The bright and charming Miss Wang fell from the sky to the ground overnight. She was sent to the factory from the 27th and was laughed at by the people in the factory. My uncle also told Mr. Bao that Miss Wang would have to suffer a lot this time. As expected, Miss Wang really su

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The bright and charming Miss Wang fell from the sky to the ground overnight, and was sent to the factory from the 27th, and was laughed at by the people in the factory. My uncle also told Mr. Bao that Miss Wang would have to suffer a lot this time. As expected, Miss Wang really suffered a lot. She was no longer as bright and charming as before. She was not only tired but also dirty while wearing work clothes and doing physical work. It hurts to watch.

The reason why Miss Wang had such an experience is that there was a person around her who was jealous of her. This person is Mei Ping. She is Miss Wang's most trusted colleague. Miss Wang once collected Mr. Bao's earrings. The person who gave the idea was Mei Ping.

The bright and charming Miss Wang fell from the sky to the ground overnight. She was sent to the factory from the 27th and was laughed at by the people in the factory. My uncle also told Mr. Bao that Miss Wang would have to suffer a lot this time. As expected, Miss Wang really su - Lujuba

Miss Wang is the favorite of the group, everyone takes good care of Miss Wang. It is rumored that Miss Wang is Mr. Bao's confidante, and Mr. Bao has admitted that he has been attracted to Miss Wang.

As Ms. Wang's performance gets better and better, Mei Ping's jealousy becomes more and more intense. Before Ms. Wang was promoted to section chief, Mei Ping reported Ms. Wang and successfully dragged Ms. Wang into the trap. After that, she took Ms. Wang's position and followed up the business of Mr. Bao, Mr. Wei and others.

The bright and charming Miss Wang fell from the sky to the ground overnight. She was sent to the factory from the 27th and was laughed at by the people in the factory. My uncle also told Mr. Bao that Miss Wang would have to suffer a lot this time. As expected, Miss Wang really su - Lujuba

It was just that Miss Wang took over first, and Miss Wang already occupied an important position in everyone's hearts. After all, Mei Ping did not take Miss Wang's place, and even caused trouble for herself. Mei Ping stabbed Miss Wang in the back, not only jealously, but also unwillingly. Because she has worked hard for many years and still has no improvement, she has to consider her own interests.

As soon as Mei Ping appeared, the audience was drawn into the drama. This girl stabbed Miss Wang in the back without blinking. Wang Ju acted out Mei Ping's forbearance, unwillingness, grievance, jealousy, bravery, loneliness and other emotions.

The bright and charming Miss Wang fell from the sky to the ground overnight. She was sent to the factory from the 27th and was laughed at by the people in the factory. My uncle also told Mr. Bao that Miss Wang would have to suffer a lot this time. As expected, Miss Wang really su - Lujuba

Mei Ping’s character design is not likable, but Wang Ju’s performance is passable, especially Mei Ping’s harmless and innocent appearance is brought to life by Wang Ju.

Wang Ju’s most classic scene in the play is when she goes to her uncle, who says that she will be promoted to section chief soon and is very polite to her on the surface. Mei Ping asked her uncle what areas she needed to improve on, and her uncle casually mentioned it. First of all, she had to dress stylishly, so that she could be noticed in the crowd at a glance.

The bright and charming Miss Wang fell from the sky to the ground overnight. She was sent to the factory from the 27th and was laughed at by the people in the factory. My uncle also told Mr. Bao that Miss Wang would have to suffer a lot this time. As expected, Miss Wang really su - Lujuba

Mei Ping listened to her uncle's words. After meeting her uncle, she passed by a mirror, and Mei Ping raised her confident head towards the camera.

The bright and charming Miss Wang fell from the sky to the ground overnight. She was sent to the factory from the 27th and was laughed at by the people in the factory. My uncle also told Mr. Bao that Miss Wang would have to suffer a lot this time. As expected, Miss Wang really su - Lujuba

When Mei Ping appeared again, she stood in front of Mr. Wei. She looked completely different. In the words of netizens: "a drastic change." She was dressed in dark blue clothes with red lips. Compared with the looks in previous episodes, Wang Ju was crazy. Now, one character controls two styles. After changed her dressing style, Mei Ping also became very high-profile, a bit like stealing the limelight from the leadership. In the workplace, such people are not welcome. They are not low-key and cannot carry their weight clearly. They don’t know how much they weigh.

The entertainment industry is a place full of beauties. Wang Ju's appearance and figure are not outstanding. She is just an ordinary girl who is inconspicuous.

The bright and charming Miss Wang fell from the sky to the ground overnight. She was sent to the factory from the 27th and was laughed at by the people in the factory. My uncle also told Mr. Bao that Miss Wang would have to suffer a lot this time. As expected, Miss Wang really su - Lujuba

The character Mei Ping played by Wang Ju in the play is not likeable and has also brought herself a bad reputation. But Wang Ju's performance was quite brilliant, and she didn't have many scenes, which left a deep impression on the audience.

Wang Ju is an idol who debuted in the talent show and later transformed into an actor. In "Produce 101", Wang Ju participated in the variety show as a contestant, and also participated as a regular guest in the weight loss life observation reality show "Oh, Good Body", and also participated in "Happy Comedian Season 6", " "Perfect Restaurant" etc.

The bright and charming Miss Wang fell from the sky to the ground overnight. She was sent to the factory from the 27th and was laughed at by the people in the factory. My uncle also told Mr. Bao that Miss Wang would have to suffer a lot this time. As expected, Miss Wang really su - Lujuba

Wang Ju has participated in more variety shows than film and television dramas. Wang Ju's representative work is "Love is Delicious". She played Xia Meng in the drama, which can be regarded as her true appearance. also played Chen Xiangmei in "Beijing Women's Illustrated Book of Assistants", Tian Rong in "All the Way to the Sun", and Chopsticks Girlfriend in "The Man Caught by Light".

The bright and charming Miss Wang fell from the sky to the ground overnight. She was sent to the factory from the 27th and was laughed at by the people in the factory. My uncle also told Mr. Bao that Miss Wang would have to suffer a lot this time. As expected, Miss Wang really su - Lujuba

An idol who debuted in a talent show like Wang Ju has an ordinary appearance, but is quite talented. She understands the audience’s aesthetic point of view and understands the tipping point of public attention. Wang Ju’s popularity is not necessarily related to her appearance, but to her appearance. It’s about realism.

Wang Ju's dressing style has always been ridiculed by the crowd. Everyone thinks that Wang Ju has collected all the ugly clothes.Ugly clothes may become fashionable, decent, and elegant when worn by others, but they are inappropriate and inappropriate when worn by Wang Ju because she has not found anything that suits her.

The bright and charming Miss Wang fell from the sky to the ground overnight. She was sent to the factory from the 27th and was laughed at by the people in the factory. My uncle also told Mr. Bao that Miss Wang would have to suffer a lot this time. As expected, Miss Wang really su - Lujuba

Back in "Flowers", Mei Ping stabbed Miss Wang in the back, causing dissatisfaction among the audience. However, Wang Ju, who played Mei Ping, was recognized by the audience for her wonderful performance.

In the showbiz world where beauty is everywhere, after the audience is used to seeing beautiful women, the unique clear soup noodles will also cause a sensation. There are many good-looking skins, but very few interesting souls.

(picture from the official Weibo of the film and television drama, deleted if infringement)

Tags: entertainment