The costume suspense fantasy drama "Apocalypse" is currently on the air. The drama's storyline, picture quality, and actor performance have all been well received by the audience. The strange diseases, monsters, lords, conspiracies, and various mysteries on Wumu Island in the pla

entertainment 3021℃

costume suspense fantasy drama "Apocalypse" is currently on the air. The drama's storyline, picture quality, and actor performance have all been well received by the audience. The strange diseases, monsters, lords, conspiracies, and various mysteries on Wumu Island in the play are all very exciting. However, "Apocalypse" only has 12 episodes. After watching it, fantasy fans are faced with the problem of drama shortage again.

The costume suspense fantasy drama 'Apocalypse' is currently on the air. The drama's storyline, picture quality, and actor performance have all been well received by the audience. The strange diseases, monsters, lords, conspiracies, and various mysteries on Wumu Island in the pla - Lujuba

However, it doesn't matter, the fantasy movie "749 Bureau" is expected to be released during the Spring Festival this year, and fantasy fans are eager to follow it again.

The costume suspense fantasy drama 'Apocalypse' is currently on the air. The drama's storyline, picture quality, and actor performance have all been well received by the audience. The strange diseases, monsters, lords, conspiracies, and various mysteries on Wumu Island in the pla - Lujuba

"749 Bureau" is a film that explores supernatural phenomena and superpowers. It was inspired by director Lu Chuan's experience working in Unit 749 after graduating from the Military Academy. The story takes place in 2030 and tells the story of the youth growth of the third team of the 749th team when they responded to a huge disaster.

The costume suspense fantasy drama 'Apocalypse' is currently on the air. The drama's storyline, picture quality, and actor performance have all been well received by the audience. The strange diseases, monsters, lords, conspiracies, and various mysteries on Wumu Island in the pla - Lujuba

The film was written and directed by Lu Chuan, starring Wang Junkai, Miao Miao, Zheng Kai, Ren Min, and Xin Baiqing. Bureau 749 is an agency that specializes in studying paranormal phenomena and superpowers, and there must be a variety of talents concentrated in it.

The costume suspense fantasy drama 'Apocalypse' is currently on the air. The drama's storyline, picture quality, and actor performance have all been well received by the audience. The strange diseases, monsters, lords, conspiracies, and various mysteries on Wumu Island in the pla - Lujuba

This movie takes the growth of teenagers as its core and combines various elements such as alien life, monsters, disasters, etc. The film has suspenseful and tense adventure stories, passionate action scenes, and romantic plots. A group of domestic young actors with outstanding acting skills gather in this movie to adventure and grow together in the fantasy world of supernatural and super powers.

The costume suspense fantasy drama 'Apocalypse' is currently on the air. The drama's storyline, picture quality, and actor performance have all been well received by the audience. The strange diseases, monsters, lords, conspiracies, and various mysteries on Wumu Island in the pla - Lujuba

The film’s director, Lu Chuan, has filmed “Black Hole”, “Looking for the Gun”, “Nine-Storey Demon Tower”, “Kekexili” and “Nanjing!” Nanjing! "And other works. At the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games, Lu Chuan will serve as the chief director of the opening ceremony. Lu Chuan's works are quite profound and have great reputation and influence among the audience.

It is reported that Wang Junkai played the male lead in "749 Bureau". This is not his first movie. He had previously collaborated with Dilraba Dilraba in "Jieyou Grocery Store" and later played the role in the movie "Ten Thousand Miles Home". Cheng Lang, a newcomer to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Wang Junkai's image is positive, sunny and healthy, his behavior is calm and generous, humble and polite, and he is very popular among everyone.

The costume suspense fantasy drama 'Apocalypse' is currently on the air. The drama's storyline, picture quality, and actor performance have all been well received by the audience. The strange diseases, monsters, lords, conspiracies, and various mysteries on Wumu Island in the pla - Lujuba

Miao Miao plays the female lead in "749 Bureau". Miao Miao once played the role of He Xiaoping in the movie "Youth". If you look into the life experiences of He Xiaoping and Liu Feng, if you really understand it, it will be difficult not to sigh or shed tears.

