It started with the powerful melody of the theme song of the same name of "China Wisdom China Tour", using sound as ink to paint a magnificent picture of the times; five struggle narrators took the stage one after another, unfolding the warm expressions of the theme of struggle;

entertainment 3203℃

started with the powerful melody of the theme song of the same name of "China Wisdom China Journey", using sound as ink to paint a magnificent picture of the times; five struggle narrators took the stage one after another, unfolding the warm expressions of the theme of struggle; Li Yuchun and various Macau people A choir composed of 50 young people in the industry sang "We Will Be Old Without Crazy", opening the door to 2024 in the simplest and most enthusiastic way...

On the last night of 2023, in China The "Better Deluxe 2024 Jiangsu Satellite TV New Year's Eve Concert" broadcast live at the Galaxy Arena in Macau to the world will warmly meet you again. During the four-and-a-half-hour party, soulful songs, lovely smiling faces, dreamy scenes, and heartfelt words conveyed infinite touching and power. The data of

It started with the powerful melody of the theme song of the same name of 'China Wisdom China Tour', using sound as ink to paint a magnificent picture of the times; five struggle narrators took the stage one after another, unfolding the warm expressions of the theme of struggle;  - Lujuba

shows that the entire evening party ranked first in all data, leading by fault! The overall ratings were ranked first, with average ratings of 4.37% in csm66 cities, 5.03% in csm35 cities, and 1.78% in csm national network. Huanwang csm-huan ranked first nationwide, 52 cities, and 35 cities in the whole region, with a peak ratings of 6.11%, refreshing history. Record; the popularity gap of the whole site won the championship, and the hot searches on the entire network exceeded 1,500, including 1,000 hot searches on Weibo, ranking first in the total time of the list, and multiple topics "exploded" the hot search list; the influence gap of the entire network won the championship, and the people The five terminals of the daily live broadcast simultaneously and exclusively. Guangming Daily released the vlog of struggle narrator "Takeaway Poet" Wang Jibing, China News Network praised "The Brightest Star", and more than 50 central-level and 300 provincial-level mainstream media praised the evening party; the whole process was interactive The gap won the championship. Live broadcasts and interactive creative activities unlocked new ways to play on Weibo. Long and short videos ranked first in the entire network. The total number of viewers of the party-related live broadcast exceeded 300 million, and the number of interactions exceeded 1.5 billion. The full-time word-of-mouth gap won the championship. Real singing related The hot search topic is proved by "Li".

"Better 2024 Jiangsu Satellite TV New Year's Eve Concert" continues with the theme of "Lighting Up Happiness with Struggle", refining "Happiness is the curling smoke", "Happiness is the bright stars", "Happiness is the beating note" and "Happiness is The five major chapters of "Classic Spread" and "Happiness is Energizing Youth", this chapter design once again aroused the collective resonance of the whole society. Xinhua News Agency published an article titled "2024, Let's Preface Again with Struggle", using the beautiful memories of 2023 as the starting point, quoting the five major New Year's Eve chapters of Jiangsu Satellite TV to interpret the emotion of "What is happiness?" Anchor, encourage everyone to work hard to gain better happiness in 2024.

Not only that, in the poll of "Which channel will you watch the New Year's Eve Party" launched by China News Network on Weibo, Jiangsu Satellite TV topped the list with 66%. Viewers born in the 00s and 90s especially expressed their preference for Lychee New Year's Eve. Add.

It can be said that "Better 2024 Jiangsu Satellite TV New Year's Eve Concert" not only has the strength to achieve "full live-level" quality, but also has innovative breakthroughs that integrate the warmth of the times, emotional concentration, artistic thickness, and technical brightness. Once again, it lived up to the audience's expectations and delivered a "better" answer sheet that uses struggle to light up happiness.

The background of the era of hard work

Five chapters of multi-dimensional interpretation of "What is happiness"

For loyal viewers of Lizhi New Year's Eve, Said, "Lighting up happiness with struggle" has become a deeply rooted theme.

