The trailer for Episode 101 of Swallowing the Stars has been updated. After reading the trailer, it seems that although the amount of information is not much, it is very important. From Luo Feng's return and bringing back two things, to the appearance of the ancestor of Nuolan Mo

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The trailer for episode 101 of

Swallowing the Stars has been updated. After reading the trailer, I feel that although the amount of information is not much, it is very important. From Luo Feng's return and bringing back two things, to the appearance of the ancestor of Nuolan Mountain, to Tuo Leiwu's dispatch, and finally to Luo Feng saving his family. Without saying much about , let’s take a look.

The trailer for Episode 101 of Swallowing the Stars has been updated. After reading the trailer, it seems that although the amount of information is not much, it is very important. From Luo Feng's return and bringing back two things, to the appearance of the ancestor of Nuolan Mo - Lujuba

One, Luo Feng returns and brings back two things

The first is Luo Feng. Judging from the trailer, Luo Feng has already rushed to buy the earth before the Nuo Lanshan family, and then quickly returned to the earth with two things, because the fleet of the Nuo Lanshan family from the alien planet has arrived on the earth and has threatened The people of Earth surrendered to them.

The people on earth do not have the strength to resist the Nuolanshan family fleet now, and they will definitely suffer civil strife under the threat. There will definitely be casualties by then, which is something Luo Feng absolutely does not want to see.

The trailer for Episode 101 of Swallowing the Stars has been updated. After reading the trailer, it seems that although the amount of information is not much, it is very important. From Luo Feng's return and bringing back two things, to the appearance of the ancestor of Nuolan Mo - Lujuba

So Luo Feng wants to return to the earth in a hurry, and then force the Nuolanshan family to retreat. As for how to make the Nuolanshan family retreat, it all depends on the two things Luo Feng brought back. What are these two things? The first thing is the subscription book, which is specially issued to Luo Feng by the Black Dragon Mountain Empire. With this subscription book, even if the earth belongs to Luo Feng, Luo Feng will become the lord of the earth.

The trailer for Episode 101 of Swallowing the Stars has been updated. After reading the trailer, it seems that although the amount of information is not much, it is very important. From Luo Feng's return and bringing back two things, to the appearance of the ancestor of Nuolan Mo - Lujuba

The earth used to be an ownerless planet, and any cosmic powerhouse or cosmic force could come and snatch it. But now the earth has an owner. Luo Feng is the owner of the earth, and it also has the legal effect of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire. So if the Nuolanshan family If they invade the earth again, they will openly confront the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

The trailer for Episode 101 of Swallowing the Stars has been updated. After reading the trailer, it seems that although the amount of information is not much, it is very important. From Luo Feng's return and bringing back two things, to the appearance of the ancestor of Nuolan Mo - Lujuba

What is the second thing? It was the communication board specially issued to Luo Feng by the Black Dragon Mountain Empire. If the earth is invaded by alien forces, and if the earth cannot cope with the crisis on its own, then Luo Feng can use the communication token to notify the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, and the Black Dragon Mountain Empire will send experts to solve the problem personally. However, Luo Feng would have to shell out a large amount of money accordingly. After all, the Black Dragon Mountain Empire would not give its efforts in vain. It would definitely have to be paid. It just depends on the actual situation whether you should charge more or less.

The trailer for Episode 101 of Swallowing the Stars has been updated. After reading the trailer, it seems that although the amount of information is not much, it is very important. From Luo Feng's return and bringing back two things, to the appearance of the ancestor of Nuolan Mo - Lujuba

The Nuo Lanshan family was about to completely occupy the earth, but unexpectedly Luo Feng came out. When he saw the subscription letter shown by Luo Feng and knew that Luo Feng had become the lord of the earth, he was immediately shocked. There are only two choices before them at this time. One is to continue attacking the earth and take it as their own, and the other is to retreat and never invade the earth again.

The trailer for Episode 101 of Swallowing the Stars has been updated. After reading the trailer, it seems that although the amount of information is not much, it is very important. From Luo Feng's return and bringing back two things, to the appearance of the ancestor of Nuolan Mo - Lujuba

After final discussion, they had no choice but to retreat and leave the earth. The people on Earth were almost in despair, thinking that they would be doomed and enslaved by the Nuolanshan family, but unexpectedly Luo Feng turned the tide and saved the Earth.