The costume suspense fantasy drama 'Apocalypse' is currently on the air. The drama's storyline, picture quality, and actor performance have all been well received by the audience. The strange diseases, monsters, lords, conspiracies, and various mysteries on Wumu Island in the pla - Lujuba

Among the cast of "749 Bureau", there is also Li Chen. Li Chen and 749 Bureau have actually been destined for a long time. In "Nine-Storey Demon Tower", Li Chen plays Director Wang. His bald image will definitely be remembered by viewers who have seen it.

The costume suspense fantasy drama 'Apocalypse' is currently on the air. The drama's storyline, picture quality, and actor performance have all been well received by the audience. The strange diseases, monsters, lords, conspiracies, and various mysteries on Wumu Island in the pla - Lujuba

In "Nine-Storey Demon Tower", it was with the intervention of the mysterious organization 749 Bureau that Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang uncovered a secret history between humans and ghosts separated by thousands of years.

The costume suspense fantasy drama 'Apocalypse' is currently on the air. The drama's storyline, picture quality, and actor performance have all been well received by the audience. The strange diseases, monsters, lords, conspiracies, and various mysteries on Wumu Island in the pla - Lujuba

The other leading actors in the film, Zheng Kai, Ren Min, and Xin Baiqing, are all powerful actors, so I won’t introduce them one by one.

Since the story of "749 Bureau" takes place in 2030, why is it not defined as a science fiction film?

director Lu Chuan once said in an interview that he was very lucky that "749 Bureau" could be filmed. He believed that science fiction is the reality of the future. Lu Chuan also said that behind science fiction is a country’s technological culture, and a nation should have curiosity and awe about the future. If the movie keeps making fantasy and costumes, it may fall into a kind of spiritual stagnation.

Director Lu Chuan said that the reason why he did not call "749 Bureau" a science fiction movie was because he did not dare. If "749 Bureau" is labeled as science fiction, it may face stricter scrutiny and may also encounter all kinds of cynicism.

Director Lu Chuan, so humble!

Finally, let’s talk about supernatural phenomena and super powers.

The Bermuda Triangle, UFOs (flying saucers), solid light, aliens, giant angels in space, telepathy, predicting the future, actuation of thoughts, retrieving objects from the air, and ear reading, all of these are supernatural and superpowers category.

Although some so-called special functions were eventually found to be magic or scams. Just like UFO, there are so many videos and photos on the Internet, so many people claim to have seen it, and some even claim to have been inside UFO. However, until now, no actual flying saucer has been publicly displayed.It is said that the scientific genius Tesla once conceived a system for fishing flying saucers, but no one knows whether he caught a flying saucer or not.

The costume suspense fantasy drama 'Apocalypse' is currently on the air. The drama's storyline, picture quality, and actor performance have all been well received by the audience. The strange diseases, monsters, lords, conspiracies, and various mysteries on Wumu Island in the pla - Lujuba

However, many people have personal experience with the phenomenon of telepathy. Most people believe that a sixth sense exists. There are too many unsolved mysteries in this world.

Whether Tesla caught a flying saucer or not, I won’t say that. However, some of his words may be helpful in understanding supernatural phenomena and superpowers.

Tesla said that any small part of the universe contains all the information of the entire universe. There is a mysterious database hidden in it that also holds the overall information of the universe. He was just lucky enough to have access to this database. Just to get information. He also said that he harnessed cosmic rays and manipulated them into a prime mover device. In other words, cosmic rays are living entities, and these living entities can act according to his instructions.

The costume suspense fantasy drama 'Apocalypse' is currently on the air. The drama's storyline, picture quality, and actor performance have all been well received by the audience. The strange diseases, monsters, lords, conspiracies, and various mysteries on Wumu Island in the pla - Lujuba

As for how Tesla entered the database and how he directed the action of cosmic rays, perhaps the answer can be found when the water droplets were destroyed in "The Three-Body Problem".

Although "749 Bureau" has not officially announced the release date, many viewers online speculate that the film is very likely to be released during the Spring Festival this year.

Tags: entertainment