"We still continue this theme this time because it is always needed in this era. At the same time, we hope that through the theme year after year Looking back, every audience member can gain an understanding of the "Struggling Concept of Happiness" that keeps pace with the times at the special moment of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new. Therefore, the theme of this Lychee New Year's Eve is based on 'What is happiness', which leads to the structure of five chapters." When talking about the structure of the party, the creator of Jiangsu Satellite TV's New Year's Eve team said this.

It started with the powerful melody of the theme song of the same name of 'China Wisdom China Tour', using sound as ink to paint a magnificent picture of the times; five struggle narrators took the stage one after another, unfolding the warm expressions of the theme of struggle;  - Lujuba

Like the audience As you can see, focusing on "What is happiness", "Better 2024 Jiangsu Satellite TV New Year's Eve Concert" successively presented "Happiness is the curling smoke", "Happiness is the bright stars", "Happiness is the beating note" and "Happiness is the classic "Happiness is the inspiring youth" five major chapters."Midnight Takeaway" guest and deliveryman Wang Jibing, Xinhua News Agency reporter Qu Meng, singer and national first-class actor Cheng Fangyuan, writer and "I Study on an Island" guest Su Tong, "The Most Powerful Brain" guest Wang Yuheng, at the beginning of each chapter , combining their respective life stories to express diverse voices of struggle. The narration in the five chapters of

uses sonorous and sincere expressions to beat the drumbeat of struggle for a happy China: "On the busy streets, I am the running shadow. Every night and every morning, sweat is my shining glory. ", this is the China with fireworks rising in the hearts of the guardians of life; "We are proud of the successful cultivation of hybrid rice, rejoiced by the discovery of artemisinin, and proud of China's breakthroughs in aerospace." This is the pursuit of science and technology. The ever-changing China in the hearts of the art inheritors; “In each melody, I saw the vast rivers and mountains, touched the beautiful golden years, and felt the flow of sincere emotions.” This is the magnificent China in the hearts of the art inheritors; “ I feel that the energy for my writing is the memory of my childhood, my memory of the times, and the collective memory of the Chinese nation that I continue to study and research." This is a China with continuous context in the hearts of cultural innovators; "2015 I appeared on "The Most Powerful Brain" for the first time and left the footprints of my youth here. Now, as the convener of the Chinese team, I am experiencing batch after batch of contemporary knowledge on the stage of "The Most Powerful Brain" Youth's talent and style", this is the vibrant China in the eyes of young strivers.

It started with the powerful melody of the theme song of the same name of 'China Wisdom China Tour', using sound as ink to paint a magnificent picture of the times; five struggle narrators took the stage one after another, unfolding the warm expressions of the theme of struggle;  - Lujuba

In order to allow more viewers to join in this expression of heartfelt sentiments, "Better 2024 Jiangsu Satellite TV New Year's Eve Concert" jointly launched the #Laughing2024# collection event on Weibo, widely collecting photos of smiling faces and happy stories from netizens, and placing them on " "Weibo Happiness Catcher" was continuously announced during the party, sharing colorful wishes for 2024.

Just as the audience realized: this year, we have walked with great strength, we have walked with great energy, and we have walked with confidence. "Better" is not out of reach, but in every little thing happening around us. When everyone works hard for "better", we will meet "better" unexpectedly.

Blooming confident cultural bright colors

Gathering strength in the chorus

Before the exciting zero-hour moment, Li Yuchun and sparkling people from all walks of life presented "We Will Be Old" together with sparkling people from all walks of life. The performance abandoned complex arrangements and used guitar accompaniment for a healing chorus that touched the heartstrings of countless audiences. It was praised as "This is the most confident New Year's Eve stage. The simpler it is, the more charming it is, and the simpler it is, the more powerful it is!" Many viewers said , the chorus one after another is a vivid testimony that the party directly touches people's hearts, connects people's hearts, and brings together people's hearts.

