Every editor: Zhang Jinhe On the evening of January 6, the TV special film "Continuous Efforts to Advance in Depth" premiered. The first episode of the special film disclosed the corruption details of the three former directors of the Liaoning Provincial Public Security Departmen

entertainment 1549℃

Edited by: Zhang Jinhe

On the evening of January 6, the TV special film "Continuous Efforts to Advance Deeply" premiered. The first episode of the special film disclosed the corruption cases of Li Wenxi, Xue Heng, and Wang Dawei, the former three directors of the Liaoning Provincial Public Security Department. Details, During a bribery incident, Wang Dawei packed the stolen money into 22 cardboard boxes, which was so heavy that the commercial vehicle used to pull the money could not climb up the slope of the basement.

The three public security directors of Liaoning took bribes totaling more than 1.2 billion yuan

Li Wenxi was born in March 1950 in Benxi, Liaoning. In 2002, he was appointed director of the Liaoning Provincial Public Security Department. In January 2008, he was appointed vice chairman of the Liaoning Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and concurrently served as the provincial public security officer. Director of the Department. In January 2021, Li Wenxi was investigated and expelled from the party in July of the same year.

Every editor: Zhang Jinhe On the evening of January 6, the TV special film 'Continuous Efforts to Advance in Depth' premiered. The first episode of the special film disclosed the corruption details of the three former directors of the Liaoning Provincial Public Security Departmen - Lujuba

Xue Heng was born in November 1955 in Suizhong, Liaoning Province. He once served as director of the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, secretary of the Dandong Municipal Party Committee, and secretary of the Yingkou Municipal Party Committee. From March 2011 to March 2013, Xue Heng took over the position from Li Wenxi and concurrently served as the director of the Provincial Public Security Department. In August 2021, Xue Heng voluntarily surrendered.

Every editor: Zhang Jinhe On the evening of January 6, the TV special film 'Continuous Efforts to Advance in Depth' premiered. The first episode of the special film disclosed the corruption details of the three former directors of the Liaoning Provincial Public Security Departmen - Lujuba

Wang Dawei was born in April 1964 in Wangkui, Heilongjiang Province. In 2013, he served as a member of the Party Leadership Group of the Liaoning Provincial Government, Assistant to the Governor, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Provincial Public Security Department, and in February 2017, he was appointed as the Vice Governor of Liaoning Province. In March 2022, Wang Dawei was investigated while in office.

Every editor: Zhang Jinhe On the evening of January 6, the TV special film 'Continuous Efforts to Advance in Depth' premiered. The first episode of the special film disclosed the corruption details of the three former directors of the Liaoning Provincial Public Security Departmen - Lujuba

It is worth mentioning that the amount of bribes received by the three people was very large.

According to the report, Wang Dawei received a total financial equivalent of more than 555 million yuan, Li Wenxi received a total financial equivalent of more than 540 million yuan, and Xue Heng was also accused of accepting bribes of more than 135 million yuan. Li Wenxi, Xue Heng, and Wang Dawei accepted bribes totaling more than 1.2 billion yuan.

Details of Wang Dawei’s bribery were exposed: The stolen money was so heavy that the car could not drive up the basement slope

CCTV news reported that the political ecology of the Liaoning public security system was severely damaged. Li Wenxi was the initiator, Xue Heng was the fueler, and Wang Dawei was the troublemaker.

In 2013, Wang Dawei took office. His unscrupulous way of amassing money is even worse than that of his predecessor. After investigation, it was found that he illegally received property from others totaling more than 555 million yuan, nearly half of which was given by Liu Zhongtian, the actual controller of Liaoning Zhongwang Group.

Liaoning Zhongwang Group, once the largest aluminum profile manufacturer in Asia, has now filed for bankruptcy. The fundamental reason for its rise and fall is that Liu Zhongtian relied on money to clear the way for a long time, relied on illegal means to obtain resources, and then turned away from reality into fiction. The disorderly expansion eventually became unsustainable and collapsed.

In 2017, Zhongwang Group’s illegal problems of suspected foreign exchange fraud began to come to light, and a vice president was arrested. Liu Zhongtian was worried that if the investigation continued, he would be implicated. Through an intermediary, he asked Wang Dawei to be dealt with leniently and requested not to investigate further.

