The TV series "Reconnaissance Heroes" directed by Zheng Xiaolong on the theme of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea released a preview and group portrait poster today (5th), and officially announced that it will be premiered on Zhejiang Satellite TV and Beijing Satellite

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The TV series "Reconnaissance Heroes" directed by Zheng Xiaolong on the theme of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea released a preview and group portrait poster today (5th), and officially announced that it will be premiered on Zhejiang Satellite TV and Beijing Satellite TV in prime time starting from January 9. Youku, Tencent Video and iQiyi broadcast simultaneously every night. The play is directed by Zheng Xiaolong and An Zhanjun, with Cao Ping as the chief producer, Liu Gejian as the screenwriter, and Luo Jin and Ma Sichun as the leading actors.

The TV series 'Reconnaissance Heroes' directed by Zheng Xiaolong on the theme of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea released a preview and group portrait poster today (5th), and officially announced that it will be premiered on Zhejiang Satellite TV and Beijing Satellite  - Lujuba

Different from previous traditional war-themed TV dramas, which mostly focus on showing grand war scenes, "Reconnaissance Heroes" focuses on the special branch of scouts on the battlefield to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea for the first time. It tells the story of the reconnaissance unit of a certain division of the Volunteer Army under the leadership of Liang Chen, the reconnaissance section chief. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, they made huge sacrifices and successfully completed many arduous tasks such as reconnaissance, rescue, and surprise attacks assigned by their superiors. They praised the heroic spirit of the volunteers who were not afraid of life and death in order to protect their homeland and country, and paid tribute to the martyrs who were not afraid of powerful enemies. The noble spirit of protecting peace. The final trailer and group portrait poster of the

TV series "Reconnaissance Heroes" released today take the audience back to a period of difficult and great war years. The scheduled trailer focuses on the battle of wits and courage between the enemy and ourselves on the battlefield: Although the enemy's trap has been laid, the volunteer reconnaissance team led by Liang Chen (played by Luo Jin) still sees the clues... The suspense set at the beginning creates an undercurrent. An atmosphere of surging tension and crisis. The division commander (played by Song Jialun) said, "In order to prevent our army from suffering greater casualties during the attack, reconnaissance and insertion missions are an important step." It accurately points out the important role of the volunteer army's reconnaissance heroes on the battlefield - they Their efforts made indelible contributions to the final victory of this war. The group portrait poster released by

at the same time uses a large area of ​​green mountains as the background and incorporates elements of a combat map. Liang Chen, played by Luo Jin, and Wen Jie, played by Ma Sichun, look brave and determined. The other members of the reconnaissance team hold steel guns in their hands, vividly Showing the bloody heroic appearance of the volunteer soldiers. The scheduled trailer and group portrait posters released this time not only accurately interpret the style and temperament of the entire drama, but also show the creative ingenuity and artistic expression of the main creators. From the battle of wits between the enemy and ourselves, to the testing of language, to the fighting on the battlefield, the story is expressed more fully and vividly. While showing the hardship and greatness of the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, it also allows the audience to see each of the flesh-and-blood lives. figure.

It is reported that during the filming of "Reconnaissance Heroes", Zhu Yonglei, deputy director of the State Administration of Radio and Television, went to the crew to investigate and visit the crew. During the communication process with director Zheng Xiaolong, he expressed his enthusiasm for the drama's innovative narrative perspective, respect for historical facts, and artistic construction. Highly recognized for the creative techniques such as vivid and full character creation.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Yang Wenjie

editor/Cui Wei

Tags: entertainment