It started with the powerful melody of the theme song of the same name of 'China Wisdom China Tour', using sound as ink to paint a magnificent picture of the times; five struggle narrators took the stage one after another, unfolding the warm expressions of the theme of struggle;  - Lujuba

In the chapter "Happiness is the curling smoke", Shan Yichun's "So Many People in the World" uses a simple and beautiful melody to depict the coexistence of luck and regret in life. The simple pictures are displayed on the big screen. Smiling faces make the breath of human fireworks flow gently; in the chapter "Happiness is the Brilliant Stars", Wang Yuan and innocent children's voices jointly performed "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" to pay tribute to those who have contributed to the progress and development of China's science; In the chapter "Happiness is a beating note", Zhou Huajian, who came to Lychee for the New Year for the seventh time, sang classic old songs with the "Happiness Choir". When the familiar melody sounded, everyone couldn't help but sing along; in " "Happiness is the Energizing Youth", from Zhou Shen's "Brilliant Adventurer" to Joker Xue and Wang Xiaokun's "Galaxy Boy", powerful voices inspire people to light up their journey of struggle and ignite their passionate lives with love... It is not difficult to see that "More "Hao 2024 Jiangsu Satellite TV New Year's Eve Concert" uses carefully selected music tracks to echo the theme of the chapter, strengthen emotional resonance, and complete a silent theme narrative.

It started with the powerful melody of the theme song of the same name of 'China Wisdom China Tour', using sound as ink to paint a magnificent picture of the times; five struggle narrators took the stage one after another, unfolding the warm expressions of the theme of struggle;  - Lujuba

html For more than 0 years, whether it is the persistence of Quankai Mai’s true singing or the breakthrough of creative integration, Lizhi has pursued “better” during the New Year’s Eve, constantly meeting the cultural needs of the audience, and continuing to lead the industry’s creative heights. Because of this, many powerful singers have reserved their "annual show" for this unique stage.

Taking the 20 years since his debut as an opportunity, JJ Lin condensed and performed 12 works covering different periods and types of his own, making the audience enjoy themselves as if they were watching a solo concert; Deng Ziqi also moved his concert stage to Lychee During the New Year's Eve, they blasted the scene with "SkyZoo", "Gray Wolf" and "Devil from Heaven"; Tao Zhe brought "Love is Simple + Small Town Girl + Find Yourself" in one breath, and the ignorance and bravery of youth are reflected in every turn Qian Hui's iconic R&B singing voice surges again; Xue Zhiqian's "comedy music" has already become the annual expectation of Litchi New Year's Eve audiences. This time, the suite is adapted in "Actor + Traveling Around + Heroic Song + Big Sedan Chair" In the version, Xue Zhiqian opens the classics in the way of "Xue-style love songs"...

On the basis of living up to the reality of "concert", Lychee New Year's Eve relies on an eclectic fusion paradigm to truly let excellent traditional culture, It is a name that combines the classic culture of the times with the international trendy culture.

It started with the powerful melody of the theme song of the same name of 'China Wisdom China Tour', using sound as ink to paint a magnificent picture of the times; five struggle narrators took the stage one after another, unfolding the warm expressions of the theme of struggle;  - Lujuba

Zhang Liangying and Zide Qinshe jointly performed a creative interpretation of "Qing Ping Diao" + folk version of "Phantom of the Opera". When Western classic operas collided with traditional Chinese musical instruments, they fully demonstrated the new cross-border charm; in "Blue and White Porcelain", Zeng Shunxi and Ju Jing Yi sang a soulful duet, and Liu Lingzi and Zeng Keni danced beautifully using the blue and white cloud-dragon pattern elephant ear vase as their artistic prototype; Liu Yuning performed "Serve" which combines melodious ancient style and lyrical rock, and the artistic work "" by Nanjing sculptor Chen Jianhua was specially displayed at the scene. "Xuansi" - a 2.8-meter-high and 3.8-meter-long war horse sculpture stands on the stage, giving an immediate sense of the journey and heroic spirit.