The trailer for Episode 101 of Swallowing the Stars has been updated. After reading the trailer, it seems that although the amount of information is not much, it is very important. From Luo Feng's return and bringing back two things, to the appearance of the ancestor of Nuolan Mo - Lujuba

Two, the ancestor of Nuolan Mountain appeared

and then the ancestor of Nuolan Mountain. Ancestor Nuo Lanshan’s real name is Nuo Lanshan, because he founded this family, so it was named after him. He was practicing in seclusion, but suddenly he heard the big news that his family's operation to occupy the earth had failed and they were on their way back, so he immediately came out of seclusion, and then issued an order that must be executed.

The trailer for Episode 101 of Swallowing the Stars has been updated. After reading the trailer, it seems that although the amount of information is not much, it is very important. From Luo Feng's return and bringing back two things, to the appearance of the ancestor of Nuolan Mo - Lujuba

This order is to ask Pula, the leader of the returning Nuolanshan family fleet, to immediately select a group of elite masters from the fleet, and then have these elite masters form a team to sneak into the earth secretly and obtain the treasures on the earth.

Three, Tuo Leiwu dispatched

Next is Tuo Leiwu. Judging from the trailer, Pula has selected an elite team as ordered, and this elite team is led by Tuo Leiwu. Tuo Leiwu was very excited, because it was obvious that the family was reusing him. Even if this mission was very dangerous and he had to sneak into the earth, he was not afraid. He just wanted to complete the mission so that he could enter the upper echelons of the family. Soon Tuo Leiwu was dispatched and led a team to sneak into the earth to search for treasures, focusing on the body of the golden-horned beast.

The trailer for Episode 101 of Swallowing the Stars has been updated. After reading the trailer, it seems that although the amount of information is not much, it is very important. From Luo Feng's return and bringing back two things, to the appearance of the ancestor of Nuolan Mo - Lujuba

Because the body of the golden-horned giant beast is too valuable, the family wanted it after learning that there was a golden-horned giant beast corpse on the earth.However, Tuo Leiwu searched for several days but could not find it, so he finally took the idea of ​​Luo Feng's family. After all, it was Luo Feng who killed the golden-horned giant beast, and Luo Feng must know where the golden-horned giant beast's body was.

However, Luo Feng was not easy to deal with, so they wanted to arrest Luo Feng's family, and then threatened Luo Feng to hand over the golden-horned beast, so Luo Feng's family was targeted.

The trailer for Episode 101 of Swallowing the Stars has been updated. After reading the trailer, it seems that although the amount of information is not much, it is very important. From Luo Feng's return and bringing back two things, to the appearance of the ancestor of Nuolan Mo - Lujuba

Four, Luo Feng saves his family

It must be said that Tuo Leiwu is very strong and has reached the ninth level of the star level. He is also very smart. Knowing that the body of the golden-horned giant beast cannot be found, he can start with Luo Feng's family and arrest him. Luo Feng's family forced Luo Feng to hand over the body of the golden-horned beast.

However, Tuo Leiwu is very smart, and Luo Feng is even smarter. He has already predicted that the Nuolanshan family will not give up, so he lets Babata, an intelligent life, keep an eye on the Nuolanshan family fleet at all times.

The trailer for Episode 101 of Swallowing the Stars has been updated. After reading the trailer, it seems that although the amount of information is not much, it is very important. From Luo Feng's return and bringing back two things, to the appearance of the ancestor of Nuolan Mo - Lujuba

Tuo Leiwu was discovered by Luo Feng not long after he sneaked into the earth. Luo Feng originally wanted to see what conspiracy they had, but when he saw that they were plotting against his family, he immediately became angry. Then Luo Feng took action decisively to save his family, killing Tuo Leiwu and others before they arrived at his home, and Luo Feng's family was saved from danger.

So that’s it for today. What do you think of this? Discussions and messages are welcome.

Tags: entertainment