China News Service, Beijing, January 3 (Reporter Shangguan Yun) Speak out and reject some vulgar "wine table culture"... In the hit movie "The Annual Party Can't Stop!" "Pan Yiran, a "rebellious" young man who is brave, upright and kind-hearted, has attracted many fans. The actor

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China News Service, Beijing, January 3 (Reporter Shangguan Yun) Speak directly and reject some vulgar "wine table culture"... In the hit movie "The Annual Meeting Can't Stop!" "Pan Yiran, a "rebellious" young man who is brave, upright and kind-hearted, has attracted many fans. The actor who plays this role is actor Zhuang Dafei.

Many viewers got to know Zhuang Dafei through this comedy movie. In fact, before this, she had appeared in many film and television dramas such as "Three Lives Three Worlds Pillow Book" and "Rock and Roll", and had portrayed relatively recognizable roles such as Li Jinjin and Bai Tian.

Her understanding of acting has also gradually deepened: when she was new to acting as a child, she felt that memorizing the lines according to the script and executing the arrangements well meant she had completed a scene. Later I realized that acting is not just about preparing the contents of the script.

"When I was learning to act, both the teacher and the director told me that I should do a good job in character biographies. I should also do my homework on content other than the script, and make a foreshadowing and setting for the character in advance." Zhuang Dafei said .

China News Service, Beijing, January 3 (Reporter Shangguan Yun) Speak out and reject some vulgar 'wine table culture'... In the hit movie 'The Annual Party Can't Stop!' 'Pan Yiran, a 'rebellious' young man who is brave, upright and kind-hearted, has attracted many fans. The actor - Lujuba

Actor Zhuang Dafei. Photo provided by interviewee

In addition to filming, she likes to write songs and sing. She once appeared in the music variety show "Our Folklore 2022" and "crossed over" the stage as a singer, which once attracted attention.

In the eyes of the outside world, actor and singer are two identity labels of Zhuang Dafei. But she said that songwriting is her hobby, and acting is her main job. "I want to try any challenging roles in the future."

 The "sober-minded" Pan Yiran

 In "The Annual Meeting Can't Stop!" "In ", Hu Jianlin comes from a standard parts factory and is simple and kind-hearted; Ma Jie works conscientiously and often "takes the blame"; Pan Yiran has an upright personality, and the three of them come together and contribute a lot of laughter.

Pan Yiran is an ideal young man who has always believed that he can prove himself with his ability. However, because he does not have a diploma from a "985" university, he has always been just an outsourcing employee of Zhonghe Group.

She has a very personal personality, and frequently expresses "rebellious" phrases, such as "Who would drink chicken soup if you have practical information?" And her magnanimity and outspokenness are what attracts Zhuang Dafei the most about the character "Pan Yiran".

For example, after getting to know Ma Jie and Hu Jianlin, Pan Yiran would still "scream at people", but she soon felt that these two people were very sincere, and her attitude gradually changed. After learning that they were going to take action at the annual meeting, she Full support.

 She is very familiar with the various "little ways" in the company, but she doesn't want to compromise or use these worldly skills in interpersonal relationships. Rather than being a smooth subordinate, Pan Yiran prefers to express her inner thoughts frankly.

For Zhuang Dafei, playing Pan Yiran was a pleasant filming experience. The most enjoyable part was the wonderful performance of Pan Yiran, Hu Jianlin and Ma Jie at the annual meeting near the end of the film, especially that part. A rap that expresses the feelings of "beating workers".

China News Service, Beijing, January 3 (Reporter Shangguan Yun) Speak out and reject some vulgar 'wine table culture'... In the hit movie 'The Annual Party Can't Stop!' 'Pan Yiran, a 'rebellious' young man who is brave, upright and kind-hearted, has attracted many fans. The actor - Lujuba

actor Zhuang Dafei. Photo provided by the interviewee

"Pan Yiran seems to be a post-00s who has reorganized her career. She said a lot of things that everyone wants to say but dare not say. In fact, she is very clear inside, knows what her dream is, and is willing to persist in working hard for it. ." Zhuang Dafei explained.

 Stick to your dream: If you like it, you are willing to try it

 《The annual meeting cannot be stopped! " is the first comedy movie starring Zhuang Dafei. To sum it up, she participated in "Old Man's Wish" when she was about 10 years old, and she became associated with acting. Her acting experience is actually not short.

Zhuang Dafei likes music. He learned many musical instruments as a child, such as cello, guitar, etc. When he was a teenager, he released his personal single "Energy Light Station". While writing and singing songs, he will also appear in musicals or TV series, etc.

She gradually fell in love with acting and decided to apply for the Beijing Film Academy. At that time, many people were not optimistic about her becoming an actress, but Zhuang Dafei said that she may have this stubbornness in her bones. The more others opposed her, the more she wanted to prove herself.

"I like a lot of things, and I am willing to try them all." She explained the reason for applying for Beijing Film Academy, "My family actually respects my wishes. When I chose to stick to my dream, they have always supported me and encouraged me."

" In the end, she successfully entered Beijing Film Academy. Zhuang Dafei said that her attitude towards acting was initially similar to that of learning musical instruments and writing songs. If she liked it, she was willing to try it; then the more she got involved, the more she discovered what she needed to learn (acting). There are more and more, and the freshness is increasing.

I want to try challenging roles

Since entering the entertainment industry, Zhuang Dafei has appeared in many popular dramas such as "Miss Puff". She starred in the web drama "I Don't Want to Be Friends with You" has a Douban rating of over 8.

China News Service, Beijing, January 3 (Reporter Shangguan Yun) Speak out and reject some vulgar 'wine table culture'... In the hit movie 'The Annual Party Can't Stop!' 'Pan Yiran, a 'rebellious' young man who is brave, upright and kind-hearted, has attracted many fans. The actor - Lujuba

Actor Zhuang Dafei. Photo provided by interviewee

"When I first started filming, I didn't have so much social experience and emotional accumulation, so When I play most roles, I first look for the parts of the character that are close to myself. "Then, she will try to understand the character's personality, behavioral motivations and psychological activities, compare them with the character's age, occupation, growth environment, etc., find differences, carefully figure out, and deduce the charm of the character.

Slowly , Zhuang Dafei learns to perceive characters from more dimensions, and sometimes finds some similar experiences in his own life and makes analogies to some things that the characters have experienced but that he has not experienced.

For example, Pan Yiran , “I have never worked in a big factory. But sometimes her mentality is to be firm in her inner goals and dare to think and do. I will find some such examples in my life. The specific examples may be different, but the handling method is the same. "She said.

After filming "Rock and Roll", she had a deeper understanding of acting. "I learned a lot from Sister Yao at that time. In one scene, she taught me that the superficial activities and psychological activities of the characters are The literal meaning of this character’s lines and the subtext in his heart. "

" Later, when I encounter some scenes with more complex emotions, I will first think about the literal meaning of each sentence of the character, and then think about what my mental activities will be like when I say this sentence. . Zhuang Dafei said.

Over the years, she has gradually adapted to the working conditions of an actor, and is full of expectations for the future. She wants to try challenging roles, "Maybe, I can also try to play a killer." "(End)

[Editor: Zhou Chi]

Tags: entertainment