"Beyond ourselves is the most basic requirement we have for ourselves every year, not just a certain song or a certain stage, but the entire texture." This is the voice of the chief creator of Jiangsu Satellite TV's New Year's Eve team. In the eyes of many viewers, this year's "transcendence" lies in a new upgrade of spirit and spirit. The party not only awakened everyone's youth memories, but also activated everyone's historical feelings, life reverie and future thoughts, blooming a more vigorous cultural confidence.

Tempering high-tech technology, many "firsts"

"Firsts" refresh Asia's top show

This party is the seventh time that Lizhi has entered Macau during the New Year's Eve, and it is also the first time that it has joined hands with the Galaxy Arena in Macau, China - a brand new venue. It means the reset of creative rules and technological processes, and it also means the renewal of audio-visual experience.

"The entire stage is a 'black technology', whether it is the construction of the stage or the technology used." According to the creator of Jiangsu Satellite TV's New Year's Eve team, this New Year's Eve many technologies are used in a large-scale live broadcast party for the first time in China and even internationally. Applications, such as using AI to create virtual characters, real-time green cutting, etc. "As a creative team, we also hope to have some new attempts in new venues. Focusing on the 'technological aesthetics' that everyone is looking forward to, we have made A lot of preliminary technical research and development has been carried out, hoping to live up to the level of 'Asia's top show' in everyone's mind."

It started with the powerful melody of the theme song of the same name of 'China Wisdom China Tour', using sound as ink to paint a magnificent picture of the times; five struggle narrators took the stage one after another, unfolding the warm expressions of the theme of struggle;  - Lujuba

Centering on the grand scene of the universe, "Better 2024 Jiangsu Satellite TV New Year's Eve Concert" uses the huge "wormhole" as the visual focus, What the audience will see are various visual elements passing through the 40-meter-long "wormhole" giant screen. The innovative double-stage setting with linked four-sided stage and three-sided stage, as well as the "flying saucer" suspended above the four-sided stage with a glass structure, enrich the spatial changes of the stage.

With the blessing of cutting-edge technology, spatial structure and lighting modeling, this Lychee New Year's Eve once again created audio-visual spectacles with richer artistic expression and rendering methods: 11 Wang Junkai from different dimensions "staged" collaboration; the track "Incarnation" In "The Whale on the Lonely Island", Zhou Shen suddenly disappeared from the stage, and suddenly jumped up on a whale, surrounding the stage; when Shan Yichun sang "The Wind Rises When I Miss You", the whole place turned into a dreamy "Butterfly Valley"... The unconstrained technology scene is extremely magnificent.

It started with the powerful melody of the theme song of the same name of 'China Wisdom China Tour', using sound as ink to paint a magnificent picture of the times; five struggle narrators took the stage one after another, unfolding the warm expressions of the theme of struggle;  - Lujuba

The props and installations with rich artistic flavor have become the breakthrough highlights of this Litchi New Year's Eve: when Lin Junjie appeared, he drove a dazzling purple mechanical bionic beast and slowly passed through the "wormhole", which was full of impact; Mao Buyi Diao Wei Ya Appearing on the stage, sitting on the "moon" and chanting "A Mountain Road", he narrated the ordinary mood across the hills; the music of "Walking with You" sounded, Xue Zhiqian sat on the mouth of a huge drifting bottle, and his artistic conception reached far away; Li Yuchun appeared as a "future warrior". What's even more amazing is the all-metal motorcycle device next to her, which complements her clothing and jointly presents the look of this New Year's Eve show... These art installations are both It blends with the artistic conception of the song and is organically combined with virtual technology to bring an unprecedented surprise to the audience.

sticks to the pen of cultural innovation and creation, depicting the "Better" picture - this is the reason why "Better 2024 Jiangsu Satellite TV New Year's Eve Concert" has once again become the audience's "best choice", and it is also the reason why Litchi's New Year's Eve "use the struggle point" The practice of "bright happiness".

Tags: entertainment