Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After "The Age of Awakening", the main theme drama has exploded again. "Ask the Cangmang" broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base...

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Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

Text | Zhenyan

Editor | Boyin

Following "The Age of Awakening", the main theme drama has exploded again.

CCTV's "Ask the Cangmang" has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

was originally supported by CCTV's strong ratings base. It is not surprising to achieve such ratings, but what is really surprising is that this drama also scored a high rating of 8.6 on Douban.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

You must know that the content of the story told in "Ask the Cangmang" is very different from previous works such as "The Age of Awakening", and the audience has already understood this history.

But why does this drama still have such a strong appeal to everyone? Three highlights, none of which can be missing.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

The story of young Chairman Mao (played by Wang Renjun), who was rarely depicted in previous dramas of the same type, returned to Hunan to run a school and established a party branch. Perfectly reproduced in this drama.

The game between Chen Duxiu (played by Ning Li) and the international representatives, and the whole process of finally gaining dominance, are all shown one by one.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

Even the process of how Chiang Kai-shek (played by Bai Ke) went from a depressed ordinary young man to replacing party insiders and sitting in high positions step by step has been detailed.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

The shocking armed uprising in Shanghai, from Zhou Enlai's perspective, restores the real war scenes and reproduces the process of winning the revolutionary victory in the hail of bullets. The barrel of the gun is on the one hand, and wisdom and determination are equally indispensable. The play is presented in an immersive way, as if you were a member of the meeting and witnessed the cruelty of corpses everywhere.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

The dialogue between Wang Jingwei and Chen Duxiu, as well as the young Chairman Mao’s call for everyone to mobilize peasants to arm themselves and carry out land reform, have all been performed in history. After being adapted from the drama version and put on the screen again, it still makes people excited.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

While highly restoring history, this drama also shows the historical situation of the vast land of China in 1921, presenting the two parties at that time, one in the iteration and the other in different periods of just construction, to the audience in an intertwined way. .

goes hand in hand, making it easier to form a contrast and more dramatic. This is also the difference between the expression of film and television works and other carriers, which is more intuitive and more watchable.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

Even the presentation of character sacrifices is very visually impactful, expressed in a very beautiful and tense way, and the texture of the picture is also perfect.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

In the past, there were many works on the Chinese drama market that told the story of Chairman Mao in detail, but most of them advanced the plot according to the timeline. In order to show the macro "big", they neglected to depict the specific "small" of the characters. ".

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

But "Ask the Cangmang" breaks away from the old path and finds a new way to describe the protagonist's deeds, telling how he led the workers to make revolution, how he established the Hunan Party branch, and how he conveyed the message New ideas.

However, what is truly unique is the in-depth portrayal of the growth line of young Chairman Mao.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

In the early plot, the young Chairman Mao was still an idealistic intellectual, but he was passionate about revolution, but he did not really understand what the working class was, so he went deep into the workers' group to see their dire straits.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

When he saw the Anyuan Road miners, some were employed as child labor when they were only seven or eight years old. Some even slept on lice beds when they were sick, and did not dare to seek medical treatment at all, for fear that the capitalists would drive them away. , can’t even get paid.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

What you eat is unpalatable chaff, rotten rice, and you wear tattered clothes that can only cover your private parts. Even a woman who has lost her husband and takes her children to find rotten vegetables and leaves to transfer property will be called evil. ghost.

truly understood the pain and sorrow of these workers, and he was able to grow into a leader who thought about the people in everything, instead of portraying Chairman Mao as an omnipotent figure from the beginning.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

Through this incident, this drama allows everyone to see in a small way how devastated China was at that time, what people's real situation was, and what their thoughts were, so that the audience can fully understand the difficulty of choosing a historical path. , and also understand better why Chairman Mao can lead everyone to New China.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

Because he came from the masses, his experience and experience, coupled with his passion for revolution, and his combination of firm thoughts and Chinese reality, he became a leader.

Only a character image that has not been deified can be truly down to earth and allow the audience to fully understand the reality of the character.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

With a good script and an excellent creative team, it is also inseparable from the actors' interpretations.

Facts have proved that playing the role of Chairman Mao does not necessarily have to be exactly the same in appearance. The key is to interpret the spirit of the character.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

This time, Wang Renjun plays the young Chairman Mao. He looks gentler and more bookish than the previous special actors, but his aura is not weakened by half, and is even worse.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

The most impressive thing in the play is the verbal battle between him and Chen Duxiu at the conference. Chen Duxiu was already a very strong leader. At this time, Chairman Mao was only a candidate representative and had no actual voting rights, but he The words are vivid, realistic, right and wrong, and the emotions progress layer by layer.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

An impassioned speech really excited the audience. This is the charm of performance and language. There are no exaggerated movements or gorgeous rhetoric. Wang Renjun, wearing a long mandarin jacket, allows us to see his high fighting spirit. and determination.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

Chen Duxiu, played by Ning Li, allows everyone to see his calm and informal side, but the most exciting thing is that Ning Li interprets this role very life-like.

can hold a bowl of rice, or sit on the street and make skewers. He makes the role more vivid and vivid.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

Zhang Xiaolong’s version of Wang Jingwei makes people feel cunning and shrewd. He is very firm in front of our representatives, but when he turns his head, the cold light in his eyes is full of murderous intent.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

There are also Cai Hesen played by Wei Daxun and Li Dazhao played by Tang Zeng, who jointly help "Ask the Cangmang" to become a wonderful ensemble drama. This also makes the series seem to tell stories from Chairman Mao's perspective, but it actually presents a revolutionary group.

Text | Zhenyan Editor | Boyin After 'The Age of Awakening', the main theme drama has exploded again. 'Ask the Cangmang' broadcast by CCTV1 has continuously exceeded 1 in ratings since its launch, and has shown a trend of soaring. CCTV originally had a strong ratings base... - Lujuba

has no traffic stars and does not engage in gimmicks. This time, after CCTV gave up on traffic stars, it found the ratings code and made the main theme shine. This is the historical drama that the audience has been waiting for.

How did you feel after watching "Ask the Cangmang"?

Tags: entertainment