The supernatural horror thriller "Dark Swimming" directed by Bryce Maguire and produced by James Wan and Jason Blum has released a new special. In the special feature, the film's creators talked about the secrets of creating the film, especially the setting of the nightmare under

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"Dark Swimming" released a new special episode "A Murderous Nightmare Under the Swimming Pool" Duration: 01:30 Source: Movie Network

"Dark Swim" released a new special episode "A Murderous Nightmare Under the Swimming Pool" Collapse

Duration: 01: 30 recommends opening

1905 Movie Network News The supernatural horror thriller "Dark Swimming" directed by Bryce McGuire and produced by James Wan and Jason Blum has released a new special feature. In the special feature, the film's creators talked about the secrets of creating the film, especially the setting of the nightmare under the swimming pool.

The supernatural horror thriller 'Dark Swimming' directed by Bryce Maguire and produced by James Wan and Jason Blum has released a new special. In the special feature, the film's creators talked about the secrets of creating the film, especially the setting of the nightmare under - Lujuba

Judging from the special features, this will be a horror film focusing on darkness, horror and unknown monsters. The film is based on the 2014 short film of the same name co-produced by Bryce Maguire and Rod Blackhurst. The story takes place in modern society, telling the story of former Major League Baseball player Ray, who was forced to retire early due to a degenerative disease. He and his worried wife Eve, adolescent daughter Iss and young son Elliot Move to a new home together. No running, no diving, no swimming after dark without lifeguards on duty. These are the rules of the new home. However, the house's dark and mysterious past is about to unleash an evil force, pulling the family into an abyss of horror from which they can't escape.

As for the cast and crew, Wyatt Russell, Kerry Condon, Emily Hofer, and Gavin Warren star. The film will be released in North America on January 5.

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