Japanese photographer Kishin Shinoyama, known for his portraits of girls, beauties and celebrities, died of illness on January 4 at the age of 83. According to reports, Noribu Sasayama began to feel unwell at the end of 2023, and he suffered from chronic diseases. He was rushed t

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Kishin Shinoyama, a Japanese photographer known for his portraits of girls, beauties and celebrities, died of illness on January 4 at the age of 83. According to reports, Noribu Sasayama began to feel unwell at the end of 2023, and he suffered from chronic diseases. He was rushed to the hospital on the 4th and unfortunately passed away.

Japanese photographer Kishin Shinoyama, known for his portraits of girls, beauties and celebrities, died of illness on January 4 at the age of 83. According to reports, Noribu Sasayama began to feel unwell at the end of 2023, and he suffered from chronic diseases. He was rushed t - Lujuba

On August 15, 2023, in Tokyo, Japan, Noribu Sasayama was interviewed. Picture: Visual China

Noribu Sasayama was born in Shinjuku, Tokyo in 1940. He graduated from the Photography Department of Nihon University in 1958. He is one of the few prolific photographers in Japan who works closely with print media and published throughout his life. He has hundreds of photography books and portfolios, and has photographed celebrities such as Sayuri Yoshinaga, Momoe Yamaguchi, and Rie Miyazawa.

Japanese photographer Kishin Shinoyama, known for his portraits of girls, beauties and celebrities, died of illness on January 4 at the age of 83. According to reports, Noribu Sasayama began to feel unwell at the end of 2023, and he suffered from chronic diseases. He was rushed t - Lujuba

Momoe Yamaguchi

Japanese photographer Kishin Shinoyama, known for his portraits of girls, beauties and celebrities, died of illness on January 4 at the age of 83. According to reports, Noribu Sasayama began to feel unwell at the end of 2023, and he suffered from chronic diseases. He was rushed t - Lujuba

The "Girls' Hall" photo album photographed by Noriyoshi Shinoyama is his most widely known masterpiece

One of the most well-known works of Noriyoshi Shinoyama is for John Lennon and Yoko Ono A photo album taken exactly the day before Lennon was assassinated. In addition, the photo shoot of the popular Rie Miyazawa in 1991 also shocked the whole of Japan.

Japanese photographer Kishin Shinoyama, known for his portraits of girls, beauties and celebrities, died of illness on January 4 at the age of 83. According to reports, Noribu Sasayama began to feel unwell at the end of 2023, and he suffered from chronic diseases. He was rushed t - Lujuba

The "Santa Fe" photo album that Shinoyama took for Rie Miyazawa became a sensation.

Shinoyama said in 2012: "I am not the kind of person who looks back, and I don't want to look back. Become a photographer The teacher is 'now'. 'Now' is very important. Then I photograph the era. I look for interesting people, events and things of that era, and take the best parts. This is a good photo."

Red Star News reporter Jiang Qingcheng Qiling editor Wang Liqiang

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