Wang Dawei had long heard that Liu Zhongtian was generous, so he quickly handled the case leniently, and after the case was concluded, he made a special appointment with Liu Zhongtian to talk and make a good deal. "I deliberately made him appreciate me. I did something for you. You see, it was a big deal. Looking back now, I was really crazy at that time. "

Every editor: Zhang Jinhe On the evening of January 6, the TV special film 'Continuous Efforts to Advance in Depth' premiered. The first episode of the special film disclosed the corruption details of the three former directors of the Liaoning Provincial Public Security Departmen - Lujuba

Liu Zhongtian's first move was 4,000 Wang Dawei happily accepted the offer of 10,000 yuan plus US$4 million. 's money was packed into 22 cardboard boxes, and the commercial vehicle Wang Dawei used to pull money couldn't even climb up the slope of the basement. A few months later, Liu Zhongtian gave Wang Dawei a total of HK$200 million in Macau four times.

received the ill-gotten gains, and Wang Dawei completely embarked on the path of no return, violating disciplines and laws. In the second half of 2019, the Ministry of Public Security handed over clues to relevant issues to the Liaoning Provincial Public Security Department. Wang Dawei notified Liu Zhongtian while instructing the case-handling agencies not to make any announcements and stop talking. By 2020, the huge debt problem of Zhongwang Group has triggered major regional financial risks. Wang Dawei still tried his best to protect Liu Zhongtian and helped him delay Zhongwang's "thunder".

"Selling out official positions and titles"! Wang Dawei was reported to engage in fake marriage fraud organization

The Supreme People's Procuratorate reported on February 26, 2023 that Wang Dawei, a former member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Governor of the Liaoning Provincial People's Government, and the former Party Secretary and Director of the Public Security Department, was suspected of accepting bribes and was subject to national supervision. The committee's investigation was concluded, and the case was reviewed and prosecuted by the People's Procuratorate of Xiangyang City, Hubei Province, designated by the Supreme People's Procuratorate.

Procuratorate charged: Wang Dawei used his position as member of the Standing Committee of the Harbin Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, deputy secretary and deputy director of the Party Committee of the Heilongjiang Provincial Public Security Department, secretary and director of the Party Committee of the Liaoning Provincial Public Security Department, member of the Party Leadership Group and Governor of the Liaoning Provincial People's Government To seek benefits for relevant units and individuals in business operations, case handling, job adjustments, etc. by taking advantage of their positions as assistants, deputy governors, etc., as well as the convenient conditions created by their powers and status, and illegally accepting other people’s property, if the amount is particularly huge, they should be punished according to law. He will be held criminally responsible for accepting bribes.

Every editor: Zhang Jinhe On the evening of January 6, the TV special film 'Continuous Efforts to Advance in Depth' premiered. The first episode of the special film disclosed the corruption details of the three former directors of the Liaoning Provincial Public Security Departmen - Lujuba

Wang Dawei Picture source: The official website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission

Public information shows that Wang Dawei was born in April 1964 in Wangkui, Heilongjiang. He started working at the age of 26 and became a cadre in the General Department of the Forestry and Forestry Project Department of the National Forestry Investment Company. A year and a half later, Wang Dawei entered the Economic and Trade Office of the State Council and successively served as a cadre of the Secretariat, assistant engineer, and chief staff member. From May 1994 to September 1998, Wang Dawei served as deputy division-level secretary and division-level secretary of the General Office of the State Economic and Trade Commission.

In September 1998, Wang Dawei joined China Unicom as deputy director of the Planning and Marketing Department. Only three months later, Wang Dawei joined the China Development Research Foundation and later served as deputy secretary-general of the China Development Research Foundation, clarifying the bureau level. During this period, from June 2001 to June 2003, Wang Dawei served as deputy mayor of Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province.

In June 2003, Wang Dawei officially served as the deputy mayor of Harbin City; in January 2007, Wang Dawei was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Harbin Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee.

Two and a half years later, in July 2009, Wang Dawei was promoted to deputy secretary of the Party Committee and deputy director of the Heilongjiang Provincial Public Security Department.

In 2013, he served as a member of the Party Leadership Group of Liaoning Provincial Government, Assistant to the Governor, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Provincial Public Security Department. In February 2017, he was appointed as Vice Governor of Liaoning Province.

On the evening of March 1, 2022, Wang Dawei announced that he was under investigation when he was in office. On September 29 of the same year, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission announced that he had been expelled from the party and public office.

After investigation, Wang Dawei has no ideals and beliefs, has abandoned his original intention and mission, and is disloyal and dishonest to the party. In order to cover up the problem of "naked officials", he engaged in fake marriages to defraud the organization; ignored the spirit of the eight central regulations and accepted large sums from others in violation of regulations. Money, borrowed management and vehicles for service objects;

wantonly sells official positions, seeks benefits for others in the selection and appointment of cadres, and seriously damages the selection and employment system and political ecology of the region and system; life is corrupt and morally corrupt;

wants to When a high official wants to make a fortune, he bends the law for personal gain and tramples on the bottom line of discipline and law. He is greedy and takes advantage of his position to benefit others in business operations and other aspects, and illegally accepts huge amounts of property.

Daily Economic News is synthesized from CCTV news, TV feature film "Continuous Efforts and Deep Advancement", and the official website of the Supreme People's Procuratorate

Daily Economic News

Tags: entertainment