created many high-reputation Taiwanese dramas. Naturally, she can no longer maintain a girlish heart, and anxiety about age is also a common thing among women.

Sure enough, in terms of variety shows, Hunan Satellite TV is still far ahead. Seeing that the current variety show market is stalling, various big IPs are starting to stir up the slack. It seems that there are only a few people, and the ratings and popularity can only be obtaine - Lujuba


Of course, since she can become a household name actress, her strength cannot be underestimated.

If the age of 30 is the peak period of an actress's career, then the age of 40 is the process of slowly moving towards higher goals. Some people are content with the status quo.

Some people are still breaking through themselves and becoming well-known big names in the industry. This is no longer based on appearance.

Sure enough, in terms of variety shows, Hunan Satellite TV is still far ahead. Seeing that the current variety show market is stalling, various big IPs are starting to stir up the slack. It seems that there are only a few people, and the ratings and popularity can only be obtaine - Lujuba

Everything that can be preserved in the world becomes more valuable as time goes by. The same is true for

people. Qin Hailu, Wu Yue, Yin Tao, Zhou Xun, etc. have already sat on the front line of the Mesozoic Era.

Audiences will not have too strict requirements on the faces of actresses of this age.

But when Ruby Lin and Joe Chen are in the same frame, I have to lament the ruthlessness of the years. I don’t know which one you like